Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Overpopulation Hoax

What do environmentalism, radical feminism, Global Warming, abortion, euthanasia and the militant homosexual  movement have in common? The common denominator in all these movements is global population reduction and control.

Back in the 1960s, an author named Paul Ehrlich wrote a book titled; The Population Bomb in which he predicted that the world would experience massive starvation and death in the 1970s unless the leaders of world nations agreed to institute radical laws that would slow and restrict population growth. Ehrlich recommended that nations develop chemicals that could be added to drinking water supplies to sterilize their citizens and he suggested that the U.S. government create a new federal agency that would have the authority to implement restrictions on family size. Of course, China allows only one child per family and that nation severely punishes women who violate that policy.

Though Ehrlich's doomsday prophecies never materialized, the United Nations embraced his philosophy that the world was severely overpopulated and subsequently devised an agenda to radically reduce the earth's population to 2.5 billion by the year 2100. Dubbed Agenda 21, the UN plan proposes reducing world population by increasing abortion and birth control to "developing nations"; funding organizations that promote homosexuality, rationing health care through socialized medicine and punishing large families with punitive taxes on children. But what does "Global Warming" or "Climate Change" have to do with overpopulation? According to Global Warming doomsayers, the earth's atmosphere is allegedly heating up because of too much carbon dioxide. And what is the single greatest source of carbon dioxide? Human beings who emit carbon dioxide every time they exhale. Hence, the only way to reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere is to reduce global population.

In his second letter to fellow apostle Timothy, the apostle Paul warned that the last days on earth preceding the return of Jesus Christ would be exceedingly violent and wicked. (2Timothy 3) Christ himself warned that the last days would bring "great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now--and never to be equaled again." (Matthew 24:21) And the ancient Hebrew prophet Daniel, who lived 2,600 years ago, revealed that a powerful end-time world leader (Antichrist) would cause "astounding devastation." (Daniel 8:24) Indeed, when men turn away from God, they have no respect for life and they impose tyranny and murder on mankind. Pray for the Lord Jesus Christ to come quickly and soon. 

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