Friday, February 28, 2014

The End of the Church Age

In his epistle to the early church in Rome, the apostle Paul revealed that in the last days when the Jews begin returning to God through Jesus Christ, the church age would soon come to an end.

Here's what Paul wrote: "I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery brothers so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of gentiles has come in, and this way all Israel will be saved." (Romans 11:25)

Paul's revelation that Israel had experienced a "hardening in part" indicates that though Israel corporately rejected Christ 2,000 years ago, many Jews embraced Him as their Messiah. But more importantly, when their brothers and sisters begin to embrace Christ in the last days, the church age will soon be over.

Is Paul's prophecy being fulfilled? Indeed it is. Christianity has virtually vanished in the Middle East and in many parts of Asia where Islamists are destroying churches and murdering thousands of Christians.

In formerly Christian western Europe, the churches are empty on Sundays and more people identify themselves as agnostics and atheists than they do as Christians. And in the United States, once considered the most Christian nation one earth, American churches have lost 25 million members since the 1950s.  

According to research conducted by, approximately 20 percent Americans attended church in 1990. By the year 2000, that number had dropped to 18.7 percent, and then to 17.7 percent by 2004, even though America's population had grown by 48 million.

Furthermore, according to church researcher Thom Rainer, a survey conducted in 2002 of 1,159 American churches found that only six percent reported membership growth that year. Thus, according to Rainer, 94 percent of U.S. churches were losing members as of 2002. And that was 12 years ago.

What about today? According to Pastor James McDonald of Walking In The Word Ministries, "of the 250,000 Protestant churches in America, 200,000 are either stagnant (no growth) or declining. That's 80 percent of the churches in America and maybe the one you attend, if you attend one at all." Why We Are Losing So Many Churches In The United States?

And furthermore, according to McDonald, an estimated 4,000 churches close their doors ever year and 3,500 people leave the Christian church every single day. And even though America's population has more than doubled since 1950, McDonald claims that there are one-third fewer churches in the United States today than there were 64 years ago.

Why are Christian churches vanishing? For millions of people, Christianity is viewed as an outdated belief system that has little or no relevance to the modern world. Jack Wellman, of patheos.comclaims that too many churches have abandoned Christ and His Holy Spirit for a powerless works-righteousness religious system that turns people off.

But that isn't a recent phenomena. Much of Christendom began abandoning Christ in the nineteenth century for universalism and the powerless social gospel. And so, as the early first century church grew by the power of God's great miracles manifested through Christ's apostles, the early 21st century church is shrinking because it has no power. For million across the world, Christianity has become an historical white elephant.

Many folks are convinced that because Christianity is in decline, Islam is destined to become the dominant global religion. In fact, an author named Joel Richardson believes that the coming dreaded Antichrist is going to be Islamic.

However, while the days are numbered for God's true church in the world, a counterfeit form of Christianity that will be heavily based upon signs, wonders and miracles, is on the horizon. And for a world that's become weary of the liturgical rot of dead, lifeless religions, these signs and wonders are going to convert millions of skeptics and atheists into believers.

Unfortunately, these folks are going to follow a false Jesus Christ who will take them to hell.

How do we know this counterfeit revival is coming? Both Christ and the apostle Paul revealed that supernatural phenomena, backed by demonic power, will prevail in the end time world. Christ said this: "For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect, if that were possible." (Matthew 24:24)

The apostle Paul wrote this: "The coming of the lawless one (Antichrist) will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing." (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10)

Paul's prophecy is startling. Not only does it reveal that a great counterfeit spiritual revival is going to sweep across the world in the last days, but that it will deceive millions. And those who are going to be deceived by this revival will be willingly deceived.

Despite the fact that the Bible clearly warns of the collapse of the end time church (Matthew 24:10) along with the end of the church age, many professing Christians actually believe that a global revival is coming that will usher in Christ's kingdom on earth. By willfully ignoring the warnings of Christ and Paul, these people are preparing to embrace the Antichrist when he appears.

One such Christian is a man named Todd Bentley, a self described healing evangelist, revivalist and author who's the founder of Fresh Fire USA. Contrary to what the Bible says concerning the last days, Bentley claims that God has told him that a great global Christian revival is on the horizon.

Back in May, 2013, Bentley, wrote that God is preparing to unleash a second Pentecost across the world: "As I was thinking and praying, my faith was stirred along these lines. So I said, 'God, let the angel come that was with John Lake, which helped bring revival in this nation. It would sure be great if we had some angels helping us right now!' All of s sudden, the glory of God came, and in my spirit the light was blinding...Then I started to think about the purpose of Pentecost…However what I am telling you is coming in this hour, the harvest at the end of the age, the harvesters that God is going to release in this hour are going to go out and be just as great or greater (than the Pentecost 2,000 years ago)." Fresh Fire USA - Writings » Another Pentecost

Revivalists such as Bentley call this coming revival a "second" Pentecost. But why the need for another Pentecost? Didn't God appropriate His Holy Spirit once for all true believers in Christ at the first Pentecost? (Acts 2)

He did, but revivalists take an ancient prophecy recorded by Joel (Joel 2:28-32) that revealed the first century Pentecost and place it in the very last days. By doing this, they have unwittingly set themselves and their followers up for what will be the greatest spiritual deception in history.

How will this fraudulent begin? It will most likely begin with increased manifestations of the Virgin Mary throughout the world. This "Mary" is not to be confused with Christ's real mother Miriam.
The Virgin Mary is a pagan deity that is promoted as "The Mother of God" by both the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches. And she has been known throughout history by other names such as Ashteroth, Asherah, Isis, Ishtar and the Queen of Heaven.

But why is Mary the most likely to ignite this counterfeit revival? Because she's recognized and worshiped by Roman Catholics, Orthodox Christians, a growing number of Protestants and even Muslims. That accounts for almost half of the world's residents. Now you can understand why she has the potential to kick off this counterfeit revival that will based upon demonic signs and wonders. Queen of the World

When this revival occurs--and it's coming--the world will worship a counterfeit Christ who will destroy millions. And this Christ will be the bridegroom of the harlot church that the apostle John described in the Revelation as the Whore of Babylon. (Revelation 17)

The appearance of this pseudo-revival will mark the end of true Christianity on earth and the beginning of a global, pagan Christianity. True Christians will recognize what this revival is all about when it occurs. However, they'll been in the minority and they'll be persecuted for not joining in.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Ukraine and Russia

Under siege: Ukrainian protesters battle for freedom

No one doubts that recently deposed Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was a puppet of Moscow.

And no one doubts that Yanukovych was an extremely bad man who deserved to be thrown out of office by the very people who he claimed to represent.

Like classic despots throughout history, Yanukovych enjoyed the high life in his palatial palace in Mezhyhirya while his people suffered in the misery of poverty, high unemployment and little hope for the future.

The Ukrainian people had the right to remove this bum. They not only wanted to be free of him, but they also wanted to be free of Moscow's rotten influence that essentially installed Yanukovych in 2010 as their president.

The citizens of Ukraine well remember what happened to their nation during the 70 years that the old Soviet Union ruled and ravaged their country with an iron fist. And they didn't want that happening again under Yanukovych who took his orders directly from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

When Yanukovych refused to allow the Ukraine to become a member of the European Union, the Ukrainian people knew who really made that decision. And they took to the streets in bloody, violent protests to demand Yanukovych's ouster.

When Yanukovych finally left, the Ukrainians celebrated as if the devil himself had been kicked out of their nation. 

Some folks with conspiracy notions believe that the CIA, under orders from the Obama Administration orchestrated the uprising through Ukrainian activist groups that galvanized the rebellion via social media. 

Certainly, anything is possible considering the chaos that ensued beginning in 2010 that swept through the Middle East and Northern Africa during the infamous Arab Spring. There was some evidence to suggest that the Obama Administration may have played a significant role in igniting that uprising. 

Regardless of whether the Obama Administration played any role in the Ukrainian revolt, the Russians aren't happy. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who's never shy about sharing his opinions, strongly suggested that the influence and meddling of "western politicians" in Ukrainian "affairs" played a major role in bringing down Yanukovych. When Lavrov mentions "western politicians" you know who he's referring to.

For now, the loss of the Ukraine represents a major blow to Putin's ambitions to build his new Russian empire. But you can be sure that at some point in the future, Russia will try to reclaim that nation that it considers its own.

And you can be sure that if Putin discovers that the United States played a role in the Ukrainian uprising, there will be payback. And it could be significant. Putin views America as a nation in decline governed by leaders who are emasculating their military because they no longer want to fight wars. That's a recipe for disaster.

And biblical prophecy tells us that Russia, along with China, are two nations on the rise politically, economically and militarily. (Daniel 11) At some point in the future, they will vie for control over a world government.

For now, the Ukrainian people can celebrate their independence from Russia. But for how long?

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Doctrines of Devils

What are the healing codes?

Those who are promoting them claim they are "A 21st Century Healing System Based on Ancient Truth" that's contained in the Bible.

These folks also claim that the codes can miraculously cure deadly diseases; deliver people from emotional maladies such as depression and anxiety and even bring financial success and material prosperity.

Dr. Ben Johnson, who co-founded The Christian Healing Codes along with Dr. Alex Loyd, claims that the codes healed him from ALS, a deadly disease more commonly known as Lou Gehrig's Disease that is nearly always fatal.

Here are Johnson's own words that claim his recovery from ALS after he began practicing the healing codes: "The truth of the matter is that we seldom run across a truly new therapy, especially one that can potentially change the landscape of medicine as we know it. When this coincides with our own personal point of need it can be a truly phenomenal event. I didn’t know it at the time I was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS), but the new therapy I was searching for is “The Healing Codes,” developed by Dr. Alex Loyd, who I am pleased today to call my friend and partner. After only three months of practicing The Healing Codes, I returned to the surgeon who first diagnosed me. He ran the EMG test for Lou Gehrig’s and found it to be 100% gone. I have been symptom-free since March 2004. For those of you who don’t know – there is no cure for Lou Gehrig’s disease."

While Johnson's testimony seems sincere, there's simply no way to prove his claim without being able to examine authentic medical reports that verify he was diagnosed with ALS and then subsequently diagnosed without it after he began practicing the codes.

In other words, you have to take Johnson's word for it.

There are other testimonies on the healing codes website. The testimonies are usually followed by a first name or by a first name and an initial only.

Here's a testimony from "T.R." who claims the healing codes delivered him or her from back pain: "Because I saw great results as a client, I was determined to learn to do The Healing Codes for myself and those I cared about. I pay close attention to anything that I react to that doesn’t seem appropriate for the circumstances. I work at finding the picture that is the root cause, and then do an exercise to heal the picture so my body stops physically reacting. In doing this work over the past year, I have watched colds and flu disappear within minutes of doing an exercise, have given up wearing wrist braces for carpal tunnel syndrome and a belt for lower back pain and have discontinued taking medication for constant headaches. I work through challenges that I would have run from a year ago, and I have an overall sense of well-being that I never thought was possible. I also have hope, which is the greatest gift of all. I know my life will continue to get better when not too long ago, I wondered how I could go on another day."

The problem with testimonies such as Johnson's, T.R's and the many others who claim to have been healed by the codes is that no evidence is provided to prove their claims.

Without proof, the healing codes sound like another scam designed to exploit troubled folks who are desperate for hope. Not surprisingly, Loyd and Johnson charge for their amazing new breakthrough. If you want to learn how to use the codes to overcome whatever ails you, you have to pay for it. It's not free.

Certainly, that's not illegal. But consider that neither Jesus Christ, nor his disciples, nor the apostles who came after them required payment as a prerequisite for healing people.

Furthermore, when we examine the healing codes, we find that Loyd and Johnson's "breakthrough" remedy is just a rehashed version of the false Positive Confession-Word of Faith gospel that comes right from the eastern religions and the Hindu Vedas. It's not Christian, not matter how many scriptures and biblical labels are attached to it.

There are no secret healing codes in the Bible. If you want to live a long, prosperous and healthy life, then I suggest you read such scriptures as Psalm 91 and the Book of Proverbs. Those scriptures have been around for 3,000 years and are as relevant for today as they were when they were written.

The healing codes? They are a fulfillment of biblical prophecy concerning demonic teachings in the end-time church. Nearly 2,000 years ago, the apostle Paul warned: "The (Holy) Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron." (1 Timothy 4:1-2)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

One World and Ten Kingdoms

The Club of Rome's proposed New World Order

"I believe at some future day, the nations of the earth will agree on some sort of congress which will take cognizance of international questions of difficulty and whose decisions will be as binding as the decisions of the Supreme Court are upon us." Ulysses S. Grant, U.S. President 1869-1877

Nearly 2,600 years ago, the Hebrew prophet Daniel received a vision concerning four great world kingdoms that would rise and subsequently fall throughout history before the kingdom of God was firmly established upon the earth in the last days. 

Unlike the first three kingdoms that were regional empires, the fourth kingdom that Daniel witnessed was a global kingdom that encompassed the entire earth.

Daniel described the kingdoms he saw in his vision as "beasts" and he ascribed animal-like qualities to each kingdom. 

However, Daniel described the fourth and final world kingdom as a ferocious monster; "terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns." (Daniel 7:7) Daniel recorded that the fourth kingdom "will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it. The ten horns are ten kings that will come from this kingdom." (Daniel 7:23-24)

Furthermore, Daniel revealed that out of this global 10-nation confederacy, a powerful king would arise to assume global power: "After them (ten kings) another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue (overthrow) three kings. He will speak against the Most High (God) and oppress the saints (Christians) and try to change the set times and laws. The saints will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a time. (three and one-half years)" (Daniel 7:24-25)

The apostle John, who recorded the Revelation 1,900 years ago while in exile from Rome on the island of Patmos, received a similar vision concerning an end-time global government that he described as an ugly scarlet beast that featured seven heads and ten horns. 

But unlike Daniel's vision, John witnessed an addition to the terrifying ten-horned beast; a lavishly-dressed prostitute that sat atop this monster. John wrote: "The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and fine pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. This title was written on her forehead: 'Mystery Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and of the Abominations of the Earth.'" (Revelation 17:4-5)

What is this global kingdom that will appear in the last days; how will it arise and how will the 193 current nations of the world be sorted into its 10 regional kingdoms? Who will lead these kingdoms and what is the meaning of the mysterious prostitute that sat atop this global kingdom that John witnessed in his apocalyptical vision? 

In order to answer these questions, we must examine biblical prophecy that reveals the events that lead up to this end-time global government and we must closely study the powerful social-political-economic organizations throughout the world that are currently working toward the establishment of a one-world government. These organizations include the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Brookings Institute, the Trilateral Commission, the United Nations, the Bilderberg Group and the Roman Catholic Church.

The members of these organizations consist of international bankers, business leaders, politicians and rulers, religious leaders, geologists, climatologists, scientists, academicians, media moguls, entertainers, movie stars and television celebrities. 

Their goal is to use their status, power and wealth to influence the world directly and indirectly toward global governance and ultimately global government. Though some of these people are actively working toward a one-world government, many are content to conceal their activities by working through an elaborate network of social, political and economic organizations that in turn influence education, the media, the entertainment industry, science, politics etc.

For example, Hedge Fund Billionaire George Soros contributes millions of dollars to such organizations as Media Matters and to influence the world media through outright propaganda and fraud. It was Soros who literally purchased the 2008 presidential election for Barack Obama by pouring millions into the DNC and its affiliates that slandered Obama's opponent John McCain as a warmonger and an extension of George W. Bush. 

Through the efforts of Soros and his network of political organizations, the U.S. elected an inexperienced and unqualified politician in Obama whose political and professional resume was as thin as wafer toast. And yet as inept as he is, Obama has aptly served his duty as a political marionette for globalists such as Soros who aim to reshape the world into a new social and political order.

But how? How can 193 world nations be reshaped into 10 global kingdoms that will be governed by 10 rulers? And how quickly can this happen, given that religious and ethnic hatreds that are several centuries old usually preclude political and economic unity? 

The answer is profound and yet simple; manufacture and exaggerate the type of crises that will convince 193 sovereign nations that it will be in their best interests to join up with new political unions that will promise to provide economic and political stability. 

What are these perceived crises that will reshape the world? And who will ultimately control this new world? The crises are these; (1) Climate Change, (2) Overpopulation, (3) Economic chaos, (3) Energy shortages, (4) Poverty and (5) Food shortages. And the common denominator that drives all of these issues is global population reduction.

How does climate change factor into the equation of overpopulation? Because, according to those that promote climate change fear-mongering, (formerly known as Global Warming) the earth's atmosphere has accumulated too much carbon dioxide that allegedly has resulted in rising temperatures and violent weather that has manifested in more hurricanes, deadly tornadoes, monster blizzards and searing droughts. 

And while those who peddle climate change propaganda point to the typical sources that produce carbon dioxide such as heavy industry and automobiles, the greatest single source of carbon dioxide emissions is human beings. Globalists are blunt in their assessment of climate change; no real reduction in global carbon dioxide levels can be realized until the earth's population is dramatically reduced. 

An organization named WorldWatch Institute that calls for global population reduction, has this on its website: "Looking past the near term concerns that have plagued population policy at the political level, it is increasingly apparent that the long-term sustainability of civilization will require not just a leveling-off of human numbers as projected over the coming half-century, but a colossal reduction in both population and consumption."  

Interestingly, WWI calls for global population to be reduced to and capped at 2-3 billion, which is similar to the numbers that the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberger Group have proposed for world population. Who is WWI? WWI is based in Washington D.C. and describes itself as "an independent research organization focused on natural resource and environmental issues." 

WWI's current president is a man named Christopher Flavin who also happens to be the founding member of the Business Council for Sustainable Energy that is also based in Washington D.C. and is a major lobbying group for green energy. How are the agendas of these two groups connected? By their commitment to reducing global population thereby lowering global demand and consumption of natural resources such as fossil fuels that generate carbon dioxide. 

Their formula is simple and easy to understand; by lowering the earth's population, carbon dioxide levels will depreciate as well as the demand for energy. Fewer people on the planet means fewer carbon emissions and lower consumption of energy resulting in even less carbon emissions.

Their current strategy for global population reduction has been in place since the 1960's. It involves reduction through abortion; the promotion and acceptance of the homosexual agenda; radical feminism, punitive taxes on marriage and families, euthanasia and advanced sex education in public schools that includes the promotion of homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism and the distribution of condoms.

But how do the homosexual agenda and radical feminism factor into the global agenda of population reduction? By encouraging men and women to reject traditional Judeo-Christian mores as outdated, oppressive and bigoted. Homosexuals and lesbians can't procreate and the more people that are persuaded to join the gay lifestyle, the less likely they will revert to traditional heterosexual relationships and procreate. 

And religious leaders, churches and organizations that proselytize homosexuals and lesbians for repentance and conversion back into traditional heterosexual roles via the Bible are thus branded as bigots, homophobes and haters. The homosexual agenda has been camouflaged and sold to the world as a human rights issue when in fact, it is part of the global agenda to reduce the world's population. And in order to sell this con, homosexuality has been justified as proven science when in fact, science has never proven that homosexuality is genetic.

Radical feminism promotes female independence by attacking traditional marriage and the family as sexist, constraining and oppressive to women. Radical feminism encourages women to pursue professional careers and either delay or forgo marriage. By doing so, women are encouraged to put off childbearing or settle for smaller families that won't hinder their professional careers. And if an unwanted pregnancy occurs, then abortion is encouraged as the solution to the problem.

But these population controls have had little effect in areas such as Southeast Asia, Africa and in Central and South America where the world's greatest population growth is occurring. The solution to that is simple; westernization. In North America, the massive amnesty and new borders proposed by George W. Bush's Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico is designed to open U.S. and Canadian borders to Central America to indoctrinate the third world into western values that include higher education, environmental awareness, birth control and smaller families. 

This philosophy was tried under the banner of multiculturalism in Western Europe that encouraged massive immigration from North African Muslim nations through jobs and welfare entitlements. And yet multiculturalism has failed as Muslim immigrants have not only retained their religious and cultural identity, but have declared a jihad on the west and it secular values. As Europe and now much of the rest of the world have finally realized, Islam has its own vision for world dominance and won't give up easily.

What solution do the globalists have for the Muslim world? Destabilization of Middle Eastern nations for the purpose of overthrowing entrenched dictators and Islamic regimes and replacing them with "democratic" governments that will implement the globalist agenda of population control, global peace, religious tolerance, environmental stewardship and the transition toward global governance. 

The recent turmoil in the Middle East that began in Tunisia and spread across the region to Egypt, Bahrain, Oman, Iran and Libya seems to have originated with George W. Bush's State Department, according to a 2008 Wikileaks memo. According to the memo, the Bush State Department allegedly recruited and trained anarchists from the Middle East in organizing street protests and unrest through the use of internet social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Google. 

According to the leaked memo, the U.S. would wait for the appropriate situation to light the match and set the Middle East on fire. And that literally happened in Tunisia when a man launched a protest against that nation by setting himself on fire.

If these efforts fail to convince the nations of the world to acquiesce toward a new world order, then economic chaos will be the weapon of order. Currently, the U.S. and many European nations are either deeply in debt or near bankruptcy that has resulted in significant discrepancies between world currencies. 

The U.S. dollar has been the preferred currency of world nations in international trade and investment for decades, but the dollar is collapsing under the weight of America's enormous debt caused by too much borrowing and spending. Unless the U.S. reigns in its profligate spending and soon, the world will begin abandoning the dollar as its reserve currency and the U.S. economy will collapse.

Is a new global currency on the horizon? Li Ruogu, Chairman of the Export-Import Bank of China, said this in a July 6, 2009 interview with Reuters: "It is a feasible plan to reform the present SDR (Standard Drawing Rights) and make it into a real settlement currency, a universally accepted 'currency basket' that would replace the dollar at the heart of the (world) monetary system." 

Joan Veon, a businesswoman and the executive director of the Woman's International Media Group, Inc., projected this concerning the world's adoption of a single, new currency: "Furthermore, a global currency would signal two other serious changes: (1) the final loss of sovereignty between the countries of the world and (2) the dollar would no longer be the world reserve currency signaling its power and strength over other currencies. By eliminating the dollar and its position as a world reserve currency, it would break the hold of the financial power of the U.S. While these (global) wizards of finance are aiming for 2040 as the year of the switch, I certainly hope their ideas go the way of the Titanic."

Unfortunately, they won't. The collapse of the dollar is precisely what globalists want because as Veon explained, the death of the dollar would mean the end of American imperialism, sovereignty and power. But even more importantly, the dollar's decline and death will be used as the conduit toward the adoption of a single global currency and ultimately a cashless society where coin, paper money, credit cards and checks will vanish and be replaced by a new international debit-credit system controlled by a central world bank. 

And the social impetus that will encourage the world to adopt such a new system will be the elimination of check and credit card fraud, identity theft and the end of drug cartels and other elements of organized crime that operate almost strictly in cash. 

The apostle John prophesied this ominous economic system under the control of the Antichrist: "He (Antichrist) forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name." (Revelation 13:16-17)

John's prophecy made little sense 1,900 years ago in the primitive world of his time. However, it makes perfect sense today considering that tiny computer chips can now be implanted in animals and human beings to track them anywhere in the world. In fact, this technology that has been used to keep track of criminals and runaway house pets will eventually be used to track every human being on earth.

 Obviously, the fewer human beings on the planet means fewer people to keep track of. And a smaller population means easier control for a world government and the less likelihood of insurrections. But John's prophecy has yet another ominous warning; that in order to be signed up for the new global economic system, everyone will be required to swear allegiance to and worship the global leader. 

Those who refuse will be denied computer chips and will be unable to buy, sell or transact business. They will literally be forced into an existence where they will have to hide to avoid persecution and will have to rely on their own instincts for their survival.

Concerning this coming world government, Jesus Christ himself warned 2,000 years ago that the plans of men who reject God's ultimate truth for a lie will have dire consequences. This is what Jesus prophesied concerning man's global end-time utopia: "For there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now--and never to be equaled again. If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened." (Matthew 24:21-22)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Climate Change and Global Government

2014: The third coldest winter in U.S. history

We're constantly being warned by hysterical political and scientific elites that Climate Change (a.k.a. Global Warming) is "settled science" and that we're headed for a global catastrophe unless we undertake drastic measures to cool down the earth's atmosphere.

What would those measures entail? For starters, they entail the sharp reduction in so-called greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide that the elites tell us are allegedly heating up the earth's atmosphere at an alarming rate.

John Kerry, a buffoon who masquerades as the U.S. Secretary of State, recently placed climate change on equal footing with such scourges as terrorism, poverty and global pandemics: "Terrorism, epidemics, poverty, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction: all challenges that know no borders. The reality is that climate change ranks right up there with every single one of them."

And in the classic fashion of an arrogant, elitist bully, Kerry dismissed those who dissent from Climate Change as fringe lunatics: "We just don't have time to let a few loud interest groups hijack the climate conversation. I'm talking about big companies that like it the way it is, that don't want to change, and spend a lot of money to keep you and me and everybody from doing what we know we need to do. We should not allow a tiny minority of shoddy scientists and extreme ideologues to compete with scientific fact. The science is unequivocal, and those who refuse to believe it are simply burying their heads in the sand."

According to Kerry's logic, those who are burying their heads in the sand in regards to climate change would include the folks at the Hadley Center and Climactic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia, who are some of the world's foremost experts on Climate Change-Global Warming. 

Their research reveals that the earth's overall temperature has dropped a full degree since 1995. That debunks Kerry's global warming hysteria. 

And in 2009, the Helmholtz Association, one of Germany's largest scientific research organizations, discovered that the ice at the North Pole had gained two meters in thickness to four meters, something that shouldn't be happening if global warming is taking place.

Furthermore, according to research recently conducted by NASA's Langley Research Center, the earth's atmosphere is actually cooling down rather than heating up as climate hysteria mongers such as Kerry and former Vice President Al Gore would have us believe. 

With the mounting evidence that Climate Change-Global Warming is a fraud, then what's behind this agenda? Why are folks such as John Kerry, Al Gore, Barack Obama etc. warning the world that catastrophe awaits unless the world cuts its greenhouse emissions?  

Because climate change-global warming is really about transitioning the world toward global government. In what way? By creating artificial crises that convince the nations of the world to trade their individual sovereignty for the security of a one-world government that has the power to solve these crises. 

A former Australian politician named Nick Minchin summed it up best: "For the extreme Left it (Climate Change-Global Warming) provides the opportunity to do what they've always wanted to do, to sort of de-industrialize the western world. You know the collapse of communism was a disaster for the Left and they really embraced environmentalism as their new religion."

The Left's fetish with nature is leading us toward a world government. And biblical prophecy recorded thousands of years ago has warned us that this would happen in the end times.

It's almost here. And when it comes, it's going to be horrific. In Part II: what this world government is going to look like.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Revival From Hades II

"You create the presence of Jesus with your mouth...He is bound by your lips and by your words."  Paul Yonggi Cho, The Fourth Dimension

If a tiny spark is merely all that's needed to ignite a devastating forest fire, then all it will take is a tiny spark to ignite one of the greatest spiritual revivals in the history of the world. 

Unfortunately, like the forest fire that is visually spectacular and yet destructive, so too will the coming global spiritual revival be both impressive and deadly; impressive in its sensual deceitfulness and deadly in its mass destruction of souls.

So deadly will this revival be that literally billions may be drawn into its spiritual black-hole. In fact, this revival will be so seductive in nature that Jesus Christ himself warned his followers to be alert and ready for it when it appeared. Christ stated: "For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time."(Matthew 24:24)

Just who did Christ warn? Certainly not the pagans or unbelievers who reject the truth and embrace falsehood in whatever form or package it comes. Rather, Jesus warned his own to guard their hearts and stay awake because their enemy Satan would target them specifically for the greatest spiritual fraud since the inception of the Church. 

And, in what way would the devil attempt to deceive true Christians at the end of time? By sending an imposter who will claim to be Christ who will be empowered with incredible supernatural power that will convince many that he's the real deal who has returned to earth to establish his millennial kingdom and restore peace and harmony to a strife-torn planet.

That scenario seems unlikely if not preposterous when you consider that Christianity appears destined to land on history's ash-heap of dead and forgotten religions. Christianity has all but vanished in many areas of the world such as Northern Africa and the Middle East, and the faith has reached coma status in Europe where the majority of churches are virtually empty on Sundays. 

In the United States, once considered the most Christian nation on earth, the numbers don't lie; every major denomination has experienced a significant decrease in membership since the 1970's. That fact itself underscores a prophecy given by Christ who revealed a great falling away from true Christianity in the end times. (Matthew 24:10)

So, knowing how much the devil hates God and His Son Jesus Christ, it seems only logical that Satan would work desperately to eradicate any and all evidence for the existence of God and his plan of salvation that he offered mankind by grace through Christ's atoning sacrifice for all sin. 

In fact, that seems to be playing out with Islam's rapid expansion throughout the world and with the explosion of militant atheism in the west that threatens to criminalize religion and erase all vestiges of God from the earth's landscape.

But the devil isn't bound by man's logic; in fact he often uses human logic to deceive mankind. Case in point: Most Christians who still believe that Satan is a real, diabolical being rather than a "symbol of evil" understand correctly that the devil is incapable of committing righteous acts. However, the devil will often mask his diabolical intentions behind noble causes. 

For example, both the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormonism) and the Roman Catholic Church oppose such evils as abortion, sexual perversion and euthanasia. In fact, the Catholic Church has been passionate in its defense of life and the sanctity of marriage, as has the LDS church.

However, both are counterfeit forms of Christianity that offer bogus paths to eternal life. No one, no matter how earnest and sincere they are in adhering to the unbiblical gospels promoted by these two churches will gain eternal life because the Jesus Christ presented by these churches is not the genuine 

Christ revealed in the bible who willingly died "once to take away the sins of many people" (Hebrews 9:28) on the Cross. Rather, the Christ of Roman Catholicism must be continually immolated on Catholic altars for the remission of sin while the Christ of the LDS church must be looked to as a New Age messiah who allegedly appeared in the world again after his ascension to heaven to reveal the path to godhood through Mormonism.

And so, Satan's diabolical genius is simple and easy to understand; infiltrate the true church of Jesus Christ with imposters (Jude 1:3-4) who would deny God's power, pervert the Gospel and replace it with an ecumenical, man-centered gospel that would drain the cross of its power and send Christians into the godless, secular world for spiritual wisdom and deliverance from sin and its ramifications. The growth of godless, humanistic psychology has coincided directly with the fall of Christendom. 

As Christendom began to doubt and deny the power of Christ in the nineteenth century, many Christians began to turn to secular psychology for answers to spiritual problems and deliverance from the consequences of sin such as alcoholism, drug addictions, anger and sexual perversion. Many Christian seminaries and universities have instituted courses and programs in "Christian" Psychology, that are mandatory for prospective pastors, ministers and youth leaders before they can be ordained.

As Christendom turned away from Christ and the power of his Holy Spirit, it withered and died; first in the eastern world and now in the western world. The spiritual vacuum created by Christianity's collapse was initially held in check by totalitarianism (Communism, Nazism, Fascism etc.) until its collapse in the late twentieth century. 

Following that collapse, Islam then moved to fill the spiritual vacuum in the eastern world followed by militant atheism in the west led by liberals, socialists, intellectuals and Marxists. Both Islam and militant atheism have global aspirations; Islamists envision a global caliphate that will exterminate world Jewry and outlaw all other religions while atheists envision a godless, secular world where all religions would be outlawed and man would replace God as the supreme authority of the universe.

Between the epic struggle for world supremacy being fought by Islamists and atheists, we have also seen an increase in "wars and rumors of wars...nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom...famines and earthquakes in various places." (Matthew 24:6-7) Combine this with the "increase in wickedness" (Matthew 24:12) and global economic turmoil and you have a spiritual climate that is ready for a global savior and millions who are eagerly seeking a savior who will rescue the planet from certain destruction.

And so, Satan's master plan doesn't involve establishing Islam as a one-world religion with a global caliphate. Nor does it involve setting up a secular global government sans religion; rather it involves creating global hopelessness, panic and hysteria and then offering his "Jesus Christ" to the world as his ultimate solution to rid the planet of fear and strife. 

Neither Islam nor atheism will play any role in the upcoming world government, a fact that God revealed through the ancient Hebrew prophet Isaiah over 2,700 years ago. Satan, it turns out, isn't an atheist and he has no desire to establish his own manufactured religion as the world standard. Rather, Isaiah revealed that Satan desires to beat God by deceiving God's people into embracing the devil as God himself. 

Concerning the devil's ultimate ambitions, Isaiah recorded God's revelation: "You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of the assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain, I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." (Isaiah 14:13-14)

Satan's ultimate desire then is to offer a phony Christ to the world; promote him as the Messiah and order the world to worship him, a fact revealed in prophecy. The apostle John wrote: "He (Antichrist) exercised all the authority of the first beast (Satan) on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast..." (Revelation 13:12) 

 But how can the world be convinced to pursue and follow a religion that it views as outdated and passé? John gives us the answer: "And he (Antichrist) performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men. Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth." (Revelation 13:13-14)

What will be the tiny spark that will ignite the counterfeit global religious revival? And who will ignite that spark? That spark will be ignited by supernatural signs and wonders that will dazzle millions. And that spark won't come from some small, independent church or self-styled messiah; it will come from an old and established church that will give the supernatural movement credibility that it never could gain through a small-time operation. The Roman Catholic Church will indeed become Satan's accessory to reveal his phony Christ to the world along with all sorts of supernatural phenomena that will deceive multitudes.

But how can we know for sure that the Catholic Church will become part of Satan's master plan to deceive the world? The apostle John not only revealed that a world government consisting of 10 nation groups led by seven rulers will arise in the last days (Revelation 13:1, Revelation 17:3) but that this world government will be partnered with a powerful global religion headquartered in a city surrounded by seven hills. 

Only two world cities are surrounded by seven hills; Rio de Janeiro that is located in Brazil and Rome that is located in Italy. Rome is home to the Vatican which is the world headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church. When John recorded the Revelation in about 90 A.D. the Roman Catholic Church didn't exist and wouldn't come into existence until the Fourth Century A.D.

And so, keep your eyes on the Roman Catholic Church. The Catholic Church successfully instituted a global ecumenical movement with Vatican II (1962-1965) that has encouraged many Protestant denominations to promote Christian unity to the world by joining with Rome

The infamous Evangelicals and Catholics Together (ECTI) and ECTII agreements signed in the 1990s between high-ranking Catholic bishops and leading Evangelicals such as Pat Robertson, Charles Colson and Bill Bright opened the door for many Protestants and Evangelicals to return to the Catholic Church. Denominations such as the Anglican, Episcopalian and Lutheran churches have even pledged to stop evangelizing Catholics and have taken steps toward sharing a communion with the Catholic Church.

But the ultimate communion won't take place until the miracles begin, and biblical prophecy indicates that those counterfeit supernatural wonders may begin taking place soon. Many Evangelicals, Pentecostals and Charismatic Christians have turned away from the historic biblical gospel and are eagerly pursuing a gospel based upon supernatural events. 

For example, Kathie Walters, an associate of Charismatic-Messianic evangelist Sid Roth, claims that she saw Michael the Archangel appear at a conference in North Carolina where Roth was speaking in 2008. Upon seeing the angel, Walters then said this while claiming to hear the audible voice of Christ himself: "As I saw Michael suddenly come, I knew in my spirit that God was calling Sid to signs and wonders in Israel...The Lord kept saying to me; 'The Jews require a sign and they will see signs and many healings and miracles.' The Messiah Yeshua, the Healer, the Deliverer and the Restorer, the forgiver of sins will demonstrate his power in Israel with signs and wonders."

Like all end-time revival prophets, Walters and Roth ignore scripture by claiming that miracles will directly precede and expedite the return of Christ. In fact, these prophets teach that once the miracles commence among the Jews in Israel, then all Israel will embrace Christ as the Jewish Messiah. Not only does biblical prophecy not say that, but it reveals that the Jews and the nation of Israel won't corporately embrace Christ as the Messiah until he returns to rescue the Jewish nation from certain annihilation at Armageddon. (Zechariah 12-14) 

Nevertheless, self-styled prophets such as Walters, Roth and many others have superseded the bible with manufactured prophecies and false visions that will lead many to the Antichrist. The apostle Paul warned: "The coming of the lawless one (Antichrist) will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)

The Bible identifies spiritual wickedness with counterfeit signs, wonders and miracles. You determine the supernatural source of these events by testing them as the apostle John admonished the early church to do. (1John 4) However, Paul revealed that in the last days, many would become so enthralled by supernatural manifestations that they would refuse to test their sources and thereby allow themselves to be deceived. 

Charismatic-Pentecostal leaders such as Roth, Morris Cerullo, Benny Hinn and many others not only have become the leaders in the growing end-time global Christian Revival Movement, but they are claiming incredible miracles such as the blind receiving sight and the dead rising that simply can't be substantiated.

The ultimate counterfeit supernatural events however, are still to come and those miraculous events will manifest through the appearance of Marian apparitions that will begin to increase rapidly across the world. Those these apparitions have historically been considered "Christian" in nature, they are anti-Christian because they direct their adherents away from Christ to the worship Mary as the alleged "Queen of Heaven." 

For example, a woman named Judiel Nieva-Agoo, who lives in the Philippines, claims she began receiving Marian visions in 1989. Among the messages that Nieva-Agoo claims she was given was this one: "Pray the 15 mysteries of the holy rosary every day to obtain peace for the world and the conversion of sinners." On October 24, 1992, Nieva-Agoo claimed that Mary appeared to her with this message: "My child, I love you all. I am begging you to pray the rosary and wear the brown Scapular with lively faith." 

And on September 8, 1993, Nieva-Agoo claimed this message from the Virgin: "My children, listen, you see how hard Satan is working to destroy unity in the whole world especially between the priesthood and the flock, and in families between man and children. Satan works to take away peace and unity and to stir up trouble all over the universe. We have to launch a counterattack. This will be only through the holy rosary. So pray the whole mysteries of the rosary daily because this is the most evangelical prayer." (The Miracle Hunter)

Though Nieva-Agoo's visions were never officially approved by the Roman Catholic Church, they are consistent with the messages spoken by Marian apparitions throughout the centuries. In fact, 25 Marian apparitions were approved by the Vatican in the previous century alone, making the twentieth century the most active for appearances by the so-called "Queen of Heaven" since the Catholic Church began in the fourth century. 

Coupled with those appearances that are still being evaluated by the Catholic Church as well as those that Rome won't confirm, it is clear that the greatest counterfeit spiritual revival in the history of Christendom is about to occur. The apostle Paul warned: "The (Holy) Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.(1 Timothy 4:1) It is clearly evident that we are now in those times.

Don't allow yourself to be caught up in the coming spiritual deception. Heed the words of Paul who was very familiar with spiritual deception in his time. Paul understood that spiritual deception is always present and the way to reject it is by standing firmly by faith on the word of God. Paul wrote: "So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by world of mouth or by letter. My our Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word." (2 Thessalonians 2:15-17)   

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Revival From Hades

"We are entering a time in history in which the ability to perform mighty deeds (miracles) is going to become somewhat commonplace. There are already in Korea and Japan religious groups that do not relate to Christ at all, who are healing the sick and casting out demons and performing miracles over nature." Paul Cain

It seems unlikely that supernaturalism would experience a comeback in a world where Islam and militant atheism appear to be the finalists in an epic struggle for global supremacy. From the east comes Islam, emboldened by the collapse of Christendom and the subsequent explosion of moral depravity in the western world. 

And from the west comes a revival of Marxism-socialism-communism that is determined to eradicate all religions and their belief systems and replace them with the deification of man and a massive world government that would regulate everything from commerce, banking, education to behavior and thought.

For now, Islamists and humanists have teamed up to finish the job of driving the final stake into the heart of the dying body of Christendom. Islamists hate America because the United States is not only the world's greatest superpower, but also because America is considered a Christian nation and Israel's closest ally. 

Liberals-communists-socialists hate America not only because of her unbridled freedom and wealth, but also because of her historic support of Israel which liberals and socialists believe has made the United States a convenient target of Islamic terrorists. And so liberals and socialists have become unlikely partners with Islamists in their quest to overthrow the United States and destroy Israel.

Ironically, if the Islamists succeed, they will turn on their secular partners and order them to either convert to Islam or be executed. If liberals-socialists-communists succeed, they will attempt to eradicate Islam that would then trigger a massive, bloody insurrection because Muslims are ready and willing to die for their religion while very few humanists would likely be willing to die for their cause. 

Given that Muslims are more committed to Islam than humanists are committed to Marxism, many so-called experts are putting their money on Islamists eventually gaining control of the world and establishing a global caliphate.

One such "expert" is a an author and theologian named Joel Richardson who has written a popular book titled; The Islamic Antichrist. Richardson believes that Islam will inevitably take control of the world and set up a global Ummah that would be ruled by an Islamic Antichrist. 

Richardson bases his belief upon Islam's rapid growth and expansion throughout Europe and the growing Muslim population on that continent that is destined to become Europe's majority by 2050. And given that Islam also controls Africa, much of Asia, the Middle East and is steadily spreading across North America, Richardson seems spot on with his analysis of an inevitable Islamic new world order.

However, the Bible, which has a proven historical track-record concerning prophecy, speaks nothing of an end-time global Islamic world. In fact, biblical prophecy reveals the opposite; that the end-time world will experience a "Christian" revival that will be fueled by an explosion of supernatural events that science will not be able to explain away. 

While an end-time global Christian revival seems unlikely, it's going to happen. Unfortunately, the coming revival will be a counterfeit one based heavily upon signs, wonders and miracles at the expense of evidential biblical truth. In other words, the historic biblical gospel that preaches Jesus Christ crucified on the cross for the sins of mankind will be replaced by a phony gospel that will emphasize supernatural experience over biblical exegesis.

Well, who says? It was Christ himself who spoke of an end-time counterfeit revival fueled by demonic power that would masquerade as a genuine movement of the Holy Spirit. Christ warned: "At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or, 'There he is! Do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time." (Matthew 24:23-25) Far from a secular or Islamic end-time world, Christ revealed an end-time world that would truly believe that it was following him. But the "Christ" of this end-time world will be a counterfeit who will be empowered by Satan himself.

But what will be the catalyst for such a paradigm shift that will see the world reject existentialism and embrace supernaturalism under the guise of Christianity? 

The apostle Paul revealed that the sudden appearance of supernatural events in the world will be that catalyst: "The coming of the lawless one (Antichrist) will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." (2Thessalonians 2:9-12)

Paul's prophecy reveals two important truths; that (1) the sudden manifestation of miracles will coincide with the rise of the Antichrist, and (2) that the Antichrist will be more than just a hypnotic world leader; he will perform miracles that will convince many that he is divine. In fact, he will be mistaken by many well-meaning but biblically illiterate Christians as the genuine Christ who will claim that he has returned from heaven to bring peace to a world torn by violence, war and hopelessness. The apostle John wrote: "And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men." (Revelation 13:13)

And so, what will be the events that will prepare the way for this counterfeit Christianity and false Christ to appear? Two events must occur: (1) the emergence of a global government that will feature 10 nation groups headed by seven regional leaders and (2) the emergence of a global religion that will become a partner with this world government. 

But how can 193 world nations be convinced to willingly forgo their sovereignty and be realigned into 10 groups of nations? Some can and some can't; for those who resist they will be threatened militarily and isolated economically until they acquiesce.

And who will have the power to accomplish such a realignment of world nations? Initially, the United Nations will wield the power that it will acquire through huge wealth transfers and confiscations from such bogus crises as "Climate Change" and "Global Warming". 

Climate Change and Global Warming are fabricated crises designed to induce large wealth transfers from developed nations such as the United States, Japan and various Western European nations to the UN. Under this ruse, the UN would allegedly transfer the money to third world and underdeveloped nations to modernize old factories that burn fossil fuels and emit large amounts of Co2 into the atmosphere.

This massive wealth transfer is already underway with the United States and many Western European nations bankrupt from too much spending that has necessitated too much borrowing from emerging powers such as China, India and Russia. Financial blackmail will become a key weapon for the emerging eastern nations that will force debt-ridden nations into submission. 

For example, much of America's $15 trillion debt is owned by China, Russia, India, Japan and Saudi Arabia that financed that debt through the purchase of U.S. Treasury Bonds. It's no secret that China, Russia and India are emerging industrial nations that rely heavily on fossil fuels, a resource that the U.S. has an abundance of.

In fact, the U.S. could easily become energy independent from Saudi Arabia and the rest of the world if the U.S. would rely on its own resources. However, since the 1960's, radical environmentalists have shaped America's environmental policies that have restricted and prevented the U.S. from tapping into much of its own coal, natural gas and petroleum resources. Those resources will become the collateral for the emerging industrial nations that currently own much of America's debt. 

 The United States may be forced into allowing those nations to either tap into America's coal, natural gas and oil as payment for that debt, or those nations will stop loaning the U.S. money and threaten to cash their bonds which could raise the interest rates on America's debt and destroy her economy. 

If the Occupy Wall Street crowd wants something to get angry about, then they should get angry at the U.S. government rather than Wall Street for selling out America's future and putting the U.S. in very serious danger of becoming a financial slave to the emerging eastern world.

Just as the emerging eastern world is rapidly becoming the new industrial and technology giant in the world, so will it become the epicenter of the coming counterfeit religious revival that will have a Christian façade. According to biblical prophecy, the coming Antichrist will arise in Russia (Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38-39) and he will be both a political and a religious leader who will deceive multitudes. 

Biblical prophecy also reveals that he will rise in conjunction with the Roman Catholic Church, (Revelation 17) so two important events must occur in order for the Antichrist to appear; (1) the rise of a one-world government and (2) the reunion of the Eastern Orthodox churches and the Roman Catholic Church that have been separated for 1,000 years. 

When that reunion occurs--and talks between the Vatican and Eastern Orthodox patriarchs have been ongoing for several years concerning that inevitable reunion-then an important piece of the prophetic puzzle will be in place.

That reunion will reestablish the Roman Catholic Church as Russia's prominent church that will then set the stage for the appearance of the Antichrist. 

The apostle John, who was in exile from Rome on the island of Patmos, recorded this incredible allegorical vision of the coming partnership between world government and religion: "Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a desert. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten crowns. The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. This title was written on her forehead: 'Mystery Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and of the Abominations of the Earth.' I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus." (Revelation 17:3-6)

The beast that John saw resembled the beast that the ancient Hebrew prophet Daniel had witnessed in his vision some 700 years earlier (Daniel 7:24) but with an additional twist; the woman who rode atop the beast. The beast that both Daniel and John witnessed represented a global government that consisted of ten kingdoms or nations (horns) ruled by seven kings (heads) or leaders. 

The mysterious harlot that John witnessed high atop the ugly, scarlet beast represented a global religion that will be headed by the Roman Catholic Church. Want further proof? John revealed that the allegorical harlot represented a world city that was surrounded by seven hills. (Revelation 17:9) 

Only two world cities are surrounded by seven hills; Rio de Janeiro that is located in Brazil and Rome that is located in Italy. No world religion has its headquarters in Rio, but Rome is home to the Vatican which is the world headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church. When John recorded his famous vision, the Catholic Church didn't exist and wouldn't come into existence until the Fourth Century A.D.

Furthermore, John described both the colors of Rome's priesthood (purple and scarlet) and the Catholic Church's historic moniker. (Mystery Babylon) While many believe that the Catholic Church has lost her influence in the world and is destined to be replaced by Islam as the world's most influential religion, biblical prophecy speaks otherwise. 

Keep in mind that the emerging eastern powers (Russia, China, India) hate Islam and will eventually form a military alliance that will stamp out Islamic fundamentalism that has been responsible for much of the terrorism that currently plagues the world. 

Though China is still a communist nation, she is moving toward National Socialism that will tolerate and embrace Roman Catholicism, while India is a predominantly Hindu nation, she will also embrace Catholicism because of Rome's historic ability to syncretize with occult and pagan religions. In fact, the late Pope John Paul II once praised India as a nation that offered the world a rich spiritual vision through Hinduism.

And furthermore, since Vatican II (1962-1965) the Roman Catholic Church has embarked on a global ecumenical crusade to convert the world to Roman Catholicism. Vatican II became the Roman Catholic Church's global initiative to convince Protestant churches to renounce Luther's Reformation and rejoin Rome's communion and of course to persuade the Eastern Orthodox churches to reunite with Rome. According to Vatican II, the entire world must become Catholic before Christ can return to establish his millennial kingdom in Jerusalem.

In fact, the Roman Catholic Church will become the vanguard of the new supernatural religious revival that will expedite the global ecumenical movement and eventually lead to the appearance of the Antichrist. Marian apparitions, which have appeared throughout the centuries around the world, are on the increase. Though the Catholic Church tends to downplay these supernatural manifestations, it doesn't deny them because they are a useful proselytizing tool for the church. 

A growing number of Roman Catholics, Protestants and even Evangelicals believe that the increase in these apparitions signals that Christ's return is near. Sadly, the "Christ" who will be embraced by these people will be the ultimate counterfeit in the Antichrist. The apostle Paul revealed the simple reason why many will be taken in by this counterfeit revival: "For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths." (2Timothy 4:3-4)

While heresy and false doctrine have plagued Christendom since its inception 2,000 years ago, the arch-heresy of supernaturalism under the guise of Christianity began to manifest just over a century ago with William Seymour's Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles California

Seymour was a charismatic Pentecostal preacher who believed that no one was really saved in Christ unless they manifested some supernatural gift of the Holy Spirit such as speaking in tongues. Seymour is credited with an infamous prophecy that alleged a global revival that would take place about 100 years after his Azusa Street revival that is dated to 1906. Unfortunately, Seymour's prophecy sounds like the counterfeit supernatural revival that Christ and the apostle Paul warned against.

Nevertheless, many professing Christians are ignoring their warnings and are plunging headfirst into spiritual deception. Seymour's 100-year prophecy was motivated by his false interpretation of an ancient prophecy recorded by the Hebrew prophet Joel who recorded the Lord's own words: "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days." (Joel 2:28-29) 

What were the days the prophet referred to? The apostle Peter responded that the days of the Holy Spirit being poured out on all people began at Pentecost in the Upper Room 2,000 years ago when Christ's disciples received the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:14-21)

And yet Joel's prophecy has been taken out of context by end-time revivalists who have ignored clear biblical warnings that the only end-time spiritual revival in the world will be a bad one that will deceive multitudes. Sadly, from Sid Roth to Shawn Bolz to Rick Joyner to Bob Jones to the many others who are promoting the latest church phenomena called the Emerging Church Movement, biblical prophecy concerning spiritual deception is being fulfilled before our eyes. 

In Part II, we'll look at the leaders of this emerging movement; what they're teaching and what's happening in their churches. Stay tuned.