Friday, May 31, 2013

Signs From Heaven

Although godless humanism seems to be the future of the western world, biblical prophecy reveals that atheism isn’t going to prevail in the end time world.

What is atheism? It is the denial of the existence of God. Most people who call themselves atheists claim not to believe in God because there isn’t any evidence to prove that he exists. Atheism certainly isn’t a malady of the modern world.

It existed during the ancient time of King David who wrote this concerning atheists who existed in his day: “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” (Psalm 14:1) David described atheists as “corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.”

According to the Bible, a fool is someone who is morally depraved. Though David wrote Psalm 14 over 3,000 years ago, his description of atheists is still apropos today. Atheists have historically been some of the most morally depraved persons who ever lived. Some of history’s worst mass murderers have been atheists, from Josef Stalin to Adolf Hitler to Mao Zedong.

And many of today’s morally bankrupt people are atheists from Hollywood and television celebrities to educators at elite colleges and universities to high profile media stars. Their influence over the prevailing culture has created a growing hostility toward people of faith, especially Christians. For example, in Hollywood today, it’s no longer socially acceptable for one to openly profess his or her faith in God or to share that faith. Those who do are maligned as racist and ignorant.

Certainly, there are several reasons why godless humanism has swept across the western world like a flood. The influence of the Christian Church in the western world has been declining since the mid-nineteenth century and that’s mainly due to the church’s refusal to “contend for the faith” (Jude 1:3) and keep Christianity relevant to the culture. When Charles Darwin introduced his bogus theory of evolution in 1859, (On the Origins of the Species) his colleagues in the science community did a better job of refuting his theory than Christendom did. Prophecy Review Today: Darwin and Depravity

Darwin’s bogus theory gave atheists what they desperately sought--scientific credibility. Until Darwin appeared and offered his natural theory for the existence of life, atheists had to rely solely on reason to explain away God. However, when Darwin published his theory, atheists could now use the powerful influence of science to deny God. Of course, the real reason why atheists have historically rejected God has nothing to do with non-existent evidence--it has to do with the desire to escape moral accountability to a Holy God for their behavior.

What is going to trigger atheism’s decline in the western world? It’s going to be the manifestation of supernatural events that science won’t be able to explain away. Jesus Christ himself warned that the end times will feature a proliferation of supernatural signs and wonders that will deceive many: “For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time.” (Matthew 24:24-25)

But what’s going to trigger these events? The apostle Paul explained: “The coming of the lawless one (Antichrist) will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing.” (2Thessalonians 2:9-10) Paul explained that as the world draws near to a global government, supernatural events are going to begin occurring throughout the world. However, these events will be demonic in nature.

And millions of biblically illiterate agnostics and atheists--who will have no ability to test these events--are going to be drawn into this deception. Paul explains why they will so easily be deceived: “They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.” (2Thessalonians 2:10-12)

Paul’s explanation is revelatory and yet still shocking. Millions who dismissed God as an outdated superstition will now suddenly believe in him when these miracles begin taking place. But since they lack knowledge and discernment concerning supernatural events, they will be drawn to a counterfeit god who will be none other than Satan himself.

Thus, what purpose does atheism serve if Satan desires to be worshipped as God? (Isaiah 14:13-14) Atheism serves to eradicate all belief in God and the knowledge of His commandments and transcendent moral laws. Once that’s gone, a spiritual vacuum has been created that Satan desires to fill in with his own brand of miracles that will deceive the world. Paul wrote: “The (Holy) spirit clearly says that in later times, some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.” (1Timothy 4:1)

Deceiving spirits are demons that attract followers via supernatural phenomena, (Marian apparitions, strange images, ghost sightings etc.) counterfeit miracles (Lourdes, Medjugorje) and false prophets. (Nostradamus, St. Malachy, Harold Camping, Benny Hinn, William Branham etc.) Once they snare these people, they introduce them to the world of the occult, of which counterfeit miracles are extremely enticing. Paul continued: “For the time will come when men will no put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.” (2Timothy 4:3-4)

This is what makes the burgeoning Global Revival and Signs and Wonders Movements within Christendom so dangerous--because they condition many to expect an end time global revival for Christ that the Bible never reveals. In fact, this will be the counterfeit revival that the Bible warns Christians not to follow because it will lead directly to the doorstep of the Antichrist.

But when are these events going to begin? Since the Bible doesn’t mention any dates, we don’t know. We do know however that Marian apparitions will most likely be the catalyst of this grand counterfeit revival.

Why Marian apparitions? Because after Christ, Mary is the most revered religious figure on earth. Over one billion Roman Catholics and two billion Muslims revere Mary which makes her a global unifying religious figure. She alone has the potential to unify the entire world. And if the 20th century was any indication, we may be on the cusp of an explosion of Marian appearances. Marian Apparitions of the Twentieth Century

Of course, the Mary of Roman Catholicism and Islam is not the real physical mother of Jesus Christ. Rather, she is a counterfeit that was known in ancient times as the pagan goddess Ishtar or Ashtoreth. Nevertheless, she has the unique power to unite the world--but for evil disguised as good.

Atheism? Though it currently flourishes throughout the west, its days are numbered. However, what replaces it will be far worse. Unfortunately, when the miracles begin to occur, few--including professing Christians--will recognize the spiritual source behind them. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Vladimir Obama's Useful Idiots

Islam: Dar al Islam

Great News! The most ethically challenged president in American history has officially declared that the war on terror has ceased.

And so, now the United States can concentrate its efforts on eradicating all those violent strings of radicalism that threaten freedom and the American way of life.

From the lips of President Barack Obama to your (fill in adjective) brain: "We must define our effort not as a boundless 'Global War on Terror,' but rather as a series of persistent, targeted efforts to dismantle specific networks of violent extremists that threaten America."

Beware when Obama talks about dismantling "specific networks of violent extremists" because that could well mean anyone and anything. To those who dwell in the real world, "violent extremists" connotes Islamic fundamentalists who take their founding prophet Muhammad so seriously that they're willing to extract the heads of infidels.

That literally happened in London recently when two Islamists decapitated a man named Drummer Rigby in broad daylight. And then one of Allah's soldiers--with Rigby's blood dripping from his hands--calmly mugged before the cameras and bragged about his trophy kill while stunned onlookers stood nearby.

But to Obama and his fellow leftists who dwell in a different universe, the London murder along with Sweden's ongoing Islamic uprising along with the recent Boston Marathon bombings did not stem from a so-called war against Islam. And to an extent they're right--the west isn't at war with Islam. Rather, Islam is at war with the western world.

And sadly, this is a war that Islam has already won. When the west sits back and waits for beheadings, bombings and "freedom fighters" to self-detonate in crowded areas before it reluctantly rolls off of its couch and slouches toward the disturbance, then the west has been defeated.

In Obama's different universe, the real extremists are evangelical Christians and their networks that include their churches and conservative groups such as the NRA and the Tea Party.

Who did Obama's IRS bully? Conservatives and Christians. What news network did his Justice Department spy on? Fox. Who did Obama malign as knuckle-dragging morons in 2007 while he was campaigning for the presidency? Christian conservatives. And so, when he talks about going after "specific networks of violent extremists" you'd better understand what he means and who he means to crack down on.

Nearly a century ago, a man named Vladimir Lenin, the father of the Bolshevik Revolution, coined the term Useful Idiots to describe the imbeciles and morons who could be used by the state to do its bidding to dispense its propaganda and destroy its opposition.

Last November, over 50 million Americans willingly became Barack Obama's Useful Idiots by reelecting a man who should never have been elected to the U.S. Presidency in 2008.

Many of those people who voted for Obama's reelection have now become the targets of his wrath. If the shoe fits them, then they must wear it. Even if they're forced to wear that shoe in a place where the sun rarely shines.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Burning Down The House

Muslims burn the Swedish flag

"Here's your ticket, pack your bags, time for jumpin' overboard, transportation is here. Close enough but not too far, maybe you know where you are: Fightin' fire with fire."--Talking Heads: Burning Down the House 

In his response to the recent barbaric murder of a man named Drummer Rigby, British Prime Minister David Cameron provided an answer to a question that he had not yet been asked. 

Rigby's murder, according to the PM was “not just an attack on Britain and on the British way of life, it was also a betrayal of Islam. . . . There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act.”

What was the question that Cameron had not yet been asked? It was this: Doesn't Rigby's murder provide additional, absolute proof (as if any more evidence is needed) that Islam is a religion driven by a murderous theology that is intent on conquering the west by violence, force and bloodshed?

Cameron's answer to the non-question was dreadful and typical of western political leaders whose heads are stuck below the sand or in other places where the proverbial sun never shines. If Cameron and his fellow comrades who lead western nations truly believe that Islam is a "Religion of Peace" that has been sullied by a few radical whackjobs, then the undertaker has arrived. Life as it was once known and enjoyed in the west is over.

Cameron certainly hasn't read the Koran or the Hadith. Because if he had, he likely wouldn't have been so quick to label Rigby's murder at the hands of two Islamic fundamentalists a "betrayal of Islam." 

Because had Michael Adebolajo--one of Rigby's murderers--truly betrayed his religion, he would've spared Rigby's life. Instead, he loyally followed one of Islam's commands to "slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places where they drove you out, for persecution of Muslims is worse than the slaughter of non-believers. (Quran: Sura 2:191-193)

Meanwhile, in Sweden, perhaps the most tolerant and multicultural nation in Europe, thousands of young Muslims have decided to voice their displeasure with their nation's multicultural, non-Islamic worldview by barbecuing automobiles. The Swedish authorities--nearly as ignorant of Islam and bereft of real world common sense as Cameron--have blamed the impromptu cookout on economic deprivation, poverty, hopelessness and despair. Which are the typical hackneyed excuses taken from the Left's worn out ideological playbook to explain (away) crime and violence.

Meanwhile, in America, the most ethically challenged president in the republic's history continues to ignore increasing Islamism within his own borders while ordering ideological drone attacks on fundamental Christians and conservatives. President Barack Obama's IRS bullies flag-waving patriots and Tea Party members; his Pentagon hires an anti-Christian troll named Mikey Weinstein to craft new policies to silence Christian evangelism in the military while his Justice Department, headed by the equally ethically-bankrupt Eric Holder, orders espionage against reporters employed by Fox News. 

And so, when one rural bumpkin was once asked what he would do in the event his house caught fire with the nearest fire station 50 miles away, he provided this answer: "I'd pull up a chair, grab a beer and watch it burn to the ground."

To the people of the western world: Pull up a chair, grab a cold one and watch your house burn and your culture turn to ashes. Because your fire department's busy attending to other business. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

How The West Was Lost

Detroit Michigan

According to biblical prophecy, the two most powerful nations that will exist on the earth in the last days will be located in the eastern world.

The ancient Hebrew prophet Daniel, who lived about 2,600 years ago, revealed that two nations he described as northern and southern kingdoms (Daniel 11) will vie for world supremacy and control over a one-world government in the last days.

Well, how can we possibly determine from that description that those two nations will exist in the eastern world rather than in the west? Because the Bible always places Israel at the center of its geographical map. Therefore, a northern kingdom would be located directly north of Israel, while a southern kingdom would be located south if Israel.

However, Daniel's revelation indicates that these two nations could be neighbors. What is the identity of the northern kingdom? That kingdom is very likely Russia while the southern kingdom likely is China that borders Russia on the south at two points, separated by Mongolia.

Daniel revealed that for a period of time these two nations will be allies. (Daniel 11:6) But this alliance will dissolve and the two nations will become bitter enemies and go to war. 

Certainly, Russia and China are on the rise politically, economically and militarily. Both nations are developing new sophisticated nuclear weapons and delivery systems that can reach almost any destination on earth. 

The Russians are also expanding their energy outreach into Western Europe and even South America by developing new oil wells. If the green energy industry that the west has committed to fails to deliver on its promise to rid the world of fossil energy, the Russians will be in a position to control the world's energy supply. And that will be a dangerous proposition. 

Meanwhile, the west is rapidly descending into a pagan, post-Christian moral cesspool. Evil and depravity abound everywhere from the holocaust of abortion to the embrace of sexual perversion to the explosion of crime and violence.

What's the common denominator that underlies the western world's collapse? It's the abandonment of its Judeo-Christian roots. Fewer people today see any need for Jesus Christ in their lives. A growing number of westerners see Christ as little more than an historical figure who has no relevance in the modern world.

And so, the historical biblical worldview that mandates fear of God, honesty, integrity, decency, holiness, purity and hard work has been replaced by laziness, apathy, narcissism, nihilism, hedonism and debauchery. 

And that permeates the entire culture from top to bottom. Political leaders are a direct reflection of the society and culture they come from. If they come from a morally perverse culture, they will be mendacious and corrupt. And that explains why a number of political leaders in the western world are so morally bankrupt. 

If the culture is corrupt, then its people will not only see nothing special or significant about their society, they will despise it. And they will refuse to support, defend and even die for it.

Take a close look at the western world. It's dying. Nearly 150 years of godless humanism has finally taken its toll. When the Christian church in the western world decided to stop contending for the faith as the apostle Jude encouraged the early church to do unceasingly nearly 2,000 years ago, (Jude 1:3) the western world began its descent into the moral and spiritual abyss. 

And now we see the shift in power from the western world to the eastern world. Just as the prophet Daniel prophesied would happen 2,600 years ago.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Road Less Traveled

"For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."--Matthew 7:13-14

Why is it that with all the available ironclad evidence, fewer people today believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only way to eternal life? (John 14:6)

Why is it that Islam is the world's fastest growing religion, despite the fact that it presents no clear, coherent path to eternal life that can provide anyone the absolute assurance of salvation?

And why is it that godless humanism and its corollary evolution continue to spread like a deadly malignant cancer throughout the western world despite the fact that evolution has long been debunked as an unscientific fraud?

Why? Because few people today believe in absolute truth. The apostle Paul revealed that in the last days, people would be "always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth." (2 Timothy 3:7)

That's because, according to Paul, many people will eagerly embrace things that aren't true, thereby casting doubt on the things that are true. Paul wrote this: "For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths." (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

Here's the absolute truth that can't be refuted: Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came into this world in the form of a humble man to die for our sins on a Roman cross. That event isn't some myth or fable--it's an historical fact.

And what establishes the absolute truth of Christ's propitiatory sacrifice on the cross is the factual evidence provided by Israel's ancient prophets that foretold of Christ and His ministry hundreds and thousands of years before he appeared in the world.

The prophet Isaiah prophesied of Christ's virgin birth in the eighth century B.C. (Isaiah 7:14) He also revealed that the Jewish messiah would be God incarnate, (Isaiah 9:6) and he prophesied Christ's life, ministry, death and resurrection. (Isaiah 53)

The prophet Micah prophesied Christ's birthplace of Bethlehem (Micah 5:2) in the sixth century B.C. and the prophet Zechariah revealed in the sixth century B.C. that the Jewish messiah would be recognized by the Jews upon His return by the by the nail scars on His hands from His crucifixion. (Zechariah 13:6)

This is why Christ told the absolute truth concerning the narrow path to eternal life when He said this: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Heavenly Father except through me." (John 14:6) 

Do you believe otherwise? Then you're following a lie. And unless you examine the evidence for Christ and embrace it while you're still living on this planet, that lie will haunt you for eternity.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Immigration and World Government

Why would a nation seem determined to commit national suicide by allowing millions of its southern neighbors to freely cross its borders without any scrutiny?

To the average rational person, it makes absolutely no sense. Especially when some of these people who cross the southern border are unsavory. Such as the drug smugglers who supply the narcotics to the violent street gangs that dispense those narcotics in the big cities and small towns.

And the heavily-armed gang-bangers who are brought in by the drug cartels to eliminate the competition on the streets of those cities and towns. And the unskilled laborers who replace native workers in factory and agricultural jobs because they're willing to work for paltry wages.

If national security is so important to you that you don't want millions of these people waltzing into your nation without any checks and balances, then you're a racist, bigot, moronic knuckle-dragging evangelical Christian who clings to guns and religion and you deserve to be investigated by the IRS.

But if you're a globalist such as President Barack Obama, then you want these people coming here en masse. Why? Because of your worldview which consists of a one-world government where everyone will think, act and live as one.

What does that worldview envision? It envisions a world of small families, unfettered abortions, no guns, no morals, no conservatism, no individualism and definitely no Christianity.

But in order to accomplish that, you need to bring the third world into the first world and indoctrinate the third world into the values of the first world. However, before you can do that you have to erase the borders. And you have to vilify those as intolerant racists who oppose your agenda.

Thus, the latest round of immigration reform legislation being considered by the U.S. government is less about expanding the voting base of political parties and more about building a future monolithic world society where everyone lives as one.

Ironically, immigration reform is really designed to eliminate the third world and eradicate its culture rather than to destroy the first world. Because large families--encouraged by the dominant Roman Catholic Church--are a tradition of the third world. In the first world, large families are discouraged and considered a drain on the earth's resources.

And so, we're headed for a global government. And the latest episode of immigration reform legislation currently being considered will provide another step in that direction if it passes.

And this is prophetic. Nearly 2,800 years ago, the ancient Hebrew prophet Isaiah recorded this prophecy that used the ancient king of Assyria as an allegory for the coming Antichrist: "By the strength of my hand I have done this, and by my wisdom, because I have understanding. I removed the boundaries of nations, I plundered their treasures; like a mighty one I subdued their kings. As one reaches into a nest, so my hand reached for the wealth of the nations; as men gather abandoned eggs, so I gathered all the countries; not one flapped a wing or opened its mouth to chirp." (Isaiah 10:13-14)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The State of Christianity 2013

Here are answers to six questions we're frequently asked:

(1) How do you view the state of Christianity in the world today?
Answer: Not good. True Christianity is all but dead in Western Europe. It's been virtually wiped out in the the Middle East, throughout much of Asia and Africa, and it's dying a slow death in North America. In Central and South America, much of what purports to be Christianity is Roman Catholicism which is a counterfeit. In Eastern Europe, Orthodox Christianity--which is a spin-off of Roman Catholicism--is making a comeback. If there's any good news, there's a growing underground church in Eastern Europe and Asia, and particularly in China. There are millions of people throughout Eastern Europe and in China that are hungry for the Gospel.

(2) Why is Christianity receding throughout so much of the world?
Answer: Because the church has failed to contend for the faith as the apostle Jude warned the early church to do 2,000 years ago. (Jude 1:3) Now, what does it mean to contend for the faith? It means that you continue to engage the world with the gospel message of Jesus Christ and keep it relevant to the world.

It means that you have to understand what the world believes in--such as evolution--and be prepared to respond with good intelligent answers that debunk Darwin's bogus theory. That's what the late Christian apologist Dave Hunt did. He was as good as anybody at contending for the faith. Conversely, when you fail to contend for the faith, you lose big time. And that explains why the church has lost so much ground in the world since the 19th century.

Contending for the faith also means that you have to possess a strong working knowledge of world religions and their belief systems. They have no truth. They contradict themselves. They're manmade and demonically empowered. For example, the Koran has two different accounts of Allah's creation of the physical universe. One claims that "God" (Allah) created the physical universe in six days, while the other claims he created it in eight days. That's huge. Those are just two examples of many discrepancies that exist in the Koran. But the church does a very poor job of pointing things like that out. Why? Because it doesn't want to offend anyone. Well, that's offensive to God. There are two billion Muslims in the world that need to hear the gospel and they aren't hearing it.

(3) What's the biggest problem with the church in North America?
Answer: It's become compromised with the world and contaminated by culture. You see this throughout many inner-city neighborhoods where churches have abandoned the biblical gospel for the powerless social gospel. These churches have replaced Jesus Christ with the government. In these churches, it's all about government programs and legislation--gun control, hate crimes laws, affirmative action, set asides, quotas etc. No one's responsible for their own behavior anymore. Everyone's a victim. Everyone has a grievance. And the government is looked upon as a messianic figure to solve all the problems and provide all the solutions.

In the suburbs, the church has become temporal and soft. In this venue, Christianity is all about bake sales, potlucks, Christmas celebrations, special events, entertainment, picnics and Easter egg hunts. And the typical suburban North American church is more about physical growth than spiritual growth. They're more interested in bringing in new members so they can reach into their pockets in order to pay their staff and maintain their programs. That's not good. You bring people into the church to save them and disciple them in Jesus Christ rather than to take their money. Certainly, a church needs money to operate. But the main focus of a church is to preach the gospel and expand the heavenly kingdom of Christ rather than to build an earthly kingdom based upon a secular, business model.

(4) What's more dangerous in the world today--Islam or Secular Humanism?
Answer: I would say secular humanism. Why? Because leftists--or humanists--don't believe in God. As such, they don't believe that they're held morally accountable for their actions. They don't believe in life after death and God's subsequent judgment that comes to all immediately after death. That explains why leftists are so mendacious and immoral. They will stop at absolutely nothing to get whatever they want. And if that means committing violence and murder--then they'll do those things. They really believe that the end justifies the means.

Some people continue to try to convince me that President Barack Obama is a Muslim who wants to remake the U.S. into an Islamic nation under Shariah law. That's baloney. Obama is a committed leftist and an atheist. His profession of Christianity is strictly for political purposes. He's not a Christian or a Muslim. I think his actions and his rhetoric accurately define who and what he really is.

And the spread of godless humanism throughout the west is the logical consequence of Christianity's failure to contend for the faith. If the church wants to retake the culture that it lost a long time ago, then it has to begin by making the faith relevant to the world once again. That won't be easy because leftists control the information industries--the media, education, Hollywood--that dispense their propaganda. But the church either has to start contending for the faith once again or it's all over. And it may already be too late.

(5) What's the gravest problem within Christianity today?
Answer: The lack of biblical wisdom. Too many Christians don't read the Bible anymore. They don't understand it. They don't know what it says. They treat the Bible as if it's an outdated relic. The Bible is the moral backbone and foundation of our faith. It's a living document. It contains God's commandments, moral laws, prophecy and the great history of the Jewish people, the nation of Israel, the early church and so much more.

There is no Christianity without the Bible. Too many Christians today are following a counterfeit form of Christianity based upon religious experiences. And that's extremely dangerous. Experiences are based upon the physical senses rather than upon the historical, ironclad truth of God's revealed word in scripture. Experience is the realm where Satan thrives.

People have become enthralled with the supernatural. But how can you determine whether something's from God if you don't have the ability to test it? And if you're biblically ignorant, you can't test it. You get drawn away into spiritual deception. And I know people like this. They're always reading books written by someone who claims to have received some new revelation from heaven or they're watching the latest hotshot TV preacher who claims to possess the ability to perform miracles. But these people almost never read the Bible. And when they try to, they can't understand it because they spend so little time studying and learning it.

(6) Are we living in prophetic times?
Answer: Indeed we are. We're seeing the complete breakdown of civility and morality in the western world. We're seeing the disintegration of the nuclear family. Divorce is skyrocketing; suicides are on the rise and sexual perversion is rampant. This is a fulfillment of the apostle Paul's prophecy he revealed 2,000 years ago. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) Many people no longer believe in absolute truth. They've become increasingly narcissistic, apathetic and nihilistic. They live in a state of permanent adolescence. They live for themselves and the moment. They live for pleasure, money, sex, food, entertainment and little else.

We're seeing a global shift in power from the west to the east. Russia, China and India are on the rise while the U.S. and much of western Europe are fading. This is a fulfillment of Daniel 11 that was recorded 2,600 years ago.

And we're moving steadily toward a global government along with a new global monetary system. When is this going to happen? We don't know, but it will probably happen within the next 50 years.

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Separation of Truth and Falsehood

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."--First Amendment

There is no wall of separation between church and state. And it never existed.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment merely prohibits the United States government from establishing a national church or religion. America's founding fathers wanted the citizens of their new republic to be free to worship--or not to worship--as they chose without the government telling them how and what to worship.

That's what the First Amendment was intended to convey in the Bill of Rights. And for 170 years, Americans and their judicial system well understood that.

But in 1946, a man named Arch Everson filed a lawsuit (Everson vs. Board of Education) against a school district in Ewing, New Jersey that reimbursed parents who sent their kids to school via public transportation. So what, you ask? What was the big deal about that?

That was a big deal to Everson because some of the parents who received financial reimbursements from the school district sent their kids to private (religious) schools. Everson believed that the school district had no right to provide taxpayer funds to parents who sent their kids to private schools. And he had a legitimate beef.

Everson contended that the state of New Jersey violated the constitution's Due Process Clause by giving money to parents who sent their children to private schools. The case was eventually taken up by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1947. However, after examining the case, the court wasn't convinced that the state of New Jersey endorsed religion by providing funds to parents of private school students.

Nevertheless, the Supreme Court justices decided that the constitution needed to erect a distinct wall between church and state. Both Justice Hugo Black, who wrote the court's majority opinion in Everson vs. Board of Education and Justice Wiley Rutledge, who wrote the dissenting opinion, agreed that a firm wall of separation between church and state had to be established by the court.

And so, what the original framers of the Bill of Rights had never intended, became a reality in 1947. The U.S. Supreme Court--led by Justice Hugo Black--turned the First Amendment inside out. They created a new law out of thin air. What was intended by America's founding fathers to protect American citizens from state tyranny, became a tool of state tyranny.

Thus, when you hear those--such as President Barack Obama--who opine that the U.S. Constitution is an "evolving document", remember where that began.

And remember the words of the apostle Paul who wrote this 2,000 years ago: "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6:12) 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

He's Not His Brother's Keeper

President Obama and Chris Stevens

"Then the Lord said to Cain, 'Where is your brother Abel?' 'I don't know', he replied. 'Am I my brother's keeper?'"--Genesis 4:9

Imagine, if you will, that you live in what was recently considered to be a violent inner-city neighborhood plagued with drugs, gangs, shootings and murders. 

But then your mayor ordered his police commissioner to crack down on the violence. The commissioner not only complied, he arrested the leaders and several members of the street gangs that terrorized your neighborhood.

Your mayor was so impressed that he decided to honor his commissioner with a special event right in the heart of the very neighborhood where the gangs once ruled. The mayor also invited the media to cover the event just to make sure that they would portray the mayor and his commissioner as the heroic champions who conquered the street gangs in their city.

At the event, with the mayor's rump-kissers, glad-handlers, media sycophants and clown clergy in flowing robes standing by his side, the mayor even presented you--the neighborhood resident--with his own personal phone number in case the bad guys returned to the neighborhood. You can call him anytime, he promised, and he'll send the muscle.

Now imagine that the bad guys have returned. They've not only come back, they've also gotten into a gun fight with some rivals on the street right in front of your house. Bullets are flying everywhere and one even pierces your front window and narrowly misses one of your children. Terrified, they prostrate themselves on the floor to avoid being hit by stray bullets. 

Frightened, you frantically dial 911 for help. When the operator answers, you report what's happening and the operator promises to send help immediately. But help never comes. Outside, you can still hear the shots that sound like a cacophony of exploding firecrackers.

It's been almost 10 minutes since you called 911--which seems like an eternity. Indignant, you call again. Only this time, there's no answer. You try again and get a recorded message that informs you to hang up and try later because all operators are busy assisting other callers.

Outraged, you remember that you have the mayor's own personal phone number and you call him. After several rings, he finally answers and you tell him that the bad guys are back and they're shooting your neighborhood to pieces. 

But instead of promising to send help, the mayor begins screaming at you in an obscenity-filled rage. You've just woken him up in the middle of the night. He's a hard working man and you've disturbed his sleep. F**k you!! he screams and then he hangs up.

That was a hypothetical scenario. But on September 11, 2012, the al Qaeda terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya wasn't. It was real. Four Americans--including John Christopher Stevens, the U.S. Ambassador to Libya--died in that attack.

None of those Americans should have died in that attack. But their boss, President Barack Obama, failed to protect them. Why? Because Obama wanted the world to believe that he had defeated al Qaeda with his take down of Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011. 

And so, had he responded to the Benghazi ambush that was orchestrated by Anser al-Sharia, an al-Qaeda affiliate in Libya, Obama would've admitted that the Islamic terrorist group was still very much alive and functioning throughout the Middle East.

When the White House and the State Department learned that the Benghazi consulate was under attack, American troops stationed in Tripoli were ready to go to the rescue. Instead, they were ordered to "Stand Down" which is a military term for staying put. Those troops were not allowed to save their comrades. They were told to remain in Tripoli while their colleagues were under attack.

Who ordered those troops to "Stand Down"? Only the President of the United States has the authority to issue that order. As a result, four Americans needlessly lost their lives. They were abandoned by their own president who should have protected them. In his dereliction of duty, President Obama became an accessory to murder.

For that, Barack Obama will be judged by God. The blood of those four dead Americans cries out to heaven as did the blood of Abel who was murdered by his brother Cain. (Genesis 4:10)

And of this you can be sure: God hears that cry. He's not deaf. And he will respond.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Case For Capital Punishment

Ariel Castro and his house

I have no doubt that Ariel Castro would've been swiftly executed upon conviction for the crimes he's been charged with had they been committed in the 19th century.

Castro, a 52-year-old Cleveland, Ohio resident, has been charged with the kidnapping and rape of three women who he held captive for 10 years in the basement of his modest home.

Castro evidently used the women as sex slaves, and evidence indicates that he also impregnated one or more of them--possibly several times--and then aborted the consequences. If that's proven, then Castro could be charged with murder as well.

Also, there could be a fourth woman who may have died while enslaved in Castro's macabre basement sex chamber. Police are investigating that possibility and the possibility that Castro disposed of her remains.

Castro's mother has already begged for her son's mercy, claiming that Ariel is "sick." While you can understand her anguish, Ariel Castro is anything but sick. Rather, he's an evil human being who made extremely bad moral choices that ruined the lives of at least three women and their families.

No doubt, Castro's attorneys will play the insanity angle. Police have discovered a letter supposedly written by Castro in 2004 where he admitted that he was a sexual predator. But consider this: If Castro is allegedly insane, then his letter proves otherwise because it reveals that he understood that his actions were wrong.

An insanity defense is predicated upon the fact that someone is incapable of recognizing right from wrong. Castro recognized that he had a problem but he refused to turn himself in.

Fortunately, capital punishment is legal in Ohio. Unfortunately, even if Castro receives the death penalty, it could take several years before he's executed. And then, he would be executed by lethal injection out of the sight of the general public.

I know that capital punishment sounds cruel. Some people will argue that the death penalty solves nothing because it can't reverse the hideous crimes that were committed by an evil monster such as Castro. But capital punishment isn't about reversing hideous crimes or exacting revenge--it's about sending a powerful message to potential criminals that if they commit the type of crimes that Castro committed, they will meet a horrible end.

In the old days, violent criminals such as Ariel Castro were executed by hanging in a public square, in full view of the public. People witnessed firsthand what happened to those who chose evil over good. It certainly wasn't pretty. Death is horrifying--even when it's administered to violent criminals. But public executions delivered their message.

In the days of ancient Israel, the Israelites were commanded by God to administer the death penalty for such offenses that are considered trivial today: "Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death." (Exodus 21:17) Or, how about this one? "Anyone who has sexual relations with an animal must be put to death." (Exodus 22:19) Or, this one? "Whoever sacrifices to any god other than the Lord must be destroyed." (Exodus 22:20)

We certainly don't want to see the death penalty administered to anyone. Unfortunately, capital punishment is a necessary evil that has to be applied to those who embrace evil and destroy others.

In the case of Ariel Castro, he needs to be executed for what he did. And he needs to be executed in the public square to send a very powerful and necessary message that evil will not be tolerated and evildoers will not be allowed to live.

Monday, May 6, 2013

God or Government

Contrary to my postings, I don't hate government. Rather, I despise certain forms of government and their corrupt regimes.

Such as the Obama Administration. My contempt for Barack Obama is well known. He's a phony with limited skills beyond the gift of con. He portrays himself as the champion of the poor while his administration pockets millions in campaign donations from the same wealthy Wall Street firms that helped contribute to America's economic demise beginning in 2007.

He demands that the rich pay their "fair share" of tax while he pays a paltry 18.4 percent rate on over $600,000 in annual income--less than half of what most folks pay who earn that much.

And he often boasts that he runs the most transparent administration in American history while his administration frequently covers up the type of corruption that would've gotten many past presidents impeached and even jailed.

Two recent cover-ups--the Benghazi terrorist attack and Operation Fast and Furious dwarf Richard Nixon's infamous Watergate scandal that took place in the early 1970s. The Watergate scandal cost Nixon his job and still remains the ultimate standard that political scandals are measured against. However, compared to Benghazi and Fast and Furious, Watergate was akin to shoplifting. No one died in Watergate. But American citizens died in both Fast and Furious and Benghazi.

Certainly, Obama is tenaciously protected by an utterly corrupt media that lost its credibility long ago. America's leftist media serves the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party the same way that Tass and Pravda served the old communist Soviet Union for many years. America's media gorges on propaganda dispensed by Obama's lackeys and they sell it to a gullible, largely uneducated and apathetic public.

That apathetic public recently got another serving of horse-fertilizer from the most horse-fertilizer president in American history. At the commencement address he gave at Ohio State University on May 5, 2013, Obama claimed that anyone who hates the government is the enemy: "Unfortunately, you’ve grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that’s at the root of all our problems. Some of these same voices also do their best to gum up the works. They’ll warn that tyranny is always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices. Because what they suggest is that our brave, and creative, and unique experiment in self-rule is somehow just a sham with which we can’t be trusted."

Not all presidential administrations are shams that can't be trusted. However, the Obama Administration is a sham that can't be trusted.

What should Christians do who are despised by this administration that considers them to be the moral equivalent of cancer? They should pray for God's protection. And they should pray for Barack Obama because he's obviously a man who hates true, bible-believing Christians. Don't pray for harm to come to him. Rather, pray for his salvation.

And pray for the United States of America. God, rather than Barack Obama, is ultimately in control of America. If we turn back to God and turn away from our many sins (abortion, sexual perversion, violence etc.) he will heal this land and deliver us from wicked leaders such as Obama.

The Lord gave us this remedy for restoration and renewal in the ancient time of King Solomon: "When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:13-14)

America: Are you listening?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Real and Manufactured Heroes

Jason Collins

When NBA journeyman center Jason Collins recently announced that he was gay, America's secular media immediately equated him with baseball legend Jackie Robinson. 

Just as Robinson broke baseball's color barrier, the media breathlessly gushed that Collins had just broken professional sports' "gay barrier."

I wouldn't be surprised if Robinson turned over in his grave after the media feted Collins. When Robinson broke baseball's color barrier in 1947 after he joined the Brooklyn Dodgers, he had to endure harsh persecution from opponents, fans and even some teammates who didn't want blacks playing major league baseball.

Robinson put up with the abuse, though it hardened him. Although he had been exposed to racism growing up in Pasadena, Ca. in the 1920s and 30s, (yes--even Southern California had plenty of racism) he never experienced the type of racism in his hometown that he later encountered in major league baseball. 

If it wasn't for his strong Christian upbringing, Robinson probably wouldn't have succeeded. But he did against incredible odds. And baseball has become a much better game because of what Robinson accomplished.

However, Collins' announcement accomplished nothing. No professional sport requires prospective athletes to declare their sexuality before they are drafted or signed. It isn't an issue, nor has it ever been an issue.

Unlike Collins, who evidently changed his sexual orientation recently, Robinson didn't choose the skin color he was born with. And he couldn't choose to change his color after it brought him a lot of abuse. Rather, Robinson not only became comfortable in his own skin, he taught others to be proud of that color.

It's quite possible that Collins' declaration of his homosexuality could merely be a clever business decision. At the age of 34--which is old by NBA standards--and his mediocre basketball career essentially over, Collins is in need of new employment opportunities.

What better way to get back on the financial gravy train than to become a "gay pioneer" in professional sports. Certainly, there will be a book deal and most likely even a movie deal as well. That will be quite a challenge for a script writer because Collins wasn't a very good basketball player.

And Collins will also be in need of a clever biographer who will have to reinvent his life story. Why? Because it seems that Collins had a fondness for the ladies for quite a long time before he had his gay epiphany. 

Jackie Robinson was a real American hero. Jason Collins is a pseudo-hero manufactured by America's godless secular elites who glory in their sin and shame.

Collins' sexuality may be manufactured, too. No matter. Whether it's real or not, God's wrath is real. And it's coming. When you violate His laws concerning sexuality and encourage others to do so, judgment is near. Christ warned: "Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come. It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin. So watch yourselves." (Luke 17:1-2)

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Barack Obama's Antichrist

Michael 'Mikey' Weinstein

If wicked people choose wicked leaders after their own evil hearts, then wicked leaders choose wicked operatives to carry out their agendas.

Hence, the Pentagon's recent choice of Mikey Weinstein to help formulate its new policy concerning "religious tolerance" in the U.S. military.

Weinstein, the founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) is anything but a tolerant man when it comes to evangelical and conservative Christians. He hates them, as does the man who was responsible for helping Weinstein obtain his consulting post at the Pentagon--President Barack Obama.

If you doubt Weinstein's hatred of Christians, then read this: "Today, we face incredibly well-funded gangs of Christian monsters who terrorize their fellow Americans by forcing their weaponized and twisted version of Christianity upon their helpless subordinates in our nation's armed forces."

That's music to the ears of Obama who loathes Christians and considers them to be the moral equivalent of cancer. And while the Islamic world has declared war on America, Obama and his ignorant serfs in his administration and the media ignore that threat. 

Rather, they continue to blame Christians for America's terrible reputation in the eastern world, even though the morally bankrupt secular left--of which Obama and his minions are loyal members--is largely responsible for America's poor image across the world.

People throughout the predominantly Islamic eastern world watch TV and go to the movies just like westerners. And when they see the western world celebrating depravity such as homosexuality, gay marriage, abortion, sexual immorality, alcoholism and drugs, they believe that the west is morally weak and on the verge of collapse.

However, Obama and his dancing monkey Mikey Weinstein are so blinded by their secular ideology that all they can see is a boogeyman behind every cross. More bon mots from the "tolerant" Weinstein: "If these fundamentalist Christian monsters of human degradation and tyranny cannot broker or barter your acceptance of their putrid theology, then they crave for your universal silence in the face of their rapacious reign of theocratic terror. Indeed, they ceaselessly lust, ache, and pine for you to do absolutely nothing to thwart their oppression. Comply, my friends, and you become as monstrously savage as are they. (sic) I beg you, do not feed these hideous monsters with your stoic lethargy, callousness and neutrality. Do not lubricate the path of their racism, bigotry, and prejudice. Doing so directly threatens the national security of our beautiful nation." 

Mikey Weinsten is a desperately wicked man. Those are the words of a man who's filled with hatred, bitterness and evil. And they are the views of Barack Obama. And what makes Weinstein so dangerous is the fact that he is a de facto mouthpiece for the Obama Administration. In other words, he says what Obama wants him to say because he isn't a politician and isn't running for public office.

I urge all Christians to pray for Weinstein's salvation, because his soul is in serious trouble. If he died right now, he'd go immediately to hell. Forgive Weinstein for his invective. Don't respond the way he responds. He needs forgiveness. And he needs salvation through Jesus Christ, the Son of God who came into this world 2,000 years ago to die for all sinners.

And that includes Mikey Weinstein and Barack Obama.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

What "Choice" Looks Like

The photo above may be a bit too graphic for many folks. But contrary to the canard that propagandists spew who are employed by the abortion industry, this is what a typical abortion looks like.

If it doesn't makes you sick, then something is seriously wrong with you. That's not a mass of tissue or a malignant tumor--that's an infant created in the image of God that was slaughtered by an abortion doctor. That's an infant that never got the chance to live because its mother exercised her right to murder her infant in the name of "choice."

Abortionists such as mass executioner Dr. Kermit Gosnell, currently on trial for murder, and the late Angel of Death, Dr. George Tiller, who performed multitudes of abortions--including many late term abortions--at his clinic in Witchita, Kansas became filthy rich by murdering unborn babies such as the one above.

Abortion apologists claim that Gosnell's gruesome Auschwitz clinic that was located in Philadelphia, Pa. was far outside the norm of abortion mills. They claim that his clinic was an isolated case of an extremely bad clinic that shouldn't define every clinic. They claim that most clinics are clean, medically safe and pose little--if any--danger to their constituents.

Rather, abortion clinics are on a moral par with Adolf Hitler's Nazi concentration camps where six million Jews and four million others were systematically eradicated like vermin. No, abortion clinics aren't safe and sterile venues where pregnant women go to receive a routine medical procedure that we're told is akin to minor surgery.

Abortion clinics are places where helpless human beings are slaughtered. Much like Auschwitz, Dachau and every other death camp that served to destroy human life during Hitler's reign of terror in the 1930s and 1940s.

Consider the numbers and compare them: Adolf Hitler murdered 10 million people. Since the United States Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973, (Roe v.Wade) over 50 million babies have been slaughtered. That's over five times the number of victims that perished in the Holocaust.

And of this you can be sure: America has now been put on notice by a Holy God that he will not tolerate any more of this. Unless America repents of this nightmarish holocaust and outlaws all forms of abortion, her end is near.

Concerning the devil and all those who do his will, Jesus Christ said this: "The thief (Satan) comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)

America, it's your choice. You can continue to serve the thief who steals, kills and destroys the lives of infants, and you can suffer the consequences. Or, you can serve the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ by repenting and turning away from abortion--which is nothing but coldblooded murder.

It's your choice America. Are you listening?