Thursday, May 2, 2013

What "Choice" Looks Like

The photo above may be a bit too graphic for many folks. But contrary to the canard that propagandists spew who are employed by the abortion industry, this is what a typical abortion looks like.

If it doesn't makes you sick, then something is seriously wrong with you. That's not a mass of tissue or a malignant tumor--that's an infant created in the image of God that was slaughtered by an abortion doctor. That's an infant that never got the chance to live because its mother exercised her right to murder her infant in the name of "choice."

Abortionists such as mass executioner Dr. Kermit Gosnell, currently on trial for murder, and the late Angel of Death, Dr. George Tiller, who performed multitudes of abortions--including many late term abortions--at his clinic in Witchita, Kansas became filthy rich by murdering unborn babies such as the one above.

Abortion apologists claim that Gosnell's gruesome Auschwitz clinic that was located in Philadelphia, Pa. was far outside the norm of abortion mills. They claim that his clinic was an isolated case of an extremely bad clinic that shouldn't define every clinic. They claim that most clinics are clean, medically safe and pose little--if any--danger to their constituents.

Rather, abortion clinics are on a moral par with Adolf Hitler's Nazi concentration camps where six million Jews and four million others were systematically eradicated like vermin. No, abortion clinics aren't safe and sterile venues where pregnant women go to receive a routine medical procedure that we're told is akin to minor surgery.

Abortion clinics are places where helpless human beings are slaughtered. Much like Auschwitz, Dachau and every other death camp that served to destroy human life during Hitler's reign of terror in the 1930s and 1940s.

Consider the numbers and compare them: Adolf Hitler murdered 10 million people. Since the United States Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973, (Roe v.Wade) over 50 million babies have been slaughtered. That's over five times the number of victims that perished in the Holocaust.

And of this you can be sure: America has now been put on notice by a Holy God that he will not tolerate any more of this. Unless America repents of this nightmarish holocaust and outlaws all forms of abortion, her end is near.

Concerning the devil and all those who do his will, Jesus Christ said this: "The thief (Satan) comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)

America, it's your choice. You can continue to serve the thief who steals, kills and destroys the lives of infants, and you can suffer the consequences. Or, you can serve the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ by repenting and turning away from abortion--which is nothing but coldblooded murder.

It's your choice America. Are you listening?

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