Friday, May 18, 2012

Murderers of Souls

                                     Michael Pfleger and Louis Farrakhan

The late John Wesley considered false religious teachers more dangerous than murderers because, according to the founder of the Methodist movement, false religious teachers "murder the souls of which Jesus Christ died for." During Wesley's time in the Eighteenth Century, false religious teachers who masqueraded as apostles of Christ generally denied that Christ was the Son of God; denied his virgin birth and they denied his resurrection.

Today's false religious teachers not only deny the essentials of the historical biblical gospel such as the Trinity, Christ's deity, virgin birth and resurrection, but they often use Christ as a political and religious weapon to promote anything from the powerless social gospel to unbiblical gospels that foment hatred and divide people by ethnicity and race. For example, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the infamous, fire-breathing pastor of Chicago's Trinity United Church preaches the Black Liberation Gospel that calls for African-Americans to disassociate themselves from whites that Wright's gospel calls blue-eyed, blond-haired devils. Sound familiar? That's the core theology of Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam that chiefly blames whites and Jews for the social problems that plague many blacks in America today.

It was Christ himself who revealed that one of the signs that his return was near would be the appearance of many false prophets in the last days. (Matthew 24:11) A false prophet isn't merely someone who predicts a future event that fails to occur--he is also someone who claims secret heavenly knowledge that contradicts the Bible. Christ entered a fallen world 2,000 years ago to lead men out of sin and cancel the eternal death sentence that their sins earned them by His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. He didn't come into the world to start a new religion or to launch a political crusade against "social injustice."

The true gospel of Jesus Christ unites all men in love through God's grace--the free gift of salvation. Be on alert for those who use the name of Jesus Christ to divide men and promote evil. And be aware that the Third Commandment warns: "You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name." (Exodus 20:7) Anyone who uses Christ's name to either promote evil or to lead them to a false Christ who can't save anyone has misused His name. God help them.

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