Monday, May 14, 2012

An Islamic Antichrist?

An author named Joel Richardson has written a provocative book (The Islamic Antichrist) where he argues that the dreaded Antichrist is going to come from the Islamic world. And considering that Islam has all but conquered the eastern world and seems destined to overtake the west, it's understandable that Richardson would expect the Antichrist to be Islamic.

However, Richardson's theories, though well-intentioned, simply don't line up with the Bible. The Bible clearly reveals that the coming Antichrist will enter a rebuilt Jewish temple in Jerusalem to defile it. (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, 2Thessalonians 2:4) No powerful Islamic world religious leader would ever enter a Jewish temple, either in Jerusalem or anywhere on earth. In fact, if there's an Islamic Antichrist, there won't be any Jewish temple in Jerusalem for him to defile because Israel, and very likely world Jewry, won't exist. Islam's Hadith (the teachings of Muhammad) states that all Jews must be eliminated from the earth before the Imam Mahdi (Islam's messiah) can appear and establish his global caliphate. So it's extremely unlikely that the coming Antichrist will be Islamic.

Then who will he be and where will he come from? According to the Bible, he will likely come from Russia (Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38-39) and he will be both a political and a religious figure. In fact, the Book of Revelation even tells us that he will likely come from the Roman Catholic Church (Revelation 17) and be a modern day Constantine who ruled in the Fourth Century A.D. as both the Emperor of Rome and the head of the Roman Church that later became the Roman Catholic Church. When is this going to take place? Stay tuned.

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