Monday, May 21, 2012

From Never Again to Once Again

Nearly 70 years ago with the end of World War II, the world pledged that never again would a Jew-hating mass murderer such as Adolf Hitler be allowed to rise up and systematically commit genocide against an ethnic group such as the Jews in the name of racial and religious superiority. Hitler murdered six million Jews during his reign of terror that began in 1933 when he was elected as Germany's Chancellor by a narrow margin. And while Hitler committed mass murder against the Jews, the world looked the other way. It wasn't until the Fuhrer's death camps were liberated near the end of World War II that the scope of Hitler's crimes were finally exposed and the world had to admit that it had failed to prevent one of the worst atrocities in human history.

Unfortunately, Never Again has now become Once Again as much of the world has forgotten the nightmarish hell that Hitler unleashed upon the Jews and much of Europe. Despite the overwhelming evidence, a growing segment of the world now denies the Holocaust from colleges and universities throughout the west to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who eagerly plans a second Holocaust while denying the first one. In fact, the Iranians now possess three missiles that are capable of reaching Israel. If the Iranians succeed in developing nuclear weapons, the reality of a second Holocaust becomes very real possibility indeed.

What motivates anti-Semitism? And why are the Jews historically singled out by many as Christ-killers and global financial conspirators? In France, the Jews have been encouraged to leave that nation for "a more hospitable environment" after an Islamist murdered a rabbi and three young children in front of a Jewish school in March. In America, many colleges and universities embrace Islamic terrorist groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, the PLO and the Muslim Brotherhood while scorning the Jews and charging Israel with the murder of innocent Palestinians. Across the world, Jewish businesses are boycotted; schools are firebombed, cemeteries vandalized and religious Jews are mocked and attacked in the streets because of the clothing that identifies them. And dying Protestant churches call for boycotts against Israeli products and economic divestment from companies that do business with the tiny Jewish nation.

Is there a rational answer to the timeless hatred against the Jews? Yes there is. In our next installment, we'll give you the prophetic biblical evidence for the curse that has followed the Jews around the world for over 2,000 years, and we'll tell you when it's going to end.

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