Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Greatest Jew in History

How ironic that the greatest Jew in human history isn't even the greatest Jew among his own people. In fact, circa 2012, Jesus Christ remains a pariah among his own people, the victim of a vicious smear campaign that originated 2,000 years ago with a group of corrupt Jewish religious leaders who feared his authority; despised his popularity and were extremely jealous of his power.

Those religious leaders, who were known as the Pharisees, Sadducees and the Teachers of the Law, hated Christ because he was everything they weren't; dynamic, charismatic, genuine, powerful and versed in the Mosaic Law. Despite Christ's well-documented miracles and his flawless application of the Law, the religious leaders continually plotted to have him murdered. For example, after he restored the life of a man named Lazarus who had been dead for four days, the Pharisees were so filled with envy that they were determined to murder Christ. (John 11:45-57) And after Christ gave sight to a man who had been blind since birth, the Pharisees ridiculed the man for following Christ and they expelled him from his synagogue.

Thus, the Jews rejected Christ not because he failed to fulfill the writings of Israel's ancient prophets that foretold of the coming of the Jewish Messiah hundreds and thousands of years before Christ appeared, but rather because he didn't fit the mythologized image of a messiah that they had created in their own imaginations. In fact, Christ often predicted his death at the hands of Israel's religious leaders, and he frequently revealed their true motives for their rejection of him through many parables that he spoke during his three-year ministry in ancient Israel. But even more tragically, Israel's religious leaders have murdered the souls of millions of Jews throughout the centuries through their rejection of Christ and their blasphemy of his life, ministry, death and resurrection from the dead that was revealed in over 300 specific prophecies recorded by the ancient Jewish prophets.

The evidence for Jesus Christ as the Jewish Messiah is irrefutable. Consider these prophecies that were written long before he appeared on earth; his virgin birth, (Isaiah 7:14) the location of Bethlehem as his birthplace, (Micah 5:2) his sacrifice for the sins of his people (Isaiah 53:5) and the rejection of him by his own people. (Isaiah 53:3) And consider that the prophet Daniel, who lived over five centuries before Christ appeared on earth, revealed the exact time of Christ's appearance in Israel as the Jewish Messiah. (Daniel 9)

Jesus Christ is indeed the Jewish Messiah. In fact, a great Jewish revival for Christ as the Jewish Messiah has already broken out across the world as many Jews are finally beginning to recognize who Jesus Christ really is. God's truth cannot be ignored or smothered. At long last, a long lost people are finally coming home to the God who chose them.

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