Monday, November 11, 2013

The Obamanation of Desolation

Those of you who regularly read this space know that I'm no fan of Barack Obama.

I've despised the man since he first slithered into politics in Illinois many years ago, courtesy of political character assassin David Axelrod.

Whatever you think about Axelrod--and a lot of folks including myself don't think too kindly of him--he's the main reason why Barack Obama became America's 44th president in 2008. Without Axelrod, Obama would probably still be practicing law somewhere in Chicago.

I don't need to go into Obama's legion of lies, corruption and excuses for failure--they speak for themselves. Before he got into politics, he was both a community organizer and an attorney whose clients included notorious slumlords who were often sued by the city of Chicago for neglecting their property.

Millions of Americans are now finding out what many of us here in Chicago knew about Obama years ago. We knew that he was a slick con artist who had the ability to sell flood insurance to desert nomads.

And we knew what would happen if Obama was elected president. He would seek to turn the United States of America into a Marxist nation. And he's doing just that. Those who continue to deny that Obama's a Marxist are either woefully ignorant or they have their heads stuck in a place where the sun never shines.

Tragically, Obama's also destabilizing the entire world with his atrocious foreign policy. His appeasement of Iran has now put the entire Middle East and much of the world in serious danger of a nuclear confrontation.

The Saudis have made plans to purchase nuclear weapons from Pakistan in anticipation of Iran going nuclear. Though the Iranians contend that they have no plans to build nuclear weapons, the Saudis know otherwise.

As does the nation of Israel that's threatened by Obama's bizarre offer to allow Iran to continue to enrich uranium and keep all of its centrifuges. Obama's plan green lights Iran's nuclear program to develop nuclear weapons and it endangers not only Israel, but the entire Middle East, the United States and much of Western Europe as well.

Arlene Kushner, a former American who now lives in Israel and understands what a nuclear Iran would mean to the world, has very little respect for those Americans who continue to support Obama.

Here's what she recently wrote in her blog: "Where are the American people? Either they're asleep, or on numbing narcotics, or they have decided they just don't give a damn any longer what happens in the world--so that the fact that their president is surrendering America's proud and exceedingly important international role is just fine with them."

Those who threaten Israel directly with force, or indirectly through terrible policies will be dealt with harshly by God. His word clearly states that he will protect Israel and destroy those who put the Jewish nation in harms way. (Genesis 12:3, Ezekiel 36)

And that includes the United States that under Obama, has put Israel in a terrible position. But God will protect Israel. And He will punish America for not only abandoning Israel, but also for choosing a wicked leader in Barack Obama.

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