Friday, November 22, 2013

Betrayal of a Nation

What is the definition of treason? It's the betrayal of trust and loyalty.

In marriage, that betrayal is known as infidelity when a spouse violates his or her marriage vows by committing adultery.

In the business world, treason is committed when an employee shares or steals classified information from his employer and gives it to a rival company.

Treason has been around since the dawn of history. The first couple Adam and Eve betrayed God by eating fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that He commanded them not to eat from. (Genesis 3) As a result, they were banished from the Garden of Eden and they lost their access to eternal life.

Perhaps the worst act of treason in recorded history was committed by Judas Iscariot who was one of Jesus Christ's 12 disciples. Iscariot sold out Christ when he allowed himself to be bought by ancient Israel's chief priests who hated the Jewish Messiah and wanted to kill him.

Why did the corrupt religious leaders want Christ dead? Because he represented an existential threat to their power and authority over the Jewish people. The chief priests and the Pharisees plotted numerous times to capture Christ, only to be thwarted because of Christ's popularity. Christ was constantly surrounded by multitudes of people who came to admire and worship Him.

But Israel's corrupt religious leaders finally succeeded when they bribed Iscariot into handing over Christ (Luke 22) so they could send Him to the Roman authorities to be executed on trumped up charges.

Though the corrupt religious leaders believed that they had finally done away with their nemesis, they didn't realize that they unwittingly fulfilled God's will by crucifying the Son of God for the sins of the world. (Isaiah 53)

What sort of treason are we witnessing today? In the United States, we have witnessed our own president commit treason against his nation, the constitution and the American people.

I realize that's a strong accusation. And yet, according to Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution, Barack Obama has committed treason against the United States and the American people.

What does Article III, Section 3 say? It says that a person who gives aid and comfort to an enemy of the United States by furnishing them with arms, troops, transportation, shelter etc. is guilty of treason.

How does that apply to Obama? Remember an operation called Fast and Furious? That operation, conducted by Obama's Bureau of ATF, furnished weapons to Mexican drug cartels. That resulted in the death of at least one U.S. Border Agent as well as the deaths of many innocent Mexicans.

Remember the terror attack last year on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi where four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, lost their lives? Obama betrayed them by leaving them to die at the hands of terrorists, even though he could have saved their lives by ordering help. And help wasn't that far away. Instead, he did nothing.

Obama has not only committed treason against his nation, he has violated his oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution by ignoring its rules concerning the American legislative process. He has governed as a dictator rather than as the leader of a nation whose powers are limited by the constitution.

And he's lied repeatedly about anything and everything from health care to transparent government to the national debt.

It's time for Obama to go. If he refuses to resign, then Congress needs to begin impeachment proceedings against this man. Because America's future is at stake.

Some folks will tell me that American Christians should stay in their churches and stay out of politics. And I agree with them to a point.

However, the Christian Church in America needs to wake up and begin reengaging the culture once again before it's too late. The church lost the culture many years ago when it grew lazy and stopped contending for the faith.

As a result, secular humanists seized the culture and imposed their godless worldview on the nation. And now, millions of Americans no longer know right from wrong and no longer believe that they're held accountable to a Holy God for their thoughts, actions and words while they live on this planet.

That godless culture has produced corrupt leaders such as Barack Obama. He's a reflection of a morally bankrupt nation that is drowning in sin.

Getting rid of corrupt politicians such as Obama won't solve America's problems. There are many others just like him.

But America needs to start somewhere, and that somewhere is right here and right now. And the nation, along with its churches, needs to begin taking back the culture by making Christ, His death on the cross for all sin and His resurrection from the dead relevant once again.

If the American Church can do that, then Barack Obama will one day be just a bad memory. But if not, then what comes after Obama will be even worse. God help us.

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