Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Mendacity of False Hope

According to the Bible, lying is a sin that's an abomination to God: "A false witness shall not go unpunished, and he that speaks lies shall perish." (Proverbs 19:9)

Why do people lie? While fear is one of the greatest factors concerning mendacity, deceit is the foundation of every falsehood.

If you've ever been lied to, then you know what it feels like when you finally discover the truth. You not only feel betrayed, you feel insulted because the person who misled you believed that you were too dumb to know any better.

And that's what recently happened to millions of Americans. Not those Americans who recognized who Barack Obama really was five years ago in 2008 when they refused to vote for him during his first presidential campaign, but the millions of folks who ignored who he was in 2008 and then again in 2012 because they were willingly fooled by a slick con artist.

That con artist promised America an affordable health care system where health care costs would tumble and everyone would be covered. And that con artist promised Americans that they could keep their existing health care policies if they so desired.

Those were vicious lies. Many folks were conned into embracing something that they didn't want. If they had known Obama's true intentions, they would never have accepted his health care plan.

But Obama believed that millions of Americans were too dumb to know any better. And tragically, he was right.

America is now stuck with a health care system that is going to ruin the nation financially and lead to socialized medicine. And that was Obama's goal when he and his acolytes ramrodded the Affordable Care Act into law in 2010.

Socialized medicine inevitably leads to terrible health care, rationing and skyrocketing costs. Folks who will suffer the most will be the elderly and seriously ill who will live out the remainder of their lives in pain and misery before they die.

But don't blame Barack Obama. Blame the American people who ignored the warnings five years ago concerning the radical Senator from Illinois. This was a man who consorted with terrorists, (Bill Ayers) racists, (Jeremiah Wright, Derrick Bell) political fixers, (Tony Rezko) and embraced the ideology of hardcore communists such as Saul Alinsky and Frank Marshall Davis.

Obama wasn't a mystery man who concealed his past. He was always a liar and a con artist who would say anything to achieve his goals. His past was well known. And yet millions of folks ignore his past. And now, they are reaping what they have sown.

When Jesus Christ talked about the devil, here's how he described him: "He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." (John 8:44)

And so, if Satan is the father of lies, then those who willfully lie and deceive are his spiritual offspring. Even U.S. presidents.

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