Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Bankrupt Social Gospel

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!"--Galatians 1:8

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was surely a brilliant man. And he was also a true Christian minister who strongly preached a biblical gospel that stressed biblical values.

The values he stressed included hard work, honesty, integrity, education, self-reliance, respect for authority, the sanctity of marriage and strong families. For those who believe I'm making that up--I'm not. As someone who is old enough to remember Dr. King and his sermons, I can tell you that Dr. King had a biblical worldview that was reflected in his speeches.

Unfortunately, those who have succeeded Dr. King after he was tragically assassinated in 1968 don't share his biblical worldview. They claim to be "Christian" ministers who embrace his legacy, but they don't. And they never did.

And I think you know who I'm referring to. Among these frauds are the Rev. Jesse Jackson, the Rev. Al Sharpton and the loudmouth, incendiary Rev. Michael Pfleger. Unlike Dr. King, Jackson is an astroturf minister who possesses a mail order ordination certificate. He's a classic race hustler who became famous and wealthy by using the race card to pummel his opponents into submission.

Sharpton has used the race card to promote racial hoaxes (Tawana Brawley) and foment race riots (Crown Heights, Brooklyn NY 1991) that resulted in the death of an Orthodox Jew named Yankel Rosenbaum. And Pfleger is a showboating Roman Catholic priest who loves to perform in front of the cameras.

These three men preach the Social Gospel that promotes Big Government over Jesus Christ as a messianic figure. The Social Gospel feeds on perceived and embellished grievances to fester class warfare.

It makes its constituents angry, resentful, bitter and unforgiving toward targeted enemies such as big corporations, banks, the NRA, the Tea Party, Fox News, the Republican Party etc. And it demands that Big Government step in and right every perceived wrong through draconian laws, special rights, entitlements, redistribution of wealth and brute force.

The Social Gospel is nothing more than Marxism dressed up in Christian garb. Dr. King certainly wasn't a Marxist. And if he came back today, he'd be appalled at how his legacy has been ruined by those who claim to be his successors.

In fact, if Dr. King came back today, he'd see that his dream has been perverted into a nightmare by political puppets who masquerade as Christian ministers.

There's no substitute for the genuine biblical gospel. It transforms hearts and lives through the miracle-working power of Jesus Christ. Of this gospel, the apostle Paul wrote: "For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: The righteous will live by faith." (Romans 1:17)

As opposed to the counterfeit social gospel that enslaves its adherents in the chains of bitterness, racial strife and class envy.  

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