Wednesday, July 17, 2013

America's Garbage Priesthood

Rev. Michael Pfleger

What are some of the greatest responsibilities entrusted to church leaders and ministers? To promote peace, love, unity, forgiveness for our enemies and the biblical gospel of Jesus Christ.

Here's what the apostle Paul wrote in his epistle to Titus nearly 2,000 years ago: "Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men." (Titus 3:1-2)

Apparently, that doesn't apply to the Rev. Michael Pfleger, the showboating, buffoonish Roman Catholic priest who's never met a camera he didn't like.

Instead of calling for calm, Pfleger decided to pour gas on the fire after George Zimmerman was recently acquitted by a Florida jury of murder charges. Here's what Pfleger said:

“We can’t tell people be still, rise up, be aggressive, say what you are saying and then something like this (verdict) happens and (say) be quiet, be still, do nothing. We have got to give them a way to express themselves peacefully and nonviolently. Tomorrow, we are going to be announcing at church a way we can have people do a civil disobedience.”

Better yet, Rev. Pfleger, why don't you preach the Gospel? Why don't you begin stressing biblical values in your church such as honesty, integrity, the fear of God and respect for authority, the sanctity of marriage and holiness? Why don't you inform people that forgiveness in the biblical lexicon is a far greater virtue than screaming for social justice?

But instead, you incite people to "civil disobedience" which Christ never taught and can't be found anywhere in the Bible. Here's what Christ taught: "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:43-45)

That's part of the biblical gospel. However, Rev. Pfleger and his ilk preach something called the Social Gospel that looks to big government rather than to Jesus Christ for solutions to problems. Unlike the biblical gospel that implores us to love and forgive our enemies, the social gospel feeds on grievances and festers class warfare.

And the unlike the biblical gospel, the social gospel makes people angry. It demands that government step in and right wrongs that are centuries old. It makes people victims of every perceived social injustice rather than victors in Jesus Christ. And rather than liberate people, it binds them in the chains of bitterness and envy.

The foundation for this false gospel is Marxism. And that foundation is built upon James Cone's Black Liberation Theology and Critical Race Theory that claims that practically every institution in the western world is racist and oppressive to blacks and minorities. This is a gospel that has no place in the Christian Church.

And sadly, that's the gospel preached by America's growing garbage priesthood, of which the Rev. Michael Pfleger is a high-profile member.

If you want to know what's wrong with the Christian Church in America, then read the Bible--specifically the four gospels and the New Testament epistles--and then compare them to what people such as the Rev. Pfleger preach. They're totally different.

In fact, after listening to Pfleger, you'd probably be convinced that the Bible and Christianity were two separate entities.

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