Monday, July 29, 2013

Near Death Experiences

"The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing."--2 Thessalonians 2:9-10

With the advancements made in modern medical technology, more people are being saved today from maladies that used to bring certain death.

For example, thanks to defibrillators, many people are being resuscitated from heart attacks that were nearly always fatal in the past. And thanks to the discovery of new medicines and advancements in surgical procedures, more people are recovering from serious diseases and injuries than in the past.

However, along with these advancements, a new phenomena has appeared that was practically unknown in the past. It's called the Near Death Experience, and it involves alleged encounters with life beyond the physical realm.

Not everyone who recovers from a serious illness or is resuscitated from a medical emergency claims a Near Death Experience. But some do. And what they often describe during these events is either hovering over their physical bodies or traveling down a long tunnel toward a brilliant light at a high rate of speed.

Some even describe encounters with deceased parents, relatives and friends who speak to them during these experiences.

These experiences used to be dismissed as hallucinations or delusions caused by chemical reactions in the brain due to drugs, diseases or trauma. While some of that is undoubtedly true, there have been instances where victims who recovered were able to accurately describe their physical surroundings despite being unconscious. Some have even been able to describe the conversations that went on between people who were around them.

I've been asked my opinion on these experiences. Are they real? Certainly, they're real. How could someone who's unconscious and near clinical death be able to describe their surroundings, often with accurate detail?

A person who's heavily sedated by drugs or has lost consciousness can't describe their surroundings or much less understand the conversations that are going around them to be able to repeat them verbatim after they've recovered.

Another common aspect that people recall during these experiences are feelings of peace, love and blissfulness when they come into the brilliant light at the end of these tunnels. Many people describe these experiences as wonderful and express disappointment that they returned to their mortal bodies. Many wanted to die and continue on forever in the light.

It's important to understand that these experiences aren't hallucinations or delusions. They're real. But what do they tell us? And what is the spiritual condition of these people who encounter near death experiences?

That's an extremely important question. Why? Because tragically, most people are alienated from God and dead in their sins. Some may claim to be Christians, but they don't have a relationship with God because they've never committed their lives to Jesus Christ and been born again by faith. (John 3:16, Romans 10:9-11)

The Bible reveals that at death, these people will be consigned to hell to await God's final judgment at the end of time. (John 8:23-24, 1 John 5:11-12) Hell isn't a place where the spirits of the dead dwell peacefully in a beautiful light; it's a horrible place of torment and suffering. (Mark 9:42-48, Luke 16:19-31) That's the destiny of all unrepentant sinners.

And so, I believe that near death experiences are a clever spiritual charade promoted by Satan and his demons to give people a false sense of security. If they're legitimate, then no judgment awaits anyone at death. Why then, would anyone want to repent of their sinful behavior and commit their lives to Jesus Christ? That's what these experiences are truly all about. They're deceptive. And they're extremely dangerous to anyone who embraces them.

And this is why God expressively forbids us from making contact with the spiritual realm through occult techniques such as shamanism, witchcraft, necromancy, spiritism, sorcery, transcendental meditation etc. (Leviticus 20:6, Deuteronomy 18:9-13)

Because those who make contact with the spiritual realm encounter demonic spirits that will deceive them and lead them to their eternal doom. As the apostle Paul warned: "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness." (2 Corinthians 11:14-15)

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