Friday, October 5, 2012

Tinpot Messiahs

After President Barack Obama was TKO'd by Mitt Romney during the recent presidential debate, ABC propaganda troll George Stephanopoulos claimed that he didn't see any knockout blows delivered by the Republican challenger. Which is quite possible if he watched the debate with his eyes closed.

However, those who watched the debate with their eyes wide open saw the 44th president of the United States get his proverbial clock cleaned by Romney. Stephanopoulos, who is to journalism what Sasquatch is to ballet, saw it differently because he purposely decided not to see what everyone else plainly saw.

And that's been the problem with Obama since the former hack junior senator from Illinois first gained national attention when he delivered the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic Convention. Obama spoke eloquently about peace and love and unity and one United States of America rather than a red and blue United States of America. It sounded so wonderful at the time but it was just a con job from another over-educated politician with a law degree. Obama learned his street con from Chicago's gangster Democratic Machine that trained the one-time pot-smoking and coke-sniffing pseudo-intellectual in the art of community organizing.

What the American public saw during the first presidential debate on Oct. 3 was the real Barack Obama; a mediocre politician who became the naked emperor without his security blanket teleprompter. What the American public had been conditioned to see in Obama by its Marxist media and entertainment industry prior to that debate was a fabricated messiah; a legend with godlike powers who descended from the heavens in 2008 to bring peace to the earth; heal its nations and lower the oceans.

But on Oct 3, the mystique vanished and America saw the real Barack Obama; a bumbling, stumbling, quivering and confused man who was demolished by the far-more experienced and polished Mitt Romney. It was painful to see, even if you despise the man which millions of Americans now do. Few people enjoy seeing someone humiliated so badly on such a large stage. Had the debate been a boxing match, the referee would've been forced to stop it.

However, there was a lesson to be learned from Obama's humiliation on Oct. 3; that men are men rather than gods and they are prone to failure no matter how gifted and intelligent they may be. In reality, Obama is nothing but a front man for an extreme left political movement controlled by the despicably wicked George Soros who seeks to transform the United States into a socialist nation. Obama was chosen by Soros because the billionaire hedge fund manager needed someone to win him an election and help him implement his socialist agenda for America. Obama helped Soros achieve that in 2008 and America's 44th president has been tenaciously shielded from scrutiny by a corrupt and mendacious media that has protected him like a priceless gem.

But no more. It's debatable whether Obama will survive to win a second term. Certainly, 32 years ago, he would've been toast after such a deplorable performance in a presidential debate. But America, circa 2012, has a significant population of clueless people that value style over substance and personality over qualifications. As such, Obama's gift of flare and charisma will continue to connect with millions of these ignorant folks. And they will likely vote to reelect him on November 6 despite America's massive $16 trillion debt, high unemployment, confiscatory taxes, high inflation, high gas prices, fading status as a world superpower and bleak future.

It was Jesus Christ who said that "the truth will set you free." (John 8:32) Unfortunately, many people today don't want to hear the truth and that's why they worship false messiahs such as Barack Obama. However, unlike Jesus Christ, false messiahs inevitably fail to deliver on their promises. In reality, if more people trusted in the true Messiah Jesus Christ for their happiness and well-being, then they wouldn't need tinpot messiahs such as Barack Obama.

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