Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dictators and Bad Political Actors

Mila Kunis is a Hollywood actress. As such, she portrays fictional characters that are created for the films that she stars in. Not surprisingly, like many of her fellow Hollywood comrades, Kunis also happens to be a liberal who finds Christian conservatives repugnant.

Which is surprising when you consider that Kunis was born in the Ukraine in 1983 and didn't arrive in the United States until 1990 when she was seven years old. For those of you who aren't history students, the Ukraine was a communist nation that was under the authority of the old oppressive Soviet Union during Kunis's childhood years.

Kunis is also Jewish. As anyone who even possesses a rudimentary knowledge of communism knows, the Jews were treated pretty badly under communism during the Soviet Union's existence. The infamous propaganda masterpiece, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, originated in pre-Soviet Russia in the late 19th Century. That scandalous book, that accused the Jews of an international conspiracy to subvert governments and control the world's monetary system, has been used to persecute Jewish people throughout the world for over a century.

So it was surprising to hear Kunis accuse Christians recently of committing the same dastardly deeds that the communists did for over 70 years. Here's what she had to say: "The way that Republicans attack women is so offensive to me," Kunis exclaims. "And the way they talk about religion is offensive. I may not be a practicing Jew, but why we gotta talk about Jesus all the time? And it's baffling to me how a poor person in Georgia can say, 'I'm a Republican.' Why?

A poor person in Georgia can claim he or she is a Republican because poor people in Georgia and in many other places throughout the United States recognize that the Democratic Party, of which Kunis and her Hollywood compatriots are beholden to, want to diminish their economic freedom and enslave them financially by making them beholden to big government welfare entitlement programs. Remember Mila? That's what life was like under communism when the only equality anyone shared was the pain and misery of hunger and poverty.

And the reason why Christians want to talk about Jesus all the time, Mila, is because their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, commanded them to when he gave them the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) shortly before he returned to heaven. If more people listened to the gospel of that Great Commission, then we wouldn't see so much moral decay and filth overtaking America and the world like a flood of dirty sewer water. And we wouldn't have so much poverty because more people would take responsibility for themselves and stop depending on government handouts for survival.

And so, Mila Kunis needs to go back and brush up on history--especially her own--before she denigrates Christians and conservatives. And, like herself, she needs to recognize that one of the presidential candidates who hopes to be elected on November 6 is an actor just like herself. Who is he? He's Barack Obama and he plays the role of a president. Only, he hasn't been very good at it, judging by the last four years.

Fortunately, when a bad movie actor or actress stinks up a film, you don't have to watch it. But when a bad political actor stinks up the White House, you not only have to watch it, you have to suffer and endure it like a chronic nightmare.

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