Sunday, October 21, 2012

An Appeal to Jewish Reason

"For whoever touches you (Israel) touches the apple of his (God's) eye."--Zechariah 2:8

Evidently, there's not enough business to attend to in Chicago, the de facto murder capital of the United States. So, Chicago mayor and political hustler-hack Rahm Emanuel ventured down to Florida recently to fire up his base--in this case those renegade Jews who have been making some serious noise about leaving the Democratic Party's Plantation and voting for Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney on November 6.

Emanuel, who's a faux Orthodox Jew and a faux humanitarian, pleaded with a group of Florida Jews not to commit the ultimate political sacrilege; that is to vote for a Republican candidate. For those of you who are a bit shy concerning Jewish history in the United States, American Jews have a long history with liberalism and the Democratic Party. In other words, liberalism has historically been a second religion to most American Jews who have been identified with the Democratic Party for well over a century.

While there are several reasons why many American Jews self-identify as Democrats, the greatest reason is their aversion to all things conservative and all things Christian that the Republican Party is identified with. Much of that aversion comes from the historical persecution that Jews endured from the Roman Catholic Church that once upon a time dehumanized them and separated them from "Christians" by forcing them to live in ghettos in Europe. In fact, much of the anti-Semitism that pervades the world today originated in the Roman Catholic Church going back to its beginning in the Fourth Century A.D. From its inception, the Roman Catholic Church arrogantly condemned the Jews as "Christ-killers" and claimed they were replaced as God's chosen people by the Roman Catholic Church.

It's no wonder then that the Jews came to abhor Christianity, even though Roman Catholicism has never been true Christianity. In fact, the Catholic Church persecuted many non-Catholic Christians throughout history such as the Albigenses, Waldenses and Huguenots because they refused to join the Roman Church. But most American Jews don't know or even care to know the difference between Roman Catholicism and true biblical Christianity that implores all Christians to pray for God's blessings upon the nation of Israel and for His protection of the Jews from their enemies wherever they live in the world.

However, with anti-Semitism surging across the world once again, many Jews are beginning to realize that true Christians are about the only friends they have left in the world. And, not coincidentally, many Christians are experiencing the same persecution and abuse that Jews have historically suffered for centuries. Christians are being slaughtered and driven out of the Middle East, Africa and Asia by Islamists and they are being threatened with incarceration in many nations for their biblical opposition to homosexuality, gay marriage and abortion. In America, evangelical Christians have been maligned by President Barack Obama as knuckle-dragging morons "who cling to their guns and religion" in difficult times.

But it's been Obama's harsh opposition to Israel that has many Jews riled up and seriously thinking about switching their political affiliation to the Republican Party and Romney. Unlike Obama, a pseudo-intellectual and a political con artist who will say anything to win votes, Romney has pledged to protect Israel from Iran's nuclear threat and I believe he will. Mitt Romney knows how important it is for the United States of America to stand with Israel and he will not allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon. Obama, however, will falsely claim that he has reached an agreement with Iran to lift economic sanctions against the Persian nation in exchange for their agreement to halt their enrichment of uranium.

Don't believe Obama's claim for a minute. The Iranians will play along with this canard in order to help get Obama reelected because they know that he won't defend Israel should they launch a nuclear strike against the Jewish nation. However, the Iranians realize that if Mitt Romney is elected to the presidency, he will do whatever it takes to stop their nuclear program, even if that means a military strike on Tehran's nuclear facilities. The Iranians know this and that's why they want Obama reelected.

If you're an American Jew, then I want you to seriously think about what a vote for Barack Obama on November 6 means. A vote for Obama means that you support a man who hates Israel and won't protect that nation; who won't protect the sanctity of life with his support for unbridled abortion and a man who will desecrate the sanctity of marriage with his support of same-sex marriage. A vote for Obama means that America will go over the financial cliff with its crushing debt. If America's economy collapses, then the entire world will go down with America in the worst economic collapse in modern history.

And finally, a vote for Barack Obama on November 6 means that you hate your nation and you couldn't care less about Israel's survival and the sanctity of Jewish life in that nation. If you vote for Barack Obama on November 6, you will have declared yourself an enemy of freedom, God and the nation of Israel. And woe to any Jew or anyone who votes for Barack Obama on November 6.

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