Friday, September 28, 2012

The Post-Christian World

How did the world ever manage to survive before the advent of I-Phones, I-Pads, laptops, MP3s and the internet? In fact, it not only survived but it managed to be a lot more informed about current events and world affairs than today. For example, 30 years ago, most Americans could probably name their senators and congressmen while today, many don't even know who their Vice President is.

Which is probably a good thing when you consider that Joe Biden is one of the most inept and gaffe prone vice presidents in U.S. history. But that's still shocking when much of the American electorate doesn't even know who he is considering that he's a buffoonish vaudeville act who wears his shoes in his mouth almost as often as he wears them on his feet.

For the record, Joe Biden is the very bad vice president to a very bad president named Barack Obama. And for the record, shock jock Howard Stern, he of XM radio these days, recently sent his assistants into Harlem, New York to ask some of its empty-headed residents some loaded questions concerning Obama and Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Stern had his assistants ask the folks whether they were concerned about Obama's Mormonism and Romney's Islamic faith. The answers they received were startling only because the folks who answered the questions weren't startled by the questions. Which means that they had no clue that Romney was the Mormon and Obama once identified himself as a Muslim.

And so, the road to the end of a civilization is paved with stupidity and lined with ignorance. When Jesus Christ urged his followers to "be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves", (Matthew 10:16) he clearly meant that in order for the Gospel to remain relevant in the world, they would have to keep themselves relevant by understanding what motivates the world and how it thinks. In other words, it does you absolutely no good if the guy your trying to communicate with doesn't speak your language.

The Christian Church in the western world forgot about that beginning in the 19th century and tried to maintain its relevance through the methods that worked in the Middle Ages. But the Bible doesn't mean much to people who have been taught to believe that they are the end products of millions of years of random evolutionary forces. So, before you can convince someone that the Bible contains the historical, evidential word of God, you have to convince him that his secular belief system is a fraud. And you do that by explaining that the particular protein combinations that make up the DNA of living organisms couldn't have evolved through some random, unintelligent process because that's scientifically as well as mathematically impossible.

Once you've dismantled Darwinian evolution and proven it a fraud, you can prove the Bible as the living word of God by over 300 specific prophecies recorded in the Old Testament that pointed to Christ as the Jewish Messiah hundreds and thousands of years before he appeared. For example, Christ's virgin birth, (Isaiah 7:14, Eighth Century B.C.) his birthplace in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2, Sixth Century B.C.) and his crucifixion (Psalm 22, 1,000 B.C.) provide irrefutable evidence that Christ is the Messiah and that physical life was created by God rather than by some biological accident in a primordial mud pond millions of years ago.

If the Christian Church had maintained its relevance, then such secular abominations as abortion, gay marriage and euthanasia wouldn't exist. And we'd see less moral depravity and its byproducts such as alcoholism, drug addition, sexually transmitted diseases and crime. And we'd also see much less stupidity from fewer politicians sporting footwear in their mouths to fewer American citizens spewing moronic nonsense from their mouths. And we'd get fewer corrupt political leaders spewing rivers of lies from their mouths.


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post this morning. You and I share a perspective that far too many people are ignorant, misinformed and apathetic towards knowledge, let alone wisdom. As I have stated a zillion times, "There's never a shortage of idiots. Even the quality of stupidity has gone up over the years as well."

    I have written and said many times I would like to see this country return to a more godly nation where a handshake was as good as any contract; where a person's word was his bond; where shame is returned to the behavior of reprobates; and where Judeo-Christian ethics are the standard, not the exception.

    Too many, in my opinion, would vote for reprobates like Obama even if it was undeniably proven he was Satan himself. Too many have no idea of the godly principles this country was founded on and have no appreciation of the freedom they have been bestowed. It is my sincerest wish we have a Great Awakening in the hearts and minds of our people to expose the lies of evil minds and how Progressivism is one of the biggest frauds ever invented.

    1. After watching the first debate last night (10/3/2012) you have to feel confident that the era of Obama may be over. BHO was so bad that if the debate had been a boxing match, the referee would've stopped it. Let's hope this spells his end and the end of progressivism. And let's work toward making our nation a Christian nation once again.
