Friday, September 21, 2012

53 to 47

"Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth."--Proverbs 10:4

Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney was excoriated recently for claiming that the 47 percent of Americans who don't pay any income tax will probably vote for Barack Obama's reelection on November 6. Romney's remarks, that were videotaped by Jimmy Carter IV, the grandson of former President Jimmy Carter, infuriated America's far left that accused Romney of arrogantly looking down his nose at America's poor and downtrodden.

He certainly did no such thing. Romney merely pointed out the painful truth that a growing number of Americans have allowed themselves to be pimped by entitlements offered by the Democratic Party in exchange for their votes. While buying votes has been a political strategy since time immemorial, at no time in American history has it been used so extensively to build a voting constituency as it is used today in America by the Democratic Party. That's what Romney pointed out and for that he was blasted by much of America's Marxist media that no longer attempts to hide its pro-Obama, pro-Democratic Party bias.

And so, America has reached the proverbial fork in the road of her existence; she can either choose to return to the path that made her the most prosperous, free and innovative nation on earth. Or, she can choose the path of dependency where a privileged few dwell in luxurious gated communities surrounded by obscene, opulent wealth while the rest of the nation dwells in poverty and third world squalor. Think that can't happen here? Then look at many of the nations in Central and South America. Or, better yet, look nations such as Greece, Spain and Italy where decades of socialism have bankrupted those countries and cursed them with high inflation, high unemployment and little hope for the future.

Certainly, not everyone who belongs to America's 47 percent is a slacker. Some are physically impaired and can't work. Others are elderly and incapable of working, while others have fallen down on their luck because of a terrible job market that has too many unemployed workers seeking too few jobs.

But many of that 47 percent are indeed capable of working, but refuse to do so because they have become lazy, unmotivated, shiftless and ignorant. They're content to exist on food stamps, link cards and other forms of welfare paid for by 53 percent of the population that is increasingly burdened by confiscatory taxes that deplete wealth, stifle job creation, destroy life-savings and ruin idealism. Redistribution of wealth, Marxism, socialism or whatever you call it never works; it is the recipe for the ruination of a nation. And unless America turns away from its growing culture of dependency that has been fueled by its lazy entitlement mentality, then she is doomed to become the world's biggest third world basket case. Sooner or later, and probably sooner, America's $16 trillion debt is going to destroy the nation. Then the food stamps, link cards, welfare and entitlement gravy train will be gone. All that will be left will be misery and suffering.

Nearly 2,000 years ago during his apostolic travels, the apostle Paul discovered that many people in the town of Thessalonica had become lazy and had quit working, preferring instead to exist on handouts from those who worked. He warned them that "if a man will not work, he shall not eat." (2Thessalonians 3:10) That wasn't Paul's opinion; it was God's will that those who are able but refuse to work will bring a curse upon themselves. When a growing percentage of a nation's citizens decide that they're entitled to exist solely on the fruit of someone else's labor, they bring a curse upon themselves and their nation. Thankfully, 53 percent of Americans still recognize that. Unfortunately, that's only six percent more than those who don't.

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