Thursday, September 6, 2012

Christians and Jews

Here's what an ignorant man sounds like: "I'm Jewish. I'm not a fan of any other religion than Judaism. The worst possible allies for the Jewish state (Israel) are the fundamental Christians who want Jews to die and convert so they can bring on the second coming of their Lord."

Those are the words of Mark Alan Siegel, who is the chairman of the Palm Beach County, Fla. Democratic Party. Siegel mouthed those offensive words during the Democratic Party's convention in Charlotte, N.C. after his party reluctantly decided to include God and recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital city in its platform message after it had previously decided to omit those topics from its language. Siegel blamed the influence of Evangelical Christians within his party for the last minute switch and he showed his true liberal tolerance by blurting out a worn out stereotype that's never been true.

For the record, Evangelical Christians are Israel's closest friends. Certainly, Evangelicals want to preach the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Jews because Evangelicals are loyal to the Great Commission of Christ (Matthew 28:16-20) that commands they "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." But even beyond the Great Commission, Evangelicals and all true born-again Christians recognize that the Jews are God's chosen people and the land of Israel was given by God to them and to no one else.

Therefore, true Christians support the Jews and the nation of Israel because the Bible commands them to. (Genesis 12:3) True Christians recognize that there would be no Christianity and no salvation without the Jews because Christ came from the Jews. Furthermore, true Christians realize that when Christ returns to establish his millennial kingdom on earth, he will return as the King of the Jews and Christians and he will establish his throne in Jerusalem and no where else on earth. And so, true Christians are called to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem" (Psalm 122:6) and for the protection of the Jews and their nation from their enemies.

Like many liberal American Jews, Siegel has been taught that Christians are their worst enemies. But the worst enemy of the Jews is Islam whose god Allah hates them and has called for their annihilation. In fact, the Hadith teaches that Islamic messiah, the Imam Mahdi, cannot appear and establish his global caliphate until all the Jews have been murdered. (Sahih Muslim 5203) This is the reason why the Iranians are working feverishly to build nuclear weapons, so they can destroy Israel while killing as many Jews as possible.

Unfortunately, Siegel and his liberal Jewish comrades either can't or refuse to acknowledge that. Consider Siegel's ridiculous claim that fundamental Christians want the Jews to die and convert to Christianity so they can expedite the return of Christ. How could the Jews convert to Christianity if they were dead? And even if all the Jews on earth converted to Christianity, that wouldn't hasten Christ's return at all. Several events must take place before Christ come back such as the rise of a one-world government, the establishment of a global religion and the appearance of the dreaded Antichrist.

Ironically, liberal Jews such as Mark Alan Siegel, who have almost no interest in God and couldn't care less about Israel, become quite defensive about their religious heritage when Christians confront them with it. Perhaps that's political, or perhaps that's a manifestation of guilty conscience. Either way, biblical prophecy reveals that the Jews are in fact going to embrace Jesus Christ as Lord when he returns (Zechariah 12) and there isn't a thing that Siegel and his fellow liberal Jews will be able to do to stop that prophetic event from happening.


  1. [Greetings, Roy. I saw the following on the net.]

    Christians Don't Want Jewish Death

    Democrat leader Mark Siegel stated at the DNC that "fundamentalist Christians...want Jews to die and convert so they can bring on the second coming of their Lord."
    It wasn't Glenn Beck, John Hagee, Hal Lindsey or any other Christian who first talked about the predicted massive slaughter of Jews during what Christians call the "end times."
    It was the ancient Hebrew prophet Zechariah who as long ago as 487 B.C. predicted that two-thirds of Jewry in the "last days" will be killed (Zech. 13:8).
    All true Christian leaders view this scripture with horror and sympathy and NOT with glee!
    Fundamentalist Christians are actually waiting for an "any-moment rapture" to Heaven (several years before the second coming) and do not believe that any event, including this final Jewish holocaust, has to happen before their escapist rapture happens.
    More shocks. Fundamentalists have recently been learning that their rapture belief was first taught in Britain in 1830 and that it wasn't widely adopted by Americans until the early 1900s. The documentation on all this is in "The Rapture Plot" (carried by online bookstores) which also reveals for the first time that, amazingly enough, this British theory has an anti-Jewish foundation! (For more info Google "Pretrib Rapture Politics.")
    Although no one is perfect, evangelical Christians (including fundamentalists) are still the best friends of Jewish persons and Israel.

    1. Regarding Zechariah 13:8: I believe that this referenced Christ's crucifixion and God's subsequent banishment of the Jews from Israel to the world nations where two-thirds of them would perish throughout history from persecution. The "one-third" refers to the remnant of Jews who remain loyal to God and embrace Christ as the Messiah. This is referenced by the apostle Paul in Romans 11.

      Anyone who teaches that two-thirds of the Jews must die
      in Israel in the last days in order for Christ to return doesn't understand scripture. There is a holocaust coming, but I believe that it will involve Christians rather than Jews. (Revelation 13:6-7, Matthew 24:9, Daniel 7:25)
