Monday, September 15, 2014

Islam's Final Days

I'm frequently told that it's just a matter of time before Islam takes over the entire world. And there are those who insist that the coming dreaded Antichrist is going to be Islamic.

First of all, is Islam going to conquer the entire world and establish a global caliphate? My answer is an emphatic no. I can find no reference anywhere in the Bible that alludes to a global Islamic caliphate that's going to rule the world in the end times.

Secondly, the coming Antichrist isn't going to be Islamic. How do I know this? Because Israel is going to play a vital role in the coming seven-year Tribulation period leading up to the return of Jesus Christ.

How? The Jewish nation is going to be allowed to build her third temple on the Temple Mount where Islam's Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque currently exist.

No Islamic world leader would ever permit Israel to build a temple on the Temple Mount, or anywhere else in the world for that matter. In fact, no Islamic world leader would even allow Israel to exist.

Therefore, the coming Antichrist will not be Islamic. Rather, he will be a counterfeit messiah who will convince the entire world that he is Jesus Christ. And he will have an ulterior motive for allowing Israel to build her new temple; so he can enter it and declare himself God to the world.

The apostle Paul wrote this: "He (Antichrist) will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God." (2 Thessalonians 2:4) And Christ said this: "So when you see standing in the holy place the abomination that causes desolation, spoken of through the prophet Daniel--let the reader understand--then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains." (Matthew 24:15-16)

And so, the Antichrist isn't going to be Islamic. And the very fact that he will have the power to allow Israel to build a new temple tells us that Islam probably isn't going to be around when this man allows the Jewish nation to construct the new facility.

If Israel tried to build that temple today, a bloody, violent war would break out in the Middle East and the United Nations would likely send troops to Jerusalem to halt the construction. Obviously, the Antichrist will possess extraordinary power and authority to allow the Jewish nation to successfully build the new temple.

Why is Islam doomed? Because it's a violent, barbaric religion that no sensible person wants. And consider the emerging nations in the world such as Brazil, China, India, Russia and South Korea. None of these nations want Islam. And they are going to do everything in their power to prevent the spread of Islam within their borders and ultimately eliminate that religion altogether.

As these nations grow in strength, they will begin to spread their influence to other nations. And these nations will begin to limit and ultimately outlaw Islam. Islam will eventually be forced to find refuge in weak nations until that religion is completely eradicated.

Islam may seem unstoppable at the moment. However, Islam only advances wherever there is weakness in the world. Islam is like the classic bully who only picks on those who are too scared to fight back.

The emerging nations are going to begin fighting Islam. And they're going to continue fighting until that religion is gone. You can count on that.

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