Saturday, June 14, 2014

Doctrines of Demons: Christian Psychology Part III

Isn't it tragic that so much of the modern Christian Church now seeks the spiritual counsel of godless men while ignoring the wisdom of Jesus Christ who's the Son of God?

Consider a godless man named Sigmund Freud who was one of the patriarchs of psychology and a sexual pervert. Or, consider a godless man named Carl Jung who was deeply involved in the occult.

Jung frequently heard the audible voices of demonic spirits that encouraged him to create his brand of behavioral science. Jung's psychology utilized the occult technique of hypnosis that sought to retrieve so-called unconscious memories by regressing people into the past.

Jung claimed that those past memories often influence how people behave in the present. Therefore, he believed that it was vital to the emotional health of people to recover those distant memories and "heal" them.

And consider a godless man named Alfred Adler whose theories helped form the foundation of the self-love-self-esteem, inner healing gospel that so much of the modern world and the church now eagerly embraces.

It was Adler who coined the term "inferiority complex" to make the claim that people harm themselves and do bad things to others because they have low self esteem.

Despite being thoroughly discredited, Adler's theories continue to be taught by thousands of psychotherapists throughout the world. And his theories continue to be embraced by a large segment of the Christian church.

It was a lapsed Methodist minister and an arch-heretic named Norman Vincent Peale who first brought Adler's bogus theories into the church in the 1920s under the banner of positive-possibility thinking.

And it was a Peale disciple named Robert Schuller who so successfully mainstreamed the false Positive-Possibility Thinking gospel in the 1960s that sin, repentance and redemption were increasingly viewed as old-fashioned and dangerous concepts in many churches.

But the real damage that Christendom inflicted upon itself by embracing humanistic psychology was its shift from a Christ-centered gospel of redemption and deliverance from the power of sin to a man-centered gospel of deliverance from low self-esteem.

Psychology became a secular version of the eastern religions that encourage people to turn within themselves to find emotional and spiritual fulfillment. The biblical gospel teaches us that no one can find emotional or spiritual fulfillment outside of a true relationship with God that only comes by being born-again through faith in Jesus Christ.

Psychology is preoccupied with self. Biblical Christianity is preoccupied with God. Psychology focuses on the past. Biblical Christianity focuses on the present in preparation for a glorious future where Jesus Christ will reign supreme over a new heaven and earth.

Psychology attempts to redefine sin into neuroses and psychoses that can only be overcome through exhaustive psychotherapy. The biblical gospel tells us that sin is our worst enemy and the power of sin can only be broken when we repent and turn our lives over to Jesus Christ to become our Lord and Savior. The apostle Paul so aptly wrote: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old is gone, the new is here!" (1 Corinthians 5:17)

The church doesn't need psychology. Rather, the church needs to begin paying attention once again to the gospel that contains everything we need for salvation, good spiritual health and happiness. As Paul wrote: "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

And the apostle Peter wrote this: "His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires." (2 Peter 1:3-4)

May the church heed those words and stop following the lies of foolish men who hated God and whose minds were influenced by the spiritual forces of darkness.

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