Monday, October 7, 2013

The Spirit of the Antichrist

"This is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world."--1 John 4:3

Occasionally, I'm contacted by folks who are convinced that Barack Obama is the dreaded Antichrist that biblical prophecy reveals will arise in the last days directly preceding the return of Jesus Christ.

While I understand their concern, I can assure you that Barack Obama isn't the Antichrist. Why do a growing number of Americans believe that he is? Because America has never had such a president who is as hostile to those who embrace a Judeo-Christian worldview as Obama is.

Obama has used the power of his office to malign Christians and conservatives. He has used the IRS to hound and harass conservatives and he has even harassed military veterans by denying them access to the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. during the current government shutdown. And his Department of Defense now equates evangelicals with Al Qaeda terrorists.

And Obama champions an anti-Christian agenda that includes the promotion of gay marriage, Palestinian statehood and expanding taxpayer funded abortions and contraceptives.

Though Obama isn't the Antichrist, he possesses an anti-Christian spirit. He hates Christians, especially evangelicals who he views as his worst enemy. During his first presidential campaign in 2007, he impugned Christians as morons who hate immigrants and cling to their guns and religion during difficult times.

Fortunately, we'll be rid of this wretch in three more years unless he somehow manages to suspend the constitution and declare himself president for life. While that sounds outrageous, I believe that Obama would do that if he could get away with it. And knowing him, he's probably thought of it.

Wicked leaders such as Barack Obama will continue to come and go until the ultimate wicked leader who the Bible identifies as the Antichrist appears.

His appearance is still several years away, but he's coming. He'll come from Russia (Daniel 11) and he'll be both a political and a religious figure (Revelation 17) who'll deceive the entire world.

And he'll be more than just a con artist such as Obama. He'll possess supernatural powers that will convince the entire world that he's divine. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10) His power will be so cunning that even many Christians will believe that he is Jesus Christ when he appears.

In fact, that's what the Antichrist is truly all about--a clever counterfeit of Jesus Christ. Anti means a substitute for the genuine.

Barack Obama then, isn't a substitute for Jesus Christ. He isn't the Antichrist. He's just a terrible leader. However, the real substitute for Jesus Christ is coming. And he'll really be terrible.  

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