Sunday, February 10, 2013

Climate Change or Divine Judgment?

Take a close look at the map above. Gay marriage is legal in the dark green states. Outside of the east coast, there are only two states in the U.S. where gay marriage is legal--Iowa and Washington State.

Now consider that the eastern coast has been pummeled with two super-storms in the last four months; Hurricane Sandy that struck in late October, 2012 and Nemo, the recent monster Nor'easter-blizzard that dumped up to 40 inches of snow in some places.

The devastation from Sandy has been conservatively estimated at $74 billion which places it second only to Katrina in terms of the most financially damaging hurricanes that have ever struck the U.S. mainland. It's too early to estimate the financial damage caused by Nemo, but it could be significant.

Katrina, you may recall, struck the city of New Orleans in August, 2005 just days after President George W. Bush and his administration successfully coerced Israel into turning over Gaza to its sworn enemy, the Palestinians.

When the possibility was raised that Katrina was God's judgment against the U.S. for the Bush administration's sellout of Israel, many high-ranking American church leaders went ballistic. They accused those who suggested that as being narrow-minded fundamentalists and superstitious fools. America is a god-fearing nation, they shouted. How dare anyone suggest that God would bring judgment against the United States?

Well, consider this; if the Lord punished ancient Israel with wars, famines and plagues for her rebellion against Him, then why wouldn't he punish modern nations such as the United States for its rebellion against Him? Certainly, atheists, agnostics, secularists and cultural religious folks don't believe in divine judgment. They're convinced that devastating storms such as Katrina, Sandy, Nemo etc. are the result of human-caused Global Warming.

And we're already hearing that explanation from climatologists, meteorologists and other mouthpieces for the Climate Change-Global Warming Movement. Too much greenhouse gas emitted into the atmosphere causes these types of monster storms. As if hurricanes and blizzards never occurred before the late 20th century.

They did as they've been occurring since the dawn of history. But if it seems like they're becoming more frequent and devastating, then also consider this; the United States of America--allegedly the most Christian nation on earth--has become utterly sinful and wicked in God's eyes. And America's sin can be put into numbers--55 million--the number of babies that have been murdered in the U.S. since 1973 when abortion was legalized by the U.S. Supreme Court, and 10, the number of states that have legalized gay marriage.

Those are numbers that don't go unpunished by a Holy God who hates sin and hates those who claim to be His ambassadors on earth who ignore that sin. That would be much of the Christian Church in America that has grown soft and fat over the last century, preferring to build its own ecclesiastical empire on earth while forgetting just who it was named for and what it was commissioned to do by Jesus Christ over 2,000 years ago. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Remember the map above. Again, look at the states that have legalized gay marriage. And consider what's happened on the east coast recently. And also consider that it's never too late to repent.

Here's what Jesus said when it was suggested to him that some Galileans had been murdered by Pontius Pilate because they had sinned: "Do you think these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them--do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish." (Luke 13:2-5)

Repentance. That's what is needed if America is to be delivered from divine judgment. If not, then prepare for more of the same weather events and disasters that we're becoming accustomed to.

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