Saturday, February 23, 2013

Apostasy and Evil

Is there a direct correlation between the rise in evil and depravity throughout the world and the decline of Christianity? You bet there is.

Though Christianity's influence seemingly began evaporating in the 1960s, the Christian Church actually began losing its influence across the western world in the 19th century.

That's when many seminaries and theology schools began throwing out the bible in favor of Freud, Jung, Maslow, Darwin and Marx. Jesus Christ, who was historically considered "the way and the truth and the life" (John 14:6) was reinvented as an ancient Gandhi who started his own religion with a bunch of ragtag disciples.

And so, Christianity went from the exclusive faith that offered mankind the only true path to eternal life in Jesus Christ's death on Calvary's cross for all sinners, to the religion of white European crusaders. Psychotherapy became man's new hope for salvation while sin, repentance, salvation and regeneration became obsolete concepts that hung heavy guilt trips on people that made them despise themselves and do terrible things.

Perhaps the biggest blunder committed by the modern church was its failure to confront Darwin and his terrible theory of evolution. Evolution is in fact a bogus theory that's never been proven or observed to occur. It attempts to explain the existence of the universe and all physical life sans a creator God.

Darwin published his terrible theory in 1859 with a book titled; On the Origin of the Species, and it eventually became a bestseller that dismissed God from his creation as an outdated myth even though there wasn't a shred of evidence to back up Darwin's dubious theory.

Nevertheless, Darwin's theory became music to the ears of atheists and agnostics who were desperate to appease their consciences and escape moral accountability to a Holy God. As the theory of evolution spread across the world like a deadly cancer, the bible along with the 10 Commandments and God's transcendent moral laws were thrown out of institutions such as public schools.

Then, the inevitable results came. Millions of young children who were indoctrinated into Darwin's lies grew up believing that there was no God and thus, no moral accountability for their actions here on earth. And thus, without God, there could be no eternal judgment after death. If there was no God then mass murderers such as Josef Stalin and Adolf Hitler fared no worse in death than Pope John Paul II or Mother Teresa.

Crime and moral decadence exploded. The Sexual Revolution of the 1950s and 60s gave rise to STD's and the holocaust of abortion. Drugs ruined lives while depravity manifested in soaring murder rates and all other forms of violent crime.

And all because the Christian Church failed to "contend for the faith" (Jude 1:3) as the apostle Jude warned the early church to do 2,000 years ago.

A Christian Church that promotes Jesus Christ as an historical figure over the one and only living savior is no church at all. A church that attempts to contend for the faith by using the weapons of a fallen world such as psychology, psychotherapy, hypnosis and the social gospel is no church at all.

Rather, it is nothing but a caricature; an abomination stripped of its power and without credibility. And rather than having the power to change the world, the church has been changed by the world. For evil instead of for good.

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