Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The End Times: False Messiahs

"For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible." (Matthew 24:24)

According to Jesus Christ, one of the prophetic signs of the very last days on earth preceding his return will be the rise of false prophets and false messiahs. Some of these men, Christ warned, will even possess supernatural powers that will enable them to perform incredible miracles that science won't be able to explain away.

Certainly, Barack Obama doesn't possess any supernatural powers. But he did perform a miracle in 2008 when he convinced 69 million people to vote to elect him as the 44th president of the United States. Despite his murky past and his nondescript career as an Illinois politician, Obama was chosen by the American people over Republican challenger John McCain largely because he possessed an uncanny messianic ability to persuade millions to follow him. He not only offered a myriad of promises that he has subsequently failed to deliver on, he told countless outlandish lies during his 2008 campaign that only complete fools chose to believe.

No doubt, history will judge Barack Obama as perhaps the worst president in American history. He has presided over the most corrupt and mendacious presidential administration in history. His administration is loaded with desperately wicked men, pathological liars, Marxists, Communists, crony capitalists, tax-cheats, corruptocrats and inept, bumbling failures. He has broken nearly every campaign promise he made to Americans in 2008 except one; to fundamentally change America. And he has changed America by making her less prosperous, less free, less optimistic, less united, less safe and a far more dangerous place to live.

And that has been his only accomplishment. His economic policies have not only failed miserably, they have brought the United States to the brink of financial ruin. Economic experts are now warning that unless the United States gets its massive and growing debt under control--largely due to Obama's economic policies--America's bond markets could collapse within three years. And that would cause the U.S. economy to implode, creating economic conditions not seen here since the Great Depression. And Obama's foreign policy has been an unmitigated disaster from cancelling a planned missile shield for Eastern Europe that was designed to protect that territory from Russian military aggression to his capitulation to the Russians by signing the dreadful START Treaty in 2010 that will practically disarm America while ensuring that the Russians will gain a huge advantage over the U.S. in strategic nuclear weapons.

False messiahs are not limited to phony religious holy men--they can also be empty-suit politicians such as Barack Obama. The only talent that Obama possesses other than lying is his gift of hypnotic speech. Unfortunately, ignorant and wicked people are most susceptible to con artists who possess the gift of persuasion. Nearly 2,000 years ago, the apostle Paul prophesied that in the last days: "For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn away from the truth and turn aside to myths." (2Timothy 4:3-4)

Tragically, Barack Obama was elected to the U.S. presidency because he told millions of people what they wanted to hear. They turned away from the truth that he was a wolf in sheep's clothing who hated America, despised her freedom and prosperity and desired to ruin her. Barack Obama was only made possible by people who rejected the truth and embraced falsehood. Unfortunately, the Bible warns that the ultimate deceiver is coming who will rise to power using the same formula that Obama did. Unlike Obama, this man will be more than just someone who is a clever speaker--he will be the Antichrist. Tragically, Barack Obama has shown us exactly how this man will be embraced by a wicked and evil world.

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