Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A New World Order

Although I'm not particularly fond of conspiracy theories that promote shadow governments with hidden agendas, I believe that Mitt Romney is going to be elected as the next president of the United States. How do I know this? I don't, but when a major news magazine such as Newsweek has suddenly thrown Barack Obama under the proverbial bus, then something's up.

Like most of the American print and electronic news media, Newsweek has been Obama's best friend until recently. Since 2008 when he was elected as the 44th president of the United States, Obama has enjoyed a free ride on the backs of the U.S. media, being shielded from virtually all criticism of his policies and all scrutiny of his murky past. And that past includes some rather unsavory characters such as the arch-racist Rev. Jeremiah Wright, communist Frank Marshall Davis, terrorist Bill Ayers and political-fixer, con man-bag man extraordinaire Tony Rezko.

In reality, Barack Obama is a political puppet of the radical far left who dazzled liberals and progressives with his keynote address at the Democratic Party's 2004 convention. That speech convinced an extremely wealthy radical leftist named George Soros that Obama was the man who could eventually win back the White House from the Republican Party and unleash the radical left's Marxist agenda upon America. That agenda includes the complete economic destruction of America's middle class; the rape of the U.S. Constitution via executive fiat, the radical downsizing of the U.S. military, the expansion of the welfare state via confiscatory taxes on the wealthy and subsequent redistribution of their wealth, and the creation of new political constituency groups beholden to the Democratic Party such as illegal aliens, gays, lesbians, trangenders, bisexuals and young, unmarried, sexually promiscuous women.

No matter what his personal beliefs are, Barack Obama is too intelligent of a man to have truly believed that he could transform a center-right, socially conservative and predominantly Christian nation such as the United States into a socialist, post-Christian entity like many western European nations. Most Americans abhor Obama's agenda and despite the current polling numbers that indicate a tight race between Obama and Romney, the majority of Americans are prepared to dispose of Obama in November.

I'm convinced that Obama was talked into running for the U.S. presidency in 2008 and became a political front man for an evil cabal of radical leftists such as George Soros who truly believes that he is God incarnate. Had he been left on his own, Obama probably would've governed more like Bill Clinton; stubborn but pragmatic; loyal to his personal beliefs but willing to listen and consider the beliefs of others. And America would have been a much better nation because of that.

We don't know whether Mitt Romney is anyone's political puppet as Barack Obama is. Perhaps Romney is beholden to someone such as the extremely wealthy Sheldon Adelson who is the conservative counterpart to George Soros. Perhaps not. On thing's for sure; when America's mainstream news media begins turning against someone they once treated as a messianic figure, then something's up. And that usually means that change is coming.

We don't know what a Mitt Romney presidency will look like. Certainly, there will be an economic recovery, but for how long? Certainly, America will regain some of her respect among the world nations again, but for how long? And certainly, religious freedoms and those who promote traditional values won't be persecuted and maligned as they have been under Obama, but for how long? Only time will answer that question if Obama loses in November.

But we do know one thing for certain; the United States will not be a major player in end-time world events. Biblical prophecy reveals that two powerful nations are going to vie for world power and supremacy in the last days leading up to the return of Jesus Christ and I believe that those nations are Russia and China. (Daniel 11) Furthermore, biblical prophecy reveals that the dreaded Antichrist is going to come from one of these two nations. And that nation will likely be Russia. (Ezekiel 38-39) And so, keep your eyes on the Russian Bear.

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