Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Still the Greatest Nation

About the only hint of the United States in the Bible is a prophecy recorded 2,600 years ago by the ancient Hebrew prophet Daniel where the prophet (Daniel 8) allegorically referred to a western nation he described as "The King of Greece" that he revealed will destroy a wicked kingdom located in the Middle East that is now known as Iran. The allegorical King of Greece is actually the United States and we have dealt with this topic in Iran's Prophetic Doom.

That's the only mention of America in the scriptures. While some prophecy experts believe that the ancient Hebrew prophet Isaiah mentioned the United States in a specific prophecy regarding the last days, (Isaiah 9:10) that's highly unlikely because God clearly addressed only Israel through that prophecy and not some other nation either directly or indirectly. Therefore, the United States is found nowhere else in the Bible, other than in Daniel's ancient recording.

Nevertheless, the United States has played a unique role in modern history and has been greatly blessed by God since its inception in the 18th century. Unlike other nations, America's government was founded upon the biblical worldview that man is a fallen, sinful creature who cannot be trusted with absolute power. America's founding fathers established a government (Executive, Legislative, Judicial) that protected her people against the rise of bloodthirsty tyrants, power-hungry dictators and religious fanatics that claimed to be sent by God to establish his kingdom on earth. For well over 200 years, that government has provided a special blessing to millions who were fortunate to escape tyrannical nations under the demonic rule of fascists, communists, Marxists and Socialists. The United States has fulfilled the ultimate dream of providing freedom and prosperity for millions of immigrants who escaped totalitarian regimes run by the worst of human beings.

Unfortunately, there are those who hate America and actively seek her demise. Ironically, some of these people, such as the corpulent filmmaker Michael Moore, despise America's economic system and yet have become wealthy because of it. Some of these people, such as terrorist Bill Ayers, despise America's freedom and yet have been allowed to insult and lambaste America because their speech is protected by the First Amendment. And some of these people, such as the snotty, repulsive and arrogant Jane Fonda, despise America's military, and yet have enjoyed the political freedom that tens of thousands of American soldiers shed their blood and sacrificed their lives to protect.

And so, here's a recommendation: If you hate America and believe her to be an evil, oppressive regime, then find another country and get lost. If you truly believe that Marxism-Socialism-Communism is superior to democracy and independence, then why not consider Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, North Korea, China, Laos or Zimbabwe? Go ahead--make sure your visa is current and go visit one of these nations and apply for asylum. And take your Occupy Wall Street friends with you and go occupy someone else's country. We don't need you here; we don't want you here and we hope you never come back.

God Bless the U.S.A. and Happy Birthday America!

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