Sunday, July 1, 2012

Iran's Prophetic Doom

One of the reasons why Barack Obama seems unlikely to be reelected to a second term as president of the United States can be found in an obscure prophecy recorded by the ancient Hebrew prophet Daniel who lived about 2,600 years ago. The prophet received an incredible revelation from the Archangel Gabriel concerning an end-time invasion of a formidable Middle-Eastern nation by a powerful nation that came from the distant western world. (Daniel 8)

What does that have to do with Barack Obama's reelection chances?  Because the powerful western nation that Gabriel revealed will invade and conquer the Middle-Eastern nation will most likely be the United States.  It is highly unlikely that under Obama, the United States would lead a military invasion against any nation, no matter how serious a threat that nation posed to America, its allies or the world. Barack Obama is an antiwar president who was heavily supported by far left, antiwar activists during his successful 2008 presidential campaign. Obama truly believes that the power of his lofty rhetoric can convince even the most hardened radicals and warmongers to lay down their arms and give peace a chance. Considering that some of the rogue nations in the world believe peace talks to be a sign of weakness, Obama's faith in his ability to simply convince nations to give up their military plans for global peace is delusional and dangerous.

Who is the Middle-Eastern nation that Gabriel revealed to Daniel? Gabriel used an allegory to describe this nation as one of two nations that comprise a "two-horned ram" (Daniel 8:20) and the conquering western nation as a "shaggy goat" that featured a prominent horn between its eyes. Gabriel then revealed that the two-horned ram represented the kings of Media and Persia while the one-horned shaggy goat represented the king of Greece. Ancient Persia is now Iran. But who would be modern Media? Gabriel revealed that the horns on the ram represented two kings and one horn was initially longer (more powerful) until the other horn "grew up later". (Daniel 8:3) The longer horn (Media) represented Iraq's Saddam Hussein until he was removed from power in 2003 during the invasion of Iraq by the United States and its military coalition. The horn that grew up later is Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that has threatened to wipe Israel off of the world map. And the ram that the horns are attached to represents Islam that has aspirations of establishing a global caliphate.

But did Gabriel really mean that Greece will be the nation that will invade and overthrow Iran? Gabriel used the king of Greece as a metaphor for a powerful western nation. The modern nation of Greece is economically bankrupt, militarily impotent and poses no threat to anyone. So why did Gabriel refer to this conquering western nation as Greece? Because Greece was the most prominent gentile nation in the ancient world and the gentiles were often referred to as Greeks. Plus, Daniel revealed that this nation "came from the west, crossing the whole earth without touching the ground". (Daniel 8:5) Literal Greece exists just northwest of Iran and wouldn't have to travel a vast distance to invade that nation.

The nation that Daniel most likely referred to is the United States. The U.S. is still the world's greatest superpower and the Lord is going to use America to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities before the Iranians attempt to destroy Israel with nuclear weapons. But Daniel also revealed that once Iran has been defeated, the prominent western nation will be "broken off" (Daniel 8:8) and replaced by four new world powers. Why will the United States be broken off? Because America abandoned Israel when the Jewish state needed her protection the most. Besides leaking Israel's military plans to attack Iran, the Obama Administration also allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to take control of Egypt after Mubarak's demise and allow a dangerous enemy on Israel's southern doorstep. And because of that, the United States has been judged.

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