Sunday, June 24, 2012

When Moral Depravity Reigns

The true catastrophe of 150 years of Darwinian influence upon the world can be seen in the man pictured above. Absent the fear of God and the moral influence of his commandments and transcendent laws, Jerry Sandusky had no personal conviction for inflicting damage on the lives of defenseless young boys in order to satisfy his perverted sexual cravings. And he had absolutely no concern for the ramifications of his actions--only the fear of getting caught and the subsequent damage to his impeccable reputation as a longtime assistant football coach at Penn State.

What does Charles Darwin have to do with pedophiles such as Jerry Sandusky? Simply this: Darwin's atheistic theory of the appearance of life sans a creator God offered many the hope of escape from moral accountability to the laws and commandments of a Holy God. It also offered them an escape from his divine judgment. If no personal God exists to judge sin then no eternal judgment awaits anyone at the moment of death. Thus, there's no afterlife and heaven and hell are but outdated myths that were created in the minds of primitive men.

Certainly, Charles Darwin's theory of evolution didn't influence Jerry Sandusky to become a sexual predator who preyed upon adolescent boys. But then, it surely did influence the world that he grew up in and lived in. And that world told Sandusky that the end justifies the means and that your actions matter little unless you get caught. Contrast this with Solomon's admonition he wrote nearly 3,000 years ago: "The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline." (Proverbs 1:7)

The Bible defines a fool as someone who lives to satisfy his feelings and rejects moral authority. And a fool is also someone who rejects the overwhelming evidence for a Creator God. Molecular biology reveals that a single cell in a living organism contains over 300,000 bits of digitally coded information (DNA) that are arranged in a specific order to allow that cell to survive and multiply. To rearrange that complex organization of DNA would cause the cell instant death. Only a fool would believe that the complexity of physical life came about from billions of years of random evolutionary forces. To put that possibility in perspective, the late scientist Sir Fred Hoyle calculated the odds of Darwinian evolution being true at one in 10 to the power of 40,000. A mathematician will tell you that anything beyond the power of 800 is mathematically impossible.

Had Jerry Sandusky truly feared God, he probably never would've done the vile things he did which ultimately ruined what remains of his life here on earth. He still has time to get right with God by confessing his sins to Jesus Christ and gaining the eternal pardon for those sins that Christ earned for him on Calvary's cross 2,000 years ago. It's just too bad that he didn't believe that a long time ago, or understand the power of Christ to deliver him from his sexual perversion.

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