Friday, June 1, 2012

Doorways to the Devil

During the 1960s, a powerful hallucinogenic drug called LSD introduced a generation of young people to a spiritual realm that they had previously dismissed as a myth. Disillusioned by materialism and turned off by dead, corporate religion, many young people believed that heaven and hell, God, the devil, angels and demons were the products of superstitious and ignorant minds.

But then came LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs along with a renewed interest in Eastern religions such as Hindusim and Buddhism and their mystical practices. Suddenly, a whole new world emerged full of strange deities, psychedelic colors, powerful sounds and new sensations that many people had never experienced before. The heaven that young people had relegated to religious fantasy was now a reality--only with different and exciting new features. This new heaven could be accessed immediately via a drug trip or through transcendental meditation. No longer did one have to wait until death to visit eternity; it was available right now to those who wanted it. And in this strange new heaven, no judgmental God existed who condemned sin--instead there were several "gods" to guide one on life's journey toward the next phase in evolutionary consciousness. In fact, in this strange new heaven, "spirit-guides" and "gods" existed to expunge minds of old and decrepit religious ideas that taught of sin and its eternal consequences in a horrible place called hell.

However, this exciting new spiritual realm with its universal heaven populated with non-judgmental gods was just a demonic sham created by Satan for the purpose of deceiving those who confronted him through drugs, Eastern mysticism and occultism. With only a rudimentary knowledge at best of the bible and its warnings regarding the existence of a dark spiritual realm populated by Satan and his fallen angels, many were indoctrinated into the devil's lies through their encounter with a forbidden spiritual realm and many became Satan's dupes in spreading those lies to a world that was biblically ignorant and spiritually bankrupt.

The result of all this is a growing segment of the world that has not only been exposed directly to Satan and his demons but also refuses to believe in a personal Holy God who hates sin and sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world 2,000 years ago to die for all sin on Calvary's Cross. This Holy God purposely forbade any unauthorized contact with the spiritual realm because the devil and his demons exist there to spread their lies. Among those lies are these: (1) God is an impersonal force rather a personal being; (2) everyone possesses a divine inner nature; (3) good and evil are the same; (4) there is no hell; (5) Jesus Christ wasn't God but merely a self-realized man; (6) there is no death; (7) everyone and everything is divine; (8) we can be reincarnated into plants, animals, insects or new human beings after death and (9) human beings are at the next stage in their evolutionary development where those who are deemed unfit for evolution will be eliminated from the earth.

These lies are nothing new. As Solomon once stated, nothing new exists under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9) And nothing new comes from the spiritual realm either. And tragically, the oldest lies in human history continue to be embraced by millions as new revelations from heaven.

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