Sunday, September 27, 2015

Satan's Lies Part II

Are some people born with a sixth sense that allows them to predict the future? And if so, is that sense genetically inherited? Or, is it acquired via initiation into some ancient mystical wisdom?

First of all, no one can predict the future. No one is born with that ability and no one can learn or acquire that ability. Then how do we explain the ancient prophets who are recorded in the Bible? They never predicted the future. Rather, they recorded God's words concerning specific future events.

But how can we prove that? Because the events they foretold of happened. Such as? Such as the prophet Isaiah's revelation in the 8th century B.C. concerning the virgin birth of the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 7:14) 

And Isaiah's recording that revealed the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Christ. Here's what he wrote: "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all." (Isaiah 53:5-6)

There are many other examples of biblical prophecies that were recorded several centuries before they were fulfilled. The prophet Micah revealed the birthplace of the Messiah (Jerusalem) over 500 years before Christ appeared (Micah 5:2); King David foretold of Christ's resurrection nearly 1,000 years before Jesus appeared (Psalm 16:10), and Zechariah foretold that Christ would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey shortly before His crucifixion, over 500 years before that happened. (Zechariah 9:9)

The prophets heard from God and recorded His words. But what was so special about these men that God chose them to deliver His prophetic message to the world? Were they better than others? Were they more religiously devout than others? Did God just happen to like them more than other folks? Absolutely not.

Then why did God choose these men to reveal His word? Because they were humble men who loved the Lord and obeyed His commands. That's why. They weren't any more special than anyone else. In fact, according to the world's standards, these men were nothing at all. The apostle Paul explained it: "But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before Him." (1 Corinthians 1:27-29)

Thus, those who boast that they have the ability to predict the future--psychics, mediums, clairvoyants, spiritists, shamans, fortune tellers etc.--are liars, con artists, charlatans and demonic dupes. Demonic dupes? Yes, because there are people who are influenced by demonic spirits that can manipulate circumstances to make it seem as though these people have the ability to predict the future.

For example, many years ago I had a friend who was unhappy with his life. Though he was intelligent and successful, he was a flop with women. And so, he visited a psychic who told him that a neighbor of his had placed a curse on him when he was a young boy. The psychic broke the curse--for a fee of course--and then told him that he would be highly successful and meet a blond-haired woman who would become his wife.

What do you think happened? A few weeks later, a blond-haired young lady contacted him; they became friends and they eventually got married. Was that a coincidence? Perhaps. Or perhaps not. 

Also, the man's psychic warned him to stay away from me because she told him that I was "extremely dangerous." After he received that advice, our friendship abruptly ended. My friend told me that since his psychic had accurately predicted his future, he decided to heed her advice and stay away from me. And I haven't spoken to him in over 30 years.

Though his psychic never explained to him what made me so dangerous, I knew. I had become a born-again believer in Jesus Christ and I knew the truth concerning salvation and eternal life. My ex-friend had exposed himself to Satan who wanted to make sure than he would never hear the gospel and gain eternal life by professing Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. 

Tragically, by consulting with a psychic, my former friend came under a new curse. The Lord gave us this caveat: "Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God." (Leviticus 19:31)

Sadly, I've learned that my ex-friend is having a lot of personal problems these days. I won't elaborate other than to say that this is what inevitably happens to people who seek spiritual counsel and blessings from those who traffic in the demonic. Things may go great for a time, and then life comes crashing down. Hard. It's a bitter pill that's extremely hard to swallow.

If you've ever sought the counsel of a psychic, then you're under a curse. But the good news is that you can break that curse by repenting and confessing that sin and all of your sins to Jesus Christ. If you'll make Him Lord and Savior of your life, he'll remove every curse that's on you. And best of all, you'll have gained the greatest blessing of all--eternal life.

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