Friday, August 28, 2015

Evil People and Their Wicked Causes

Louis Farrakhan

While millions of people throughout the world remain in shock over the recent murders of WBDJ7 news reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward, few folks are probably aware of something that occurred three weeks prior to their deaths that may have triggered the tragedy.

What was that? It was a Facebook posting made by Louis Farrakhan, an arch-racist and the leader of the of black militant Nation of Islam who wrote this: Retaliation! If the government won't intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us; stalk them and kill them and let them feel our pain.  

Farrakhan's a notorious race-hustler who blames whites and Jews for the predicament of blacks in America. It's very possible that Vester Lee Flanagan, the man who shot Parker and Ward to death on August 26 while they were on assignment in Moneta, Virginia, was inspired by the fire-breathing minister. 

Farrakhan posted his inflammatory Facebook message in response to the tragic shooting that took place in Charleston, South Carolina on June 17 when white supremacist Dylann Roof murdered nine African-Americans at a church in that town.

Though Farrakhan's now an old man, his racist fire seems to have been rekindled since Barack Obama was elected to the presidency in 2008. Here are some of his more notorious quotes: 
One of Farrakhan's closet friends is the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the incendiary pastor who led Chicago's Trinity United Church until he retired about five years ago. Wright promoted Black Liberation theology, a racist ideology that teaches that blacks will never prosper and be free until they become completely independent of whites. Of course, BLT blames whites for the predicament of blacks in America and in other parts of the world.

One of Trinity United's members during Wright's tenure was Barack Obama who attended that church for 20 years until he was elected to the Oval Office. Wright wasn't the only person who influenced Obama. America's 44th president was also an ardent admirer of Harvard professor Derrick Bell, one of the founders of Critical Race Theory. Bell saw America as a hopelessly racist nation where blacks would always be considered inferior to whites.

Since Obama was elected to the presidency in 2008, race relations have deteriorated significantly in America. Am I suggesting that Obama and his administration created the climate for the Moneta tragedy? You bet I am.

Not only have we seen the rise of the New Black Panthers and the Black Lives Matters Movement since Obama took office, we're now seeing an uber-racist movement called F**KYOFLAG. This is a movement that encourages blacks to attack and kill whites. Here are two comments by members of this radical movement:
The escalating racial violence in America and across the world is part of the increasing evil that biblical prophecy warns us will prevail in the last days. (Matthew 24:12, 2 Timothy 3:1-5) And sadly, some of that racial unrest has been created by a man who promised to heal the planet and bring people together.

Barack Obama claims to be a "Christian." If he truly believes that he is, then he ought to be familiar with this statement that Jesus Christ made 2,000 year ago: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." (Matthew 5:9) True peacemakers bring people together. But evil people with wicked intentions create strife and foment violence. What best describes Obama?

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