Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Warning to America

This could be America's future

When the Lord revealed Himself to Abraham in the ancient times, He made this promise to him: "I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies." (Genesis 22:17)

The Lord also told Abraham that He would deal severely with those who persecuted his descendants: "I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth with be blessed through you." (Genesis 12:3)

The people who've been blessed by God through Abraham are the Jews and Gentiles who've been born into eternal life through their faith in Jesus Christ's death on the cross for their sins and His resurrection from the dead. (John 3:16, Romans 10:9-11)

These are Abraham's rightful descendants because Christ's physical lineage traces back to Abraham's son Isaac who was the son God promised to Abraham and his wife Sarah in their old age. (Genesis 18:10)

While the Jews are Abraham's physical descendants, not all are his legitimate descendants because many of them rebelled against God and subsequently rejected His Messiah Jesus Christ when He appeared on earth 2,000 years ago.

And Abraham's gentile descendants? They've been adopted by God through their faith in Christ. (Romans 10:12) 

Thus, Abraham's legitimate descendants now belong to him by faith rather than by lineage. 

Though some, but not all Muslims can trace their lineage back to Abraham through his other son Ishmael, they aren't his legitimate descendants because they reject Christ as the Son of God and His death on the cross for the sins of mankind. 

Islam teaches that God has no son and that eternal life is entirely dependent upon one's strict adherence to the five pillars of Islam and the teachings of the Koran. And even then, Islam cannot guarantee anyone eternal life.

And so, what did God mean when He warned the world through Abraham that He would punish those who persecute his descendants? Haven't Christians and Jews been persecuted mercilessly throughout the centuries? Indeed they have.

Some of that persecution has come as punishment for rebellion against God (Jeremiah 24:10), while God has also used persecution to test and refine the faith of those who claim to be His followers (Romans 5:3-5).

While the ancient Israelites were repeatedly warned by God through His prophets that He would scatter them among the nations of the world (Deuteronomy 28:64-68) unless they stopped rebelling against Him, they ignored His warnings and they suffered the consequences. 

However, God also promised to bring the Jews back to their nation after their punishment ended. (Jeremiah 30-39) And that promise was fulfilled in 1948 when the United Nations declared Israel a sovereign nation once again over 1,800 years after Roman Emperor Hadrian had nullified the nation in 130 A.D. 

God will not scatter Israel again. And the land that Israel occupies belongs to the Jewish nation and to no one else--not to the Palestinians or to the Roman Catholic Church that erroneously and arrogantly teaches that she has replaced Israel as God's chosen.

Certainly, the world doesn't believe God's prophetic warnings in the Bible. Even a growing segment of the Christian church--which should know better--has sided with the Palestinians and Islamists in their desire to destroy Israel and drive the Jews from their homeland.

One of those who has become an enemy of the Jewish state is President Barack Obama who's now contemplating crippling sanctions against Israel because the nation continues to build new housing in its capital city of Jerusalem.

One senior congressional aide who's obviously not Obama's biggest fan, said this: "If these reports are true, this would mark a new era of unprecedented hostility from the White House against our strongest ally in the Middle East. It's impossible not to notice the irony of the administration mulling sanctions on Israel while threatening to veto new sanctions against Iran...The president should be forewarned that taking such action against Israel would yield tremendous pushback from Congress."

Let's hope that Congress indeed pushes back against Obama and his evil plans. Because if Obama succeeds in persecuting Israel, he'll bring a terrible curse upon America. 

If you don't believe that, then just wait and see what's going to happen. In the meantime, let us pray for God's protection of Israel and "pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May those who love you be secure." (Psalm 122:6)

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