Friday, July 4, 2014

Q and A: Islam and The Last Days

In July's installment of Q and A, we'll discuss Islam in the end times along with what's happening in America and the Middle East.

Question: Some prophecy experts are predicting that Islam is eventually going to take over the world and become the global religion of the future. What do you say?

Answer: I believe that Islam's days are numbered. Why do I believe that? For several reasons. Look at the nations that are on the rise economically, politically and militarily in the world right now. They include Brazil, China, India, South Korea and Russia. Islam isn't the dominant religion in any of these nations. In fact, none of these nations wants Islam. And in fact, these nations will do everything in their power to suppress and even destroy Islam within their borders. Islam is a violent, bullying religion that spreads quickly in areas where that religion encounters minimal resistance. That's why Islam is growing so fast throughout the western world, because many western nations have resorted to appeasement to pacify Islamists. Appeasement is a white flag to Islamists. The more you appease them, the more territory they take until they eventually take over. That's one of the reasons why we're witnessing a shift in global power from the west--and particularly the United States--to the east. And once the U.S. dollar collapses, the U.S. will collapse. When that happens, China and Russia will become the dominant superpowers on the planet. And as they grow, they will spread their influence across the world. And as that influence spreads, Islam will be in retreat because both China and Russia realize that there will always be trouble as along as Islam is around.

Question: If Russia wants to get rid of Islam, then why does Russia support Assad in Syria and the Mullahs in Iran?

Answer: A very good question. The Russians support Syria's ruthless dictator Bashar al-Assad because he and his father Hafez al-Assad kept violent jihadist groups such as al-Qaeda from growing and spreading throughout Syria and the Middle East. Keep in mind that Syria sits directly south of Russia and the Russians have had a lot of trouble for many years with jihadist groups, particularly in the Caucasus region. The Russians have counted on Syria to hold down these groups. That's why they've been supporting al-Assad in his struggle against the rebels who want to overthrow Syria's government. The Russians know what will happen if al-Assad falls. As for Iran, the Russians support that nation because Iran is an oil rich country that badly needs to modernize its technology and military systems. The Russians have the technology and military systems and the Iranians have the cash to buy it despite the so-called economic sanctions that they had to endure. And Russia needs the money to rebuild its industrial infrastructure that badly eroded during the bad old days of communism and the Soviet Union.

Question: You have said that according to Daniel's prophecies (Daniel 8) the kingdom of Media, which you claim is now Iraq, fell in 2003 with the U.S. invasion of that nation. And yet Iraq looks as though it's being taken over by al-Qaeda? Were you wrong?

Answer: No. You have to understand the difference between the global threat that Iraq posed to the world under Saddam Hussein and what an ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) controlled Iraq poses. Hussein was a megalomaniac who really believed that he was a modern day Nebuchadnezzar commissioned by Allah to take over the world. He not only wanted to destroy Israel, but he also wanted to destroy the United States and Europe via nuclear weapons. And he had the wealth to buy and build such weapons because Iraq is an oil-rich nation. ISIS has no global aspirations. It wants to establish a caliphate in Syria and Iraq and then plot the destruction of Israel. Some folks think that ISIS is an affiliate of Iran, but that couldn't be further from the truth. ISIS is a Sunni movement while Iran is a Shiite nation. The Sunnis and Shiites can't stand each other. That's why the Iranians have been supporting al-Assad in his struggle against the Sunni rebels. The Iranians don't want two Sunni states to the west of them. And they will do everything in their power to prevent that from happening. And so, there's going to be a lot of trouble in that region in the near future.

Question: Do you still believe that the United States is going to overthrow Iran, according to your interpretation of Daniel 8?

Answer: Yes, but certainly not under President Obama whose foreign policies are an absolute train wreck. You have to understand that God's prophecies are going to be fulfilled regardless of who's in the White House. The fulfillment of the Daniel 8 prophecy could come soon because the window of opportunity is beginning to close. What does that mean? The U.S. military and its weapons systems are being emasculated by the Obama Administration. That means we will have less troops and sophisticated weapons to destroy Iran's nuclear program. And remember, the Iranians have been purchasing a lot of Russian weaponry in recent years. They will not go quietly.

Question: Will the Russians intervene if the U.S. attacks Iran?

Answer:  They could, but that probably won't happen. Russia is mainly concerned with Russia, not Iran, Israel or the United States. What will probably happen is that the U.S. will consult with Russia concerning a planned invasion of Iran. The Russians will likely demand that they be allowed to install their own government in Iran after the invasion and the U.S. will probably agree to that condition as long as Iran's nuclear threat is eradicated. The Russians will never agree to a U.S. backed government in Iran, so they will not allow the U.S. to invade Iran until the U.S. agrees to get out of Iran after the invasion.

Question: Do you think another 9-11 is going to occur in the United States?

Answer: I certainly hope not. But given the catastrophic policies of the Obama Administration, I wouldn't be surprised. The recent invasion of the southern border by tens of thousands of illegal immigrants from Central and South America is frightening. Who came in? We don't know. We do know that jihadists have been trying to get across the southern border for years. And now they were given a free pass to stroll right on in. Of course, Obama blames Congress for its failure to pass immigration reform for this latest incursion, as if he had nothing to do with it. But this one's on him. His administration planned this, and if we suffer another catastrophic terrorist attack, you can blame him. Any American who has a functional brain ought to be ashamed of this guy. Sadly, there are a lot of Americans who don't have functional brains. That's why they elect such terrible leaders as Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama.  

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