Saturday, December 14, 2013

Return of Mystery Babylon

Pope Francis

Time Magazine's recent decision to name Pope Francis as its person of the year was great news for the Roman Catholic Church.

Why? Because the Roman Church needed some good news after several years of scandals and stodgy leadership that have made her increasingly irrelevant in a post-modern, post-Christian world. Unless that trend is reversed, the Catholic Church could become extinct in the not-too-distant future.

However, biblical prophecy reveals that the Catholic Church is going to play a very important role in the end time world directly preceding the return of Jesus Christ.

How so? Because she's going to become partners with a world government and become the vessel that reveals the dreaded Antichrist to the world.

Certainly, that sounds preposterous and much like a conspiracy theory. Although biblical prophecy may sound preposterous to those who are ignorant of the Bible, it's definitely not a conspiracy.

Nearly 2,000 years ago, the apostle John, who was living in exile from Rome on the desolate island of Patmos that was located in the Aegean Sea, received an incredible vision from Jesus Christ. John recorded that vision and it became known as the Revelation, which is the Bible's final book.

The Revelation describes the Apocalypse that is the end times. An integral part of John's vision includes the rise of a world government (Revelation 13) along with the rise of a one-world religion. (Revelation 17)

The Roman Catholic Church will be the head of that global religion. How can we determine that? By John's description of an allegorical harlot that represents this religion. John's description of her dress, code-name and her earthly location all identify the Catholic Church as the religion that will rule the world and help bring the Antichrist to power.

Keep in mind that when John recorded the Revelation in about 90 A.D., the Catholic Church didn't exist and wouldn't come into existence for another 250 years.

How does Pope Francis factor into this end time prophecy? He's immensely popular; he embraces socialism and he's ecumenical. And he's downplayed historical church teachings that condemn such topics as abortion, homosexuality and all non-Catholic religions.

And unlike his predecessor--Pope Benedict XVI--Francis is energetic and possesses a youthful enthusiasm that betrays his age. He's just the sort of pontiff that the Catholic Church needs to revitalize its flagging membership base.

Pope Francis' popularity signals the beginning of a religious renaissance for the Catholic Church that will not only convince many lapsed Catholics to return to the church, but convince many non-Catholics to join her as well.

And that's bad. Why? Because the Roman Catholic Church isn't the true church of Jesus Christ. And it never was. The Catholic Church teaches a gospel of works that's condemned by the Bible. The apostle Paul wrote: "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)

And so, Time Magazine's 2013 Person of The Year award is not only good for the Roman Catholic Church, it's also good for the devil; "the thief who comes only to steal and kill and destroy" (John 10:10) the souls of human beings by deceiving them with a false gospel.

1 comment:

  1. Economic bust always follows economic boom.

    Destructionism has been underway ever since Jesus Christ opened the first seal of the Scroll of End Time Events, seen in Revelation 6:1-2, and released the Rider on the white horse, that is the rider who has a bow without any arrows, to effect a global coup d’etat, by transferring sovereignty from democratic nation states to sovereign regional leaders and sovereign regional bodies such as the ECB, by enabling the the bond vigilantes to begin calling the Interest Rate on the US Ten Year Note, ^TNX, higher from 2.48% on October 23, 2013.

    Now after six years of money manager capitalism, the tail risk of Global ZIRP is economic deflation and economic recession; she is presented in bible prophecy of Revelation 17: 1-5; and she is going to be a bad bitch, as she is the scarlet beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon her forehead a name written, Mystery, Great Babylon, the mother of the harlots, and of the abominations of the earth.

    Regionalism is the singular dynamo of economic activity under authoritarianism, and it is bringing forth Mystery Babylon, that is the beast regime of Revelation 13:1-4, as it rules in diktat policies of regional economic governance in all of the world’s ten regions, and occupies in debt servitude schemes of totalitarian collectivism in every one of mankind’s seven institutions.
