Monday, September 30, 2013

The Temple of Doom

Though the recent turmoil in Egypt and Syria doesn't bode well for Israel, biblical prophecy reveals that the tiny Jewish nation is not only going to survive, she's going to play a key role in an upcoming global government.

Many folks--even some who claim to be biblical scholars--believe that Israel's days are numbered. But Israel isn't going anywhere. In fact, without Israel, the Antichrist would have no reason or purpose to even appear on earth.

The apostle Paul explained: "He (Antichrist) will oppose and exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God." (2Thessalonians 2:4)

What temple was Paul referring to? A new temple that will be constructed in Jerusalem. God's temple cannot be built anywhere else in the world. The Temple Mount was the location for the two previous temples that existed in Israel. And it will be the location for the third temple that the dreaded Antichrist will defile with his presence.

But how can we be sure that Jerusalem will be the site for this new temple? By studying the ancient biblical prophecies that reveal its location.

Nearly 2,600 years ago, the ancient Hebrew prophet Daniel revealed that during the final seven years on earth directly preceding the return of Jesus Christ, the Antichrist will "put an end" to the daily sacrifices and offerings in the temple that were mandated under the Mosaic Covenant. Then, "on a wing of the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him." (Daniel 9:27)

Christ confirmed the temple's Jerusalem location with this prophecy: "So when you see standing in the holy place (temple) the abomination that causes desolation, spoken by the prophet Daniel--let the reader understand--then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains." (Matthew 24:15-16)

Judea or Judah is part of modern Israel and was known as the southern kingdom. In the ancient times, Jerusalem was located in Judah. So Christ not only qualified Daniel's prophecy, he confirmed the location of the new Jewish Temple. It will be located where the two previous temples were located.

Thus, if Israel is destroyed, then Daniel's prophecy can't be fulfilled. Both Daniel and Christ would be declared false prophets and the entire Bible would lose its credibility. God's integrity is tied to the survival of Israel.

And if Israel survives as a nation, then what becomes of Islam that has historically called for the annihilation of the Jews from the face of the earth? If Israel survives, then Islam can't survive unless it is changed because Islam teaches that its messiah--the Imam Mahdi--can't appear until all the Jews have been removed from the world. The Koran exhorts all Muslims to fight against the Jews to accomplish that.

Some folks who claim to be biblical scholars are erroneously teaching that the dreaded Antichrist is going to be Islamic.
But that's not only unbiblical, it's ludicrous. No Islamic Antichrist would ever allow Israel to exist or allow a new temple to be constructed in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount where the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque currently exist.

In fact, if the Antichrist turns out to be Islamic, then Israel will certainly be destroyed. And if Israel is destroyed, then why would the Imam Mahdi allow a new Jewish Temple to be constructed on a site that is sacred to Islam? That makes no sense.

Rather, biblical prophecy clearly reveals that the coming Antichrist will be a counterfeit of Jesus Christ who will arise through the Roman Catholic Church. (Revelation 17) And he will come from Russia. (Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38-39)

Daniel and Ezekiel were ancient prophets who lived and recorded long before Christ appeared in the world. Daniel revealed that the Antichrist will be the ruler of a powerful nation he described as a northern kingdom. How does that relate to Russia? Keep in mind that Israel is always located at the center of the Bible's geographical map. And so, Russia is the nation furthermost to the north of Israel and is currently on the rise as a military superpower.

Furthermore, Ezekiel described this nation as Gog which was an ancient name for the tribe of Rosh that many modern Russians are descended from. Ezekiel revealed that at some point in the future, Gog, (Russia) along with a confederation of nations called Magog, will attack Israel in an event that the Bible identifies as Armageddon. That's when the Lord will march out and destroy Russia and its confederation.

But before this happens, Russia will eventually become the dominant political force in the Middle East leading up to the advent of a global government. That spells trouble for Islam because if Russia becomes a dominant global power again, she will begin to spread her religious values across the world.

What are those values? Russia is a predominantly Orthodox Christian nation that has little tolerance for Islam. And Russia's Orthodox Church once belonged to the Roman Catholic Church until it separated about 1,000 years ago because the Orthodox church wanted to serve the Bishop of Constantinople rather than the Pope.
However, both churches have been discussing a reunion in recent years. And when that reunion takes place, an important prophetic door will be opened that will link Moscow and Rome, making the Antichrist's appearance possible.

That reunion is important because the dreaded Antichrist will have the authority to order a new Jewish Temple built in Jerusalem. And he will have the power to destroy anyone who tries to oppose the temple's construction.

In order for the temple to be built, the Antichrist will likely coerce Israel into trading her sovereignty for the temple. And he will probably offer Israel military protection from her enemies as well. But that will be a treaty signed in hell.

In fact, when Israel signs that fateful deal, the final seven years on God's prophetic clock will begin ticking down to the return of Christ.
That clock began ticking in 445 B.C. when Persian ruler Antaxerxes signed the decree for the Jews to return to Israel from captivity that began in 586 B.C. with Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar's invasion of Jerusalem. That clock was stopped exactly 483 years later when Christ rode a donkey into Jerusalem, (Daniel 9:20-27) just days before His crucifixion.

The Bible calls this final seven year period the Tribulation period. It will culminate a 490 year period "decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy." (Daniel 9:24)

In the meantime, before any of this happens, Israel won't be going anywhere, even though her hostile Islamic neighbors and many world nations will try to eliminate her. In fact, the ancient Hebrew prophet Zechariah prophesied that this would take place in the last days: "On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves." (Zechariah 12:3)  

So, don't fear for Israel. God is going to protect and preserve her until Christ returns to establish His millennial kingdom on earth.

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