Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Prophetic Totalitarian State

Though George Orwell's 1984 was published in the innocent year of 1949, his novel has proven to be prophetic in year 2013.

Orwell's book is a fictional account of an authoritarian government (Oceania) that wields absolute authority over its citizens in the year of 1984. Though governments have existed throughout history that have wielded such power, no nation has ever possessed the ability to keep perpetual track of practically every person within its borders.

Until recently. With the latest revelations that the Obama Administration has been using espionage against millions of Americans via phone records and the internet, Orwell's 1984 has become a fulfilled prophecy.

And consider the similarities between Orwell's novel and the United States of America under President Barack Obama. Big Brother, who is the glorified leader of Orwell's powerful government is similar to Obama. The Ministry of Truth, the agency that's responsible for revising history to glorify Big Brother's totalitarian government resembles America's corrupt media that tenaciously protects Obama from scrutiny and attacks those who attempt to expose his corruption.

Orwell's government practices mind control via a government system called Ingsoc (English Socialism) that is designed to promote collectivism and demonize individualism and independent thinking. In 1984, those who reject the authoritarian state's propaganda are charged with thought crimes. This parallels the propaganda that is dispensed by much of the American media and government school system that defines a racist as someone who believes in freedom, small government and a Judeo-Christian worldview.

And there's another similarity between 1984 and America, circa 2013. In 1984, the Oceanian citizens were known as Proles. Despite the prevailing poverty, hunger, destitution and disease, the Proles were brainwashed by their government to believe that they enjoyed freedom and opulent prosperity. The Proles weren't intelligent people. They chose to believe whatever their government and its propaganda ministry told them.

Compare Orwell's Proles to the 50 million Americans who voted to reelect Obama to a second term last November despite America's terrible economy, high unemployment and festering scandals. Fifty million Americans became the Proles who willfully chose to ignore the reality of a corrupt, paranoid and incompetent president who lacked both the moral compass to respect the U.S. Constitution and the ability to solve America's growing economic crisis.

And now comes Big Brother Obama's assault on privacy. Even historical liberal institutions such as the New York Times, the AP and the ACLU that have enthusiastically served Big Brother Obama are finally seeing what the Emperor looks like without his mythical coat of chrome. And when Big Brother's own Ministry of Truth begins turning on him, then you can well understand how bad Big Brother's rape of the Constitution is.

To be fair to Obama, the espionage programs that his administration is using to spy on Americans began under his predecessor George W. Bush. Ironically, when he was a senator, Obama criticized Bush's encroachment into the private lives of Americans. But now as president, he has greatly expanded those clandestine espionage programs.

And this is prophetic. Biblical prophecy reveals that a world government is coming that will implement the ultimate espionage system--a computer chip or bar-code system that will enable this government to track everyone on earth.

The apostle John, who recorded the Revelation in about 90 A.D. wrote this: "He (Antichrist) also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number (666) of his name." (Revelation 13:16-17)

The technology already exists for such a tracking system to be implemented worldwide. All that's lacking is a one-world government. And that's coming. And the ultimate Big Brother who's going to implement that system will be the dreaded Antichrist.

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