Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Right Worldview

Although a myriad of ideologies and philosophies have attempted to explain human behavior since practically the beginning of time, only two worldviews actually exist.

What are those worldviews? The prevailing worldview teaches that all human suffering (crime, violence, immorality, racism, poverty etc.) is caused by social and economic injustice. This popular worldview claims that man is a good and benevolent being by nature who becomes corrupt and motivated to do bad things by his surrounding environment.

The other worldview is the biblical Judeo-Christian worldview that teaches that all evil emanates from within the human heart. According to this worldview, man is responsible for all the corruption, violence, crime, poverty, racism etc. that exists in the world.

When civilizations have lived according to the biblical worldview, crime and moral decadence have been low. But when civilizations reject the biblical worldview for a humanistic worldview, then chaos ensues.

Sadly, the humanistic worldview is increasingly embraced by many professing Christians these days. While claiming to be followers of Jesus Christ, they embrace the very anti-biblical social gospel that blames all human suffering on external conditions that exist in the world.

However, the Bible attributes all wickedness in the world to man's inherent evil heart. Christ explained this to his disciples one day after some of Israel's religious leaders had declared them morally unclean because they had eaten with unwashed hands.

Christ said this: "Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and they make a man unclean. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what make a man unclean, but eating with unwashed hands does not make him unclean." (Matthew 15:17-20)

When did Christendom begin rejecting that message? Around the late-19th century when many seminaries began importing the godless ideas from humanists such as Voltaire, Rousseau, Marx, Engels and Freud. Why did Christendom reject that message? Because the church began to doubt the reality of sin that prevails in all human hearts as the Bible reveals.

Instead, the church began to seek new answers and solutions for human behavior outside of the Bible. Sinful behavior was redefined as anything from psychoses and neuroses to mental illness. People no longer were considered sinners who made bad moral choices--they were reclassified as "victims" in need of healing from emotional maladies caused by a myriad of circumstances.

This worldview absolves human beings from moral accountability for their actions to a Holy God. The power of Jesus Christ to change human hearts and deliver people from the deadly grasp of sin has been rejected and replaced by the pseudo-science of humanistic psychology that makes men perpetual slaves to a host of manufactured emotional traumas.

Bad moral choices such as alcoholism, drug addition, gambling etc. have been redefined as emotional "diseases" that need chronic treatment and therapy. And nearly every form of aberrant behavior is now blamed on some external cause.

The collapse of western civilization is directly related to its rejection of the biblical Judeo-Christian worldview. The survival of the western world hinges upon getting back to that worldview, or else.

And that survival begins with the recognition that all men and women have been separated from God because of their sins. That's why Jesus Christ came into this world--to pay the ultimate price for our sins that we couldn't pay ourselves.

Faith in Christ's death on Calvary's cross for our sins not only brings us eternal life and into fellowship with God the Heavenly Father, it also puts us on the road to moral recovery, spiritual regeneration and holiness.

That's the right worldview and the one and only solution for reversing the moral anarchy that is destroying western civilization.

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