Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Agenda Behind the Agenda

Contrary to popular belief, I'm not anti-science. Nor am I a homophobe, xenophobe, racist, bigot or an anti-Semite.

Rather, I like to do research and establish evidence--or the lack of--when someone or an organization promotes something as true and then declares it to be "settled science", meaning that there's no room for discussion or dissent.

Such as the LBGT Movement and Gay Marriage. I believe that the LBGT Movement and its corollaries such as Gay Marriage are part of a much broader global movement that seeks to radically reduce the earth's population.

What could the LBGT Movement and Gay Marriage possibly have to do with global population control? Very simply this--homosexuals and lesbians can't procreate unless they find surrogates.

Thus, the real agenda behind the LBGT's agenda is to encourage more people to leave traditional heterosexual relationships for homosexual relationships. And that's being done by glorifying the gay lifestyle by making it attractive, hip and cool while demonizing opponents of the lifestyle as narrow-minded bigots and racists. That's why the Christian Church in the western world is under attack from LBGT's and secular progressives.

The more young people who can be enticed to give up heterosexuality for homosexuality, the less likely they will be to procreate and bring children into the world. That's the real goal behind the burgeoning LBGT Movement, though most gays and lesbians would probably scoff at that.

But examine the websites and the agendas of big, global organizations such as the United Nations and its surrogates such as the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, the Club of Rome and Games For Change and you'll see what I mean. Population reduction and control is one of their main goals along with the creation of a world government.

They frequently use the word "sustainability" to imply that the earth's growing population (currently seven billion) is responsible for "Global Warming-Climate Change" and the spread of famines, food shortages, deadly diseases etc.

And they claim that unless the world's population is reduced drastically--and soon--then massive death, disease and starvation will become rampant throughout the world. The United Nations tried to peddle that hysteria back in the late 1960s by promoting a propaganda book written by Paul Ehrlich. It was titled; The Population Bomb and it predicted that the earth would experience an apocalypse of death and destruction in the 1970s unless world nations came together to reduce their populations.

The 1970s came and went, and no such apocalypse occurred. Nevertheless, Ehrlich's hysterical doomsday predictions are still regarded by many as sacrosanct.

Biblical prophecy reveals that a world government is in fact coming that will destroy multitudes. (Daniel 8:25) This oppressive government will have the power to regulate anything and everything, and it will be ruled by the dreaded Antichrist who will decide who lives and who dies.

How vicious will this global government be? In his famous vision concerning the end, recorded 2,600 years ago, the prophet Daniel compared this world government to a violent beast: "After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast--terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left." (Daniel 7:7)

This government will be a mass-murdering machine. When abortion, radical environmentalism and the LBGT Movement fail to reduce global population, then a world government is going to arise that will. And it will accomplish that through mass murder.

And so, when you see a global government arise that will consist of 10 nation groups led by seven powerful rulers (Daniel 7:23-25, Revelation 13:1, Revelation 17:3) who will answer to a global ruler who will be the Antichrist--be wary--because the end is near.

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