Sunday, January 20, 2013

Oh, What a Lucky Man

"Oh, what a lucky man he was."--Emerson Lake and Palmer

Contrary to popular opinion, I don't hate Barack Obama. I think he's a delightful, well-spoken and intelligent guy. I just don't think that he's qualified to be the President of the United States. Or the president of any other nation on earth for that matter. But in 2008, he became an extremely lucky man when he was elected as America's 44th President.

But then again, I thought that George W. Bush was extremely lucky to be elected as America's 43rd President in 2000. Like the Leftists who adore and worship Obama, Bush was enamored by many conservatives and Evangelicals who held him up as a messianic figure who had come to heal the nation and restore integrity to the White House after eight years of Bill Clinton.

Many conservative Christians actually believed that Bush's election would trigger a new era of conservatism that would also ignite a great Christian revival that would sweep across the United States and eventually spread throughout the world. How wrong they were.

Instead, Bush became just another political-ecumenical empty suit who praised Islam as a religion of peace, betrayed Israel by coercing the Jewish nation into relinquishing the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians in 2005 and he sold out conservatives by ignoring the Constitution to infringe on personal freedoms in the name of "homeland security."

Oh yes, and Bush also became the biggest spending president in history before Obama. While Obama has rightly been criticized for his failed $800 billion stimulus in 2009, it was Bush who signed TARP into law in 2008. TARP (Troubled Assets Relief Program) authorized the U.S. Treasury to purchase or insure up to $700 billion of bad mortgages from banks and financial institutions that had played fast and loose by issuing millions of high-risk NINJA (No Income, No Job, No Assets) loans to unqualified home-buyers. In what now seems like the ancient past, banks that operated so recklessly usually went out of business. Today, they get bailed out if they play the right politics.

And so, for those who are truly convinced that George W. Bush is the devil and Barack Obama is America's political savior, consider this; Obama pledged to close the Gitmo (Guantanamo Bay) detention center for terrorists and yet it remains open. Obama pledged to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and yet U.S. troops remain in those nations.

Obama also pledged to reverse the reckless spending and gross expansion of government that occurred under George W. Bush. Instead, he continues to expand the government while spending America into bankruptcy. And Obama pledged to end the CIA's clandestine program of flying suspected terrorists to undisclosed locations throughout the world to "interrogate" them for information.

There's really very little difference between Barack Obama and George W. Bush. And I'm convinced that had Mitt Romney defeated Obama back in November, nothing much would've changed.

What does all this really mean? It means that for many decades, our presidential elections have largely been a sham and we're headed for a world government. Beneath the surface, our presidents going back to Lyndon Johnson have all been the same; they've acted according to the international interests that pull their strings.

So indeed, Barack Obama is a lucky man. He gets another four years to hold the title of the most powerful man on the planet. But he's really just a puppet who's being played by the globalists and international money men such as George Soros to bring an end to American hegemony and move the world closer to a global government.

For Christians and conservatives, it's time to stop trying to advance the gospel through politics and start doing it by the power of God's Holy Spirit. You aren't going to elect a president who's going to become an American pope. Remember what happened with George W. Bush? Get back into your churches and start doing your job correctly. As the apostle Paul stated: "No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs--he wants to please his commanding officer." (2 Timothy 2:4) 

Indeed. Our commanding officer is Jesus Christ, not Barack Obama or any American president. And his throne is located in heaven, not at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington D.C.

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