Friday, November 2, 2012

The End of America

From John F. Kennedy's Camelot and daffodils and roses we now come to Barack H. Obama's Detroit and bulldozers and front-end loaders set to level entire neighborhoods in that blighted city. You may remember that Kennedy once said that a rising tide raises all ships. That was in reference to lower taxes that Kennedy hoped would create more economic opportunities and even greater prosperity for Americans in all economic classes from top to bottom.

In Obama's Marxist paradise, he believes that rising taxes will accomplish the same thing as Kennedy's high tides. Unfortunately history has always proved that rising taxes lower economic tides and maroon economic ships that necessitate bulldozers and front-end loaders to raise all those abandoned homes vacated by overtaxed and overburdened homeowners forced overboard into the Sea of Red Ink. And so maybe Obama and his overmatched economic advisers might want to go back and study Kennedy or even Albert Einstein who famously once described an imbecile as one who continues to make the same mistakes while hoping for different results.

And so during the bygone era of Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, etc. those who continued to fail with the same mistakes were usually replaced, fired or terminated and encouraged to seek new careers where they might find better results. During the upside down era of Obama, however, you can not only be an abject miserable failure at whatever you attempt, i.e. foreign policy, the economy, the environment, domestic affairs, military affairs etc. but you can count on your Hollywood, academic, union and media enablers to applaud the results and nominate you for the Nobel Peace Prize.

The abject failure of Barack Obama and his administration in all things domestic and foreign can more aptly be described as a colossal train wreck rather than a sunken ship because train wrecks are visible and ugly while sunken ships hide themselves on ocean floors deep in dark waters well beneath the surface. It's hard to hide the collateral damage of such a breathtakingly inept administration that has even become inept at mendacity that once was its only notable achievement. But if mendacity is the gift that Obama and his administration keep on giving then it's hard to look this gift horse in the mouth when his other end is pointed directly in your face.

If Americans feel increasingly like they've elected too many rumps of horses in recent years or that they've been losing prosperity and freedom while gaining the byproducts of horse rumps then it's because they've been electing too many leaders after their own hearts. In other words, if you don't like the medical prognosis you can keep changing doctors until you finally find one who tells you what you want to hear. Unfortunately, he probably won't tell you what you need to hear and when the end invariably comes you'll be more in need of an undertaker rather than a medical malpractice attorney.

And if America keeps on the same course that she has been on for the past 60 years then Uncle Sam will eventually be making a date with the undertaker sooner rather than later. The greatest and most prosperous nation on earth has cancer; the moral type that has been steadily and relentlessly destroying its foundation for nearly three generations. If America's presidents are indeed a moral barometer of the prevailing culture then the culture is rapidly approaching Stage Five malignant moral carcinoma.

Consider such godless chief executives as Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, George Bush I and consider such pseudo-Christian executives as Bill Clinton and George Bush II. And consider conservative icon Ronald Reagan, himself a professing Christian who allowed his wife Nancy to chart his itinerary via an astrologist. The Bible expressively condemns astrology and forbids any practice of it (Leviticus 19:26) and yet Reagan used astrology rather than the Bible as his guiding light.

If America has become the proverbial "dead fish that begin rotting at the head" then the head is merely a reflection of the body. Over 60 years ago, America's body led the industrialized world in academic achievement with the highest ACT and SAT scores. Over 60 years ago, America's body filled churches on Sundays in honor and recognition of the Holy God who had blessed and made America strong and prosperous. However, by the mid-1990's America's classrooms were producing functional illiterates who had trouble identifying George Washington while many American churches had become religious mausoleums.

And so the late Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev may not have been a prophet, but he did nail America's destiny back in 1961 when he predicted that America's destruction would come from within rather than from without. And indeed he was right; the decline of America has nothing to do with being out-hustled and muscled by other nations with superior military research and technology or even stronger industrial productivity. Rather, it has everything to do with moral bankruptcy that has produced laziness, apathy and a prevailing culture that embraces Hollywood values rather than biblical values. Sacrifice and hard work have given way to laziness, sloth, entitlement and narcissism. Honesty and integrity have succumbed to moral relativism and "situational ethics" while fear, honor and respect for God have been substituted for idol worship, greed and witchcraft.

You can blame American Christendom for much of this malady and indeed the church deserves some of the blame. Many Christians forgot that Christianity is a faith rather than a religion and that Christianity must be imparted by faith to each succeeding generation rather than by infant baptisms, Sunday schools or weekly church attendance. Unfortunately, many Christians foolishly believed that Christianity could be passed on to their children as an heirloom and they forgot that one can only inherit eternal life by faith (John 3:16) rather than by association with a denomination or a church. Many churches and Christians simply ignored Jude's contention to "contend for the faith" (Jude 3) and allowed the prevailing fallen secular culture to evangelize Darwinism and wreck the faith.

Where then is America's future? Is America referenced in biblical prophecy, and if so, then where? Indeed America is referenced in biblical prophecy under a metaphor used as the "King of Greece." The ancient Hebrew prophet Daniel, who recorded God's revelations 2,600 years ago, was given an incredible vision concerning an epic battle between east and west at the end of time. That battle was initially revealed to the prophet through an allegorical vision that featured a confrontation between a ram and a goat. Daniel witnessed the ram overwhelm all of its opponents until it was challenged and defeated by a shaggy goat that had appeared from the distant west.

The angel Gabriel then appeared to Daniel and interpreted the strange vision. Gabriel explained that the vision concerned "the time of the end" (Daniel 8:17) and the two-horned ram represented the kings of Media and Persia while the goat represented the king of Greece. Many biblical scholars interpreted Daniel's vision (Daniel 8:1-14) and Gabriel's interpretation of the vision as ancient Greece's triumph over Persia when Alexander the Great invaded and subsequently overthrew that ancient empire in 331 B.C. But that event couldn't have been what Daniel referred to because that wasn't the time of the end. Indeed, when Alexander invaded Persia, Christ's appearance on earth was still over three centuries away.

Who and what then was the prophet referring to? He certainly couldn't have been referring to modern Greece which has become militarily weak and financially bankrupt. Who was he referring to? He was referring to the United States that was revealed metaphorically as Greece. But why was the U.S. referred to this way by both Daniel and Gabriel? Because ancient Greece was the most prominent gentile nation in the ancient world and thus the gentiles were often referred to as Greeks.

But how do we know that Daniel's prophecy concerning the prominent goat that destroyed the ram is indeed the United States? Because America remains the most powerful nation on earth and is capable of destroying any enemy that engages her. And the region that once contained the ancient kingdoms of Media and Persia is now modern Iran that is developing nuclear weapons that may be used against Israel and the world. Daniel's prophecy concerning the end is now being fulfilled in our time; ancient Media-Persia which is now Iran is threatening the world and the king of Greece which is the United States will eventually respond by overthrowing this nemesis.

It certainly seems far-fetched that the current Obama Administration which is weak militarily will be the one to confront and overthrow Iran. What is more likely is that Obama will be a one-term president who will be replaced by a stronger executive who will take on Iran and defeat the Islamic nemesis.

But what takes place after that is just as important as the defeat of Iran. Daniel recorded this concerning the allegorical goat from the west: "The goat became very great, but at the height of its power his large horn (America) was broken off, and in its place four prominent horns grew up toward the four winds of heaven." (Daniel 8:8)

Daniel's prophecy concerning America is clear; the large horn on the allegorical goat represents America and that horn will be broken off and replaced by four new horns. The prophecy reveals that after America and perhaps a coalition of allies confront and defeat Iran, America will fade from power and four new nations will arise to take America's place as new world powers.

But who will those four nations be? Most likely, those four nations will be Russia, China, India and perhaps either South Korea, France or Germany. China, India and South Korea are currently on the rise as industrial giants in the world while Russia controls vast resources as natural gas and oil. Plus, the Russians have developed close relations with oil-rich Venezuela and recently signed an agreement with Cuba to begin drilling for oil off of Cuba's shores in the Atlantic Ocean. The Russians care little for "climate change" allegedly caused by too much carbon emissions in the atmosphere; they realize that fossil fuel is the new global economic pawn and the more oil and natural gas they can control the more they can dominate the world.

And the Russians are currently building up their military with the development of new sophisticated fighter jets and advanced ICBM's capable of carrying multiple nuclear warheads that can evade anti-ballistic missile systems and travel thousands of miles. The Russians have also introduced a new fleet of nuclear submarines that can travel deep beneath the ocean surface to make their detection nearly impossible, and these subs have the capability of launching Russia's new ICBM's. Though the Russians claim that their new military hardware is strictly for defensive purposes, this type of military technology is designed for first and deadly strike capability rather than for defense. Interestingly, Daniel revealed this concerning the coming Antichrist: "He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed at whatever he does." (Daniel 8:24)

But if the Russians are helping the Iranians build their nuclear power-plants and teaching them how to enrich uranium that can be used to build nuclear weapons, then why would they stand aside and allow the U.S. to destroy Iran's facilities? Because the Russians are after Iran's oil and have befriended the Iranians by providing them with their nuclear technology. After Iran's fanatical Islamic regime has been defeated, look for the Russians to install a puppet regime in Iran loyal to Moscow.

However, why are America's days numbered as a superpower on earth? We can certainly point to America's abortion holocaust that has murdered over 40 million unborn babies since Roe v. Wade in 1973 and we can point to the escalating murder and violence that have permeated American cities and towns since the early 1960's. But this has occurred throughout the world and certainly isn't unique to America. America is going to lose her status as the world's number one superpower because of two reasons; (1) her abandonment of her Judeo-Christian heritage for godless secularism and (2) her abandonment of Israel as her closest and most trusted ally in the Middle East.

God chose America for the specific purpose of defending the tiny Jewish nation against Israel's hostile Islamic neighbors and since 1948 the U.S. has been a staunch and loyal friend to Israel. And until recently, the U.S. has provided the greatest deterrent against an all out attack by Islamic nations against Israel in the region.

However that is changing with the current Obama Administration that has grown hostile to Israel by siding with Israel's sworn enemies. The Obama Administration wants Israel to give up her sovereignty over Jerusalem by allowing the Palestinians to take control of the city and declare it the capital of their new state should they ever gain statehood. Israel steadfastly refuses to ever relinquish that holy city into the hands of foreigners again which has infuriated the Obama Administration. And unless Israel relinquishes Jerusalem to the Palestinians, the Obama Administration will continue to threaten the Jewish nation by cutting off military and financial aid.

And that's not a wise move. In the ancient times, God spoke to Abraham concerning his descendants and their future nation that became Israel and God issued this stern warning to those who would persecute them and attempt to steal their land: "I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." (Genesis 12:3)

To the ancient Hebrew prophet Ezekiel (500 B.C.) the Lord spoke these words: "In my burning zeal I have spoken against the rest of the nations, and against all Edom, (Philistia) for with glee and with malice in their hearts they made my land their own possession so that they might plunder its pastureland. Therefore prophecy concerning the land of Israel and say to the mountains and hills, to the ravines and valleys: 'This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I speak in my jealous wrath because you (Israel) have suffered the scorn of the nations. Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I swear with uplifted hand that the nations around you will also suffer scorn.'" (Ezekiel 36:5-7)

Ironically, the Palestinians claim to be the descendants of the ancient Philistines who were a sworn enemy of ancient Israel that lived just to the southwest of the Jewish nation along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. But the Philistines were Caucasoid in race (light-skinned) while the modern Palestinians are the descendants of Arabs, Turks, Bedouins, Egyptians, Persians and Assyrians. Ezekiel's ancient prophecy concerning Edom's persecution of Israel was a metaphor for the Palestinians who have wrongfully claimed that the land of Israel belongs to them and not to the Jews. And that lie has not only been promoted endlessly throughout the Islamic world; it is also being promoted throughout Christendom and by many world nations including the United States.

And the God of the Universe has vowed to punish everyone from individuals to churches to nations that attempt to persecute Israel by either cursing the Jewish nation or by attempting to punish Israel economically through boycotts and economic divestment from companies that do business with the Jewish state. Let it be known that those who oppose Israel will come under a powerful and deadly curse.

And that is the fate of the United States unless America stops opposing Israel and ultimately God by siding with Israel's enemies that are under the direction and control of the devil who is called "the god of this age." (2Corinthinians 4:4) Indeed, pray for the peace of Jerusalem and pray for the United States because these are perilous times.

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