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Margaret Sanger and the Ku Klux Klan |
"We are
failing to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying...the dead weight
of human waste...an ever-increasing spawning class of human beings who never
should have been born at all."-Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned
every mass murderer that has ever existed throughout history lies an ideological
proponent that motivated the mass murderer to destroy human life. And behind
every ideological proponent of the destruction of human life lies rebellion
against God, his commandments and his transcendent moral laws.
Adolf Hitler had several proponents that motivated him to commit the mass murder
of 10 million human beings; six million of them Jews that Hitler despised with a
satanic fury. But one of the most notable and least recognized of Hitler's
ideological proponents was a woman named Margaret Sanger who has been beatified
by humanists as the patron saint of women's liberation.
Sanger became the
founder of a mass-murdering machine known as Planned Parenthood that has been
responsible for millions of abortions in
America since
the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) legalized abortion in 1973 with its
infamous Roe v. Wade decision.
describe Sanger as an evil person would be an understatement; Sanger not only
became a corollary along with Alfred Kinsey of the sexual revolution, but she
became a patriarch of human eugenics. Sanger was a staunch Darwinist; she was
repulsed at the thought of being held morally accountable for her actions by an
omniscient God, so she murdered her conscience and redefined life as merely the
accidental result of chemical processes that occurred in a primordial mud pond
billions of years ago.
With God dismissed as a religious myth, Sanger assumed
for herself the role of arbiter of human life and decided who was worthy to live
on the planet and who wasn't.
And so,
with her rejection of God, Sanger reduced human life to highly-evolved
protoplasm that had no design, purpose or reason to exist. Children, Sanger
argued, were a necessary evil to propagate the human race. Therefore, according
to her logic, children that were allowed to be born had to be limited in numbers
and had to come from only the finest human stock.
According to Sanger, that
meant that "gutter" or "mutant" races would have to be prevented from
procreating until they became extinct. What were some of those "mutant" races
that Sanger despised? They were Jews, blacks, Eastern Europeans, Asians and
Indians. Sanger proposed sterilizing those "mutant" races until they were
eliminated from the earth, and she advocated the creation of a super-class of
human beings through the selective breeding of those who were deemed superior
intellectually and physically.
That was
the ideology that Hitler embraced, and he credited Sanger as his inspiration to
exterminate the Jews. But Hitler decided that sterilization would take too long
so he decided to speed up the process by destroying the Jews in the death camps
that he had his Nazis construct throughout Europe. Like Sanger, Hitler saw human
life as merely the end product of random evolutionary forces rather than the
image of a Holy, omniscient and all-powerful God.
And like Sanger, Hitler was
the product of a post-Christian world where Christianity was reduced to the
tapestry of the prevailing culture. Hence, the ultimate oxymoron becomes a
"Christian-atheist" because a true Christian believes in God and believes that
Jesus Christ is His Son who entered the world to die for sins of
in the religious sewer of cultural Christianity, Christ is reduced to an ancient
Gandhi; merely a man of peace with no power beyond the ability to persuade a few
ragtag disciples to forgo their careers in order to follow their charismatic
The cultural Jesus Christ is the Christ of despots such as Hitler who
reinvented the Son of God into a National Socialist or Nazi who blessed the
Fuhrer's plans to exterminate those nasty Jews who stood as obstacles in the way
of Germany 's
destiny to populate the world with the intellectually and physically superior
Aryan superman. Thus, the Jesus Christ of Adolf Hitler wasn't the Jewish Messiah
nor the Son of God; he was the ultimate national socialist who lent credibility
to the ageless relativistic creed; the end justifies the means.
Sanger's minions of devout worshipers, the founder of Planned Parenthood
liberated millions of women from the bondage of marital servitude and the chains
of motherhood. If life was just the accidental result of billions of years of
biological evolution, then human beings had no souls and were reduced to
highly-evolved stimulus-response protoplasm. Hence, the unborn baby in the womb
was reduced to a "fetus" rather than a developing human being.
Under Sanger's
rules-be-damned philosophy, a fetus was just something akin to trash to be
discarded via abortion in the event a pregnancy occurred after some raucous
partying. Thus, under Sanger's godless worldview, abortion became the means to
end an untimely and unplanned pregnancy so the party could keep on
Hitler, Sanger was a product of a post-Christian "Christian" culture where
Christianity was reduced to Sunday morning liturgical ritualism. Sanger was a
Roman Catholic who was born in 1879 and grew up in a large family in Saranac
New York . Sanger's Roman Catholic
Church claims to vigorously defend life and rightly denounces abortion as
infanticide, but there's a distinct difference between the authority of a church
and the authority of God.
When a church condemns abortion as murder sans the
bible, it does so under its own authority. But when God condemns the killing of
innocent human life as murder (Exodus 20:13 ) that is punishable by eternal damnation in hell,
then his authority carries a lot more weight. Thus, the condemnation of abortion
as murder that Sanger heard preached in the Catholic church she attended as a
young girl had little influence on the future high priestess of infanticide
beyond that of historical church dogma.
But when
the relevance of God's word is preached from the bible that contains the
prophetic-historic-evidential truth of his word in over 300 specific Old
Testament prophecies that Christ fulfilled, then the condemnation is backed by
God's absolute authority that no one can violate with impunity.
Christ, who is
the physical incarnation of God the Heavenly Father and hence, equal to Him in
authority and power, said this about those who would harm innocent children: "But if anyone causes one of these little
ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large
millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." (Matthew 18:6) And how much worse will it be for those who murder innocent life
in the womb in the name of "freedom of choice" or "women's rights"?
In fact,
the fate of abortionists who murder innocent life in the womb will be far worse
than someone who drowns via a millstone tied around his neck. Unless they
repent, they will burn in the fires of hell for eternity because murder in any
fashion is the ultimate blasphemy committed against God who is the author and
creator of life. Since 1973,
America has
committed the blasphemy of abortion over 40 million times, and there comes a
point when (1) the entire nation shares in the blame and shame of such mass
murder and (2) when God finally pronounces judgment against a nation that has
shed all that innocent blood.
What will that judgment be and when will it occur?
It has already begun to occur in three distinct phases: (1) the rise in
earthquakes, natural disasters and severe weather; (2) the relentless
encroachment of militant Islam into nearly all aspects of American culture and
society and (3) the rise of wicked political leaders who despise freedom and
Judeo-Christian values.
And so,
the battle to end the abomination of abortion begins not with the ballot box but
inside churches. Until the Gospel is made relevant once again and Christians
understand that they all have a responsibility to preach Christ to each and
every soul that breathes on earth, then the spiritual darkness will continue to
metastasize across the planet like a malignant tumor.
Abominations such as
abortion result from the wicked minds of people who, like Margaret Sanger, have
convinced themselves that God is a religious myth. Abortion then, has become the
symptom of a far greater problem and that problem is man's abject rebellion
against God and his rejection of God's transcendent moral laws. King Solomon
wrote: "The fear of the Lord is the
beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline." (Proverbs
begins with the reality that human beings were created in God's image and aren't
the final product of billions of years of random biological evolution. Each cell
in a human being contains over 300,000 bits of coded, digital information known
as DNA that is intricately arranged in a specific order to allow each cell to
survive, grow, multiply and defend itself against disease-causing microbes.
fact, if the genetic information contained in the DNA of just one cell could be
written and recorded, each cell contains enough information to fill a volume of
books that could stretch to the moon up to five times.
When he
was presented with that evidence, the late scientist Sir Fred Hoyle calculated
the odds of Darwinian evolution being the source of life at one in 10 to the
power of 40,000. Mathematicians will tell you that anything beyond one in 10 to
the power of 80 is mathematically impossible.
To believe that over 300,000 bits
of digitally coded DNA that contain the instructions for the life and survival
of each cell arranged themselves without design is preposterous. Even worse, it
represents the worst of man's rebellion against God because it ignores and
denies the irrefutable scientific evidence that all life was created by an
intelligent designer and didn't occur by chance or accident.
not only can't be proven by science because it has never been observed to occur,
but it violates the human conscience. For evolution to be legitimate, then human
beings would have to operate instinctively without consciences, much as animals
do. And yet human beings build hospitals to treat and care for the sick; they
conduct scientific research in search of cures for deadly diseases and they
provide social safety nets to feed and care for the poor and homeless.
evolution promotes Natural Selection; that natural forces eliminate the unfit
from the human race in nature's quest to produce the perfect race. If man is
merely evolution's final product and not designed and created by God in His own
image, then man shouldn't have a conscience that condemns him for violating
God's transcendent moral laws.
Those laws
are written on the hearts of all human beings, a fact that the apostle Paul
recognized in his epistle to the early Roman Church. (Romans 2:15) The human
conscience, Paul acknowledged, was created by God to bear witness to God's laws
written on human hearts. If evolution is legitimate science, then why would some
natural and impersonal force create something that would oppose and defy its
physical laws? In fact, the human conscience proclaims God's existence which is
an irrefutable fact that has driven millions to insanity and suicide throughout
The late atheist philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who inspired Hitler,
died a tortured and insane man because he was condemned by his conscience for
violating God's laws, even though Nietzsche refused to believe in God. Even
Hitler, a warped and evil man, proved he had a conscience when he wept at the
sight of tortured and abused animals.
But some,
like Sanger, cast their lot with evil to the point of smothering their
consciences. Concerning those who would abandon true faith and God in the last
days in search of religious myths, Paul wrote: "The (Holy) Spirit clearly says that in
later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things
taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose
consciences have been seared as with a hot iron." (1 Timothy 4:1-2)
As Paul
revealed, despite the witness of conscience, there are those who are so
desperately wicked that they will ignore and violate their consciences to
perpetuate evil. The hypocritical liars that Paul referenced in his first letter
to fellow apostle Timothy are the false teachers that invade Christendom and
pervert the Gospel to lead many away from the genuine Jesus Christ to a
different Christ who preaches a different gospel. (2 Corinthians 11:4)
prophecy reveals that in the last days, which we are now in, many hypocritical
liars will arise in the world that will not only lead the world astray into
myths (Global Warming, Climate Change) but that they will help establish a
global government that will murder millions, if not billions in the name of
clean environment, peace and safety.
Sanger's vision of eugenics, selective
breeding and population control will become the catalyst for a global government
to lower carbon dioxide levels in the earth's atmosphere by reducing the earth's
population. Since human beings provide the greatest source of carbon dioxide,
the earth's population will have to be reduced, by force if
Until now,
globalists at such entities at the United Nations, the Trilateral Commission and
the Council on Foreign Relations have attempted to reduce the earth's population
through abortion, contraception and the promotion of alternative lifestyles such
as homosexuality that eliminate procreation. But many nations and their cultures
continue to promote and encourage unbridled procreation and resist all attempts
to control population growth.
The only solution, according to globalists, is to
establish a global government that will have the absolute authority to enforce
population control. And so, the current unrest in the Middle
East in
Syria and
Iran is designed
to remove hostile despots and replace them with more benevolent leaders that
will acquiesce to a global agenda of population control, economic stability and
equality. If you believe that the fall of Mubarak in
Egypt and
Gaddafi in Libya
was just a coincidence, you'd better think again.
A global
government that wields absolute power over all nations holds the absolute power
to determine who is allowed to live and who must be removed from the planet. How
will such a plan be implemented? The apostle John gave us a glimpse in his
famous vision he recorded as part of the Revelation: "He (Antichrist) also forced everyone, small
and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or
on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which
is the number of the beast or the number of his name." (Revelation
vision is clear; when a global government appears and assumes absolute power
over the earth, the leader of that government who will be the Antichrist will
impose a strict set of rules on the citizens of the earth. Those rules will
include family size, religious beliefs, health condition, taxes, possessions and
income restrictions. One of those rules will mandate the worship of the
Antichrist as God. Those who refuse to worship the global leader will be denied
the mark which most likely will be a computerized barcode or microchip that will
be necessary for survival.
Those who accept the mark will be condemned to an
eternity in hell. John wrote: "If anyone
worships the beast (Antichrist) and his image and receives his mark on the
forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God's fury, which
has been poured out full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be
tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the
Lamb. And the smoke of their torment rises forever and ever. There is no rest
day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who
receives the mark of his name." (Revelation 14:9-11)
history, man has ignored and defied God by denying his existence, rejecting his
laws and persecuting those created in his image. In his folly and delusion, man
has imagined creating his own utopian paradise where peace and equality reign.
Tragically, any worldview that rejects the biblical revelation that man is born
with a fallen sinful nature will invariably provide the wrong solutions to
solving man's historical struggle to achieve peace and harmony on earth.
fact, unless the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ lives in the hearts of all men,
there will never be true peace on earth. Had Margaret Sanger understood that,
she would've seen mankind as God's handiwork instead of the end product on a
vast, impersonal evolutionary chain.
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