Sunday, March 16, 2014

Christianity's Last Days

It was Jesus Christ Himself who warned that the faith in His name that millions of people have followed for 2,000 years would wither and die in the days preceding His return.

Christ stated that "at that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people." (Matthew 24:10-11)

Certainly, millions of people have indeed turned away from Christianity over the past 50 years. In Europe, most churches are practically empty on Sundays except for a few hardy old souls who remain loyal to the end. In America, that's less so although thousands of churches have gone out of business since the 1950s.

Indeed, Christianity seems destined for history's graveyard unless the trend is reversed. However, the question that begs an answer is this one: How and why did the Christian Church end up on life support? And what can be done to reverse this trend?

As mentioned in the previous post, Christianity's decline in the western world began with the church's abdication of the Bible and the Gospel for ecumenism and godless human precepts such as evolution and humanistic psychology that deny God and deify man.

Many young seminary students, aspiring pastors, evangelists and missionaries were indoctrinated with such ideological poison. And they began spreading that poison from the pulpit to their church members who were told that Jesus Christ was no longer to be considered the Son of God, but rather just an ancient Gandhi who promoted social justice, peace, love, tolerance, equality and nonviolence.

Is it any wonder why moral depravity exploded across the western world in the previous century? With the power of the cross emptied by secular humanism and hackneyed religiosity, millions of people indeed turned away from the faith to follow whatever seemed right in their own eyes.

The seeds of moral relativism that were sown by liberal theologians in the 19th century produced the evil fruit of abortion, sexual promiscuity and perversion, drug and alcohol addictions and exploding crime rates in the 20th century.

For example, in 1961, New York City recorded 100 homicides for that calendar year. Thirty years later in 1991, that city recorded 1,000 homicides with approximately the same size population as it had in 1961. And nearly all of America's major cities experienced a similar rise in murder rates during that time period.

Worse yet, America's post-Christian culture has produced a multitude of wicked political leaders who exploit their power to enrich themselves at the expense of the taxpayers and persecute those who oppose them and attempt to expose their sins.

And so, how can this trend be reversed? It won't be reversed by ballot box evangelism, i.e. the idea that conservatives and Christians can simply elect the right candidates with biblical values and everything will be wonderful once again.

That won't happen, not in a culture that's dominated by secularists who control the education, media and entertainment industries in America. They control the message and idea streams that brainwash young people by convincing them that Christians are racists, homophobes, xenophobes and cretins who believe in outdated myths.

It will only happen when the Christian Church heeds the apostle Jude's words to "contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints." (Jude 1:3) 

If the faith has been entrusted to the saints, then it's up to the saints to make Christianity relevant once again to a world that has grown exceedingly hostile to their faith.

And that's accomplished at the grassroots level on the street, not at the ballot box or through phony revival crusades featuring high-priced celebrity-evangelists and hotshot motivational speakers. 

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