Monday, March 14, 2016

Myths and Realities

In his second epistle to the early church at Thessalonica, the apostle Paul revealed that those who willingly choose falsehood over truth are given "a powerful delusion (by God) so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12)

While most folks believe that Paul was merely referring to spiritual deception, that scripture's a general truth that can be applied to all situations. When people purposely reject the truth to embrace a lie, the lie then becomes their "truth."

For some Christians, the lie they'll embrace will be the dreaded Antichrist when he eventually appears and begins performing supernatural wonders. They'll mistake him for the genuine Jesus Christ because they'll not only fail to investigate him and where his power comes from, they'll refuse to investigate him.

Self delusion has been a human malady since the dawn of history. Many people choose to believe things based upon sensual feelings rather than upon evidential facts. They use their feelings to decide whether something's true or not rather than the evidence.

Remember Adolf Hitler? How can anyone forget him? He conned millions of Germans into electing him the chancellor of Germany in 1933, even though he was monstrously wicked.

In 1925, which was eight years before he became Germany's chancellor, Hitler published his autobiography, Mein Kampf that revealed his bizarre ideas and satanic hatred of the Jews. And yet many Germans chose to ignore that red flag because their aspiring fuhrer's hypnotic speeches made them feel good.

In other words, Hitler seduced them by telling them what they wanted to hear. Here's another prophecy Paul recorded concerning those who will embrace falsehood in the end times:
Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. (2 Timothy 4:2-4)
What are some of the modern myths? Climate change is one. Despite spotty and inconclusive evidence, many people are convinced that the earth's atmosphere is getting hotter. But how does that make climate change a myth?

It makes it a myth because it's an unproven theory being promoted as factual science. We're constantly told that 97 percent of the world's climatologists believe that the world is getting warmer. And yet we never see any documentation that proves that nor the list of the names of all the climatologists who allegedly believe that.

Besides, how can anyone possibly know how many climatologists exist in the world? And who conducted a poll of their opinions concerning climate change? Thus, climate change is a myth.

Certainly, Barack Obama will go down as the most mythical president in American history. But how? Because his entire persona is based upon a myth. He was sold to the American public as one of the most brilliant men who ever lived; a problem solver and a genius who's intellect is so far beyond the average person that no one can compete with him intellectually.

Millions of people embraced that myth seven years ago, and millions of people continue to embrace that myth today. According to Gallup, Obama currently enjoys a 51 percent approval rating. That's astounding when you consider how corrupt and inept his administration is. The United States is in much worse shape now than it was when George W. Bush left office. And yet half of America believes that Obama's done an excellent job. That's a testimony to delusion.

Many folks embrace myths because they deny harsh realities. The truth isn't always good. It can be extremely unpleasant. Some people avoid doctors because they're afraid that they'll be told something they don't want to hear. Such as, they've got an incurable disease that will end in death.

And some people refuse to even consider the biblical gospel because they're afraid that they'll discover they're morally accountable to a Holy God for their behavior. That bothers their consciences. So instead, they embrace such myths as evolution that denies God's existence.

It was Christ who said this concerning those who seek the truth and abhor myths: "And you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32) It's always better to know the truth than to embrace a myth. Because when myths finally end, the grim realty of hell begins.

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