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Evolution: Fact or Fiction? |
In his second of two letters he wrote to the early church at Thessalonica, the apostle Paul reasoned that lies succeed and metastasize because people accept them without investigating them.
For example, Paul explained that heresy spreads rapidly in the absence of biblical accountability. But deception only prevails because people are willingly to accept it without testing it. Here's what Paul wrote:
"They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12)Paul wrote that in the context of an end time prophecy concerning the dreaded Antichrist who is going to appear and dazzle the world with supernatural powers. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10) Though this man will be extremely evil, he will be embraced by the world as a savior because the world will refuse to investigate him to find out who he really is and where his power comes from.
However, Paul's wisdom applies to much more than spiritual deception. It applies to many things, including science. Perhaps the biggest lie that's been perpetuated across the world for the past 150 years is Charles Darwin's atheistic theory of evolution.
That theory proposes that life wasn't created by God, but occurred naturally in a primordial mud-pond hundreds of millions of years ago when enzymes, chemicals and proteins came together to form the first living cell.
Though even Darwin admitted that evolution was merely a theory, it's been taught as proven, factual science in grade schools and universities across the world for a long time. Millions of people accept it as truth, even though it's never been observed to occur and paleontologists have never discovered a single example of a so-called transitional species.
Who was Darwin? He was a theologian and an amateur scientist who didn't understand the diversity that existed within animal species. And he was angry with God because he lost his young daughter Annie to death. And so, some believe that Darwin took out his revenge against God by conjuring up a theory that explained the existence of life in purely natural terms.
Obviously, the existence of DNA wasn't known during Darwin's time. DNA is the blueprint for life. Each living cell contains about 1.5 gigabytes of data, or digitally coded information (DNA). Each gigabyte contains about two billion bits of information. And the human body contains about 100 trillion cells and 150 trillion gigabytes of information.
World renowned microbiologist Michael Behe knows a thing or two about the complexity of human life. Concerning cells, he said this:
The typical cell contains about 2,000 mitochondrion components. Each of the little compartments contains machinery necessary to capture the energy of foodstuffs and store it in a chemically stable and yet readily available form. The system uses a flow of acid to power its machines, which shuttle electrons among a half-dozen carriers, requiring an exquisitely delicate interaction between components. The cell controls how much and what kinds of chemicals it makes; when it loses control it dies. (Darwin's Black Box, pp. 188-193)Needless to say, the human body contains a staggering amount of information that's arranged in a specific order that enables the human body to function. And yet proponents of evolution want us to believe that life resulted from a random, unintelligent source. Behe continues:
Life on earth at its most fundamental level, in its most critical components, is the product of intelligent activity. The conclusion of intelligent design flows naturally from the data itself--not from the sacred books of sectarian beliefs.Furthermore, science has no explanation for life itself. What makes an organism live? We know that an electrical appliance or a computer can't operate without electricity or battery power. What's the energy source of life? It's the spirit. As the apostle James wrote, the body is dead without the spirit. (James 2:26) And so, life is the ultimate mystery that science will never be able to solve.
Had Darwin known about DNA in his day, he undoubtedly wouldn't have written such a foolish and dangerous theory. Even the eminent scientist Albert Einstein dismissed Darwin's theory as impractical and unworkable. Einstein reasoned that if the physical universe originated from a "Big Bang," as evolution postulates, then all the organic matter necessary for life would've been destroyed by the intense heat from such an explosion.
What makes evolution so dangerous? It denies God. And if God doesn't exist, then His commandments and transcendent moral laws are merely human constructs that can be changed or eliminated without any divine repercussions. There's a direct correlation between the increasing acceptance of Darwin's theory and the metastasizing crime and depravity that's plagued the western world for the past 60 years.
Even worse, if God doesn't exist, then no one's morally accountable for their behavior and there's no judgment awaiting anyone after they die. In other words, if evolution is true, then mass murderers such as Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong and Josef Stalin fare no worse in death than Pope John Paul II or Mother Teresa.
Atheism isn't a modern phenomenon. It existed in the ancient time of King David who wrote this 3,000 years ago: "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no god.'" (Psalm 14:1) Why is evolution so popular? Because it offers rebellious people an escape from God's judgment. That's a terrible delusion.
When he was asked to critique his own theory, Darwin gave an honest answer: If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. (Origin of the Species p. 154)
Indeed it has broken down. Unfortunately, those who prefer delusions over hard evidence continue to embrace it. And unless they come to their senses and repent, they're in for a terrible surprise after they take their final breath.
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