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Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump |
Barring an indictment or an unforeseen circumstance such as a catastrophic illness, Hillary Clinton will become the 45th president of the United States in November.
I hope I'm wrong. I don't like Hillary Clinton. And I never did. She was a terrible secretary of state, and she'll make an even worse president. Maybe not as bad as Barack Obama who may arguably go down as the worst president in the history of the United States. But Hillary will be bad for America.
However, she'll be good for the world and for her wealthy benefactors that include the big Wall Street money men who hate accountability, and powerful globalists who are seeking a world government. Those folks want Hillary Clinton in the White House. And they aim to accomplish that.
How will Clinton be good for the world? She'll continue to steer America down a path toward economic destitution and military impotence, and she'll try to push the U.S. away from constitutional law and into international law. Certainly, Barack Obama made those issues a key part of his agenda. That was part of his "fundamental transformation of America."
But don't blame Obama because he's a political puppet who only did what he was chosen (not elected) to do. And before that, George W. Bush was doing the same thing.
Remember LOST? That's an acronym for Law of the Sea Treaty that proposed limiting America's sovereignty over her coastal waters to 12 nautical miles. The United Nations would gain control of the waters beyond that limit. That was the treaty that Bush wanted the U.S. to sign that would've hurt America's economy. How? By forcing the U.S. to obtain permits and pay heavy taxes to the UN for fishing and offshore drilling. Thankfully, the Senate rejected that terrible proposal.
If Hillary Clinton wins the upcoming presidential election, expect more of the same that's been going on in America for the past 30 years. That will include more unfettered illegal immigration, more "free trade" agreements that will make it even easier for U.S. manufacturers to relocate to Mexico and Asia, more crime and violence in America's streets, more poverty, and more persecution of conservatives and Christians.
That sounds insane. Why would anyone with a functional brain want to live in a nation like that? Why? Because poverty and chaos lead to anarchy that eventually leads to totalitarian regimes that wield absolute power over their citizens. That's where the elites want the U.S. to go, and that's where Hillary Clinton will continue to take America if she's elected.
And that's why the elites in both of America's corrupt political parties hate Donald Trump and are desperately trying to stop him from winning the Republican Party's nomination for president. Trump's not a globalist. He's a nationalist. He's extremely wealthy, and unlike Hillary Clinton, he can't be bought.
And that's why the elites fear and loathe Trump. The Republican Party elites claim that Trump is unelectable. That's why they say they need someone else. But in reality, they fear that Trump may indeed win the election if he wins his party's nomination. And that terrifies them. That's why they're trying to stop him. Because they want Hillary in the White House. And to ensure that, they need to nominate another loser just like John McCain or Mitt Romney who has absolutely no chance of winning. Think Paul Ryan or John Kasich.
America no longer has two political parties. It hasn't for many years. America has one political party with two heads. Both heads pretend to oppose each other. Both heads pretend to have different worldviews. But that's a mirage. Both heads belong to the same monster that has one distinctive goal. And that goal is to transform the United States from the wealthiest, most powerful nation into just another member of the world's 196 nations.
If we can learn anything from this year's election process, it's this: the game is rigged and it has been for a long time. For all of his character flaws, Donald Trump has managed to expose the seedy, corrupt side of American politics where the big money people pull the levers and control the action. They also live in the shadows and prefer to remain there.
They control the media that churns out the propaganda for and against candidates, and they control the activist groups such as Black Lives Matter, La Raza and MoveOn.org that send their useful idiots out into the streets to create disturbances and silence the voices of the opposition through intimidation and violence.
Am I endorsing Donald Trump? No. I'm not endorsing anyone. I'll vote in November because that's my constitutional right. But my hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the eternal king who has all the power and authority to raise up and depose political leaders.
Then why would He allow such people as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to gain power? Because wicked people choose wicked leaders after their own hearts. And America has become an exceedingly cruel and wicked nation that glorifies death (abortion) and sexual immorality, and celebrates perversion. As such, America's leaders are a direct reflection of the people who elected them. They're vile and evil.
If Americans truly want to see their nation rescued from the forces of spiritual darkness, then they need to heed the words of the Lord: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Nothing else will do.
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