Thursday, March 31, 2016
Signs in the End Time Skies
When Jesus Christ was asked what specific signs would alert the world that His return was getting near, He said this: "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven." (Luke 21:10-11)
What was Christ referring to regarding great signs from heaven? Was he referring to airplanes that have populated the skies since the 20th century? Or, was he referring to fearsome storms such as monster hurricanes and killer tornadoes that seem to have become more prevalent over the past 100 years?
He was referring to neither. Rather, He was referring to spiritual experiences that have grown exponentially since the 19th century. Specifically, what sort of spiritual experiences? Spiritual experiences such as the appearance of Marian apparitions that have been increasing, and the increase in UFO sightings that have multiplied since the 1960s.
But how can UFOs be considered spiritual experiences? Because they're demonic activity disguised as extraterrestrials that convince people that life exists elsewhere in the universe. But how can we know these beings are really demons, or fallen angels serving Satan? Because of their messages that usually contain an eastern, occult worldview.
Thomas Kulp, who writes for, stated this: Must we conclude, then, as many have, that extraterrestrial beings are visiting Earth? This is, in fact, the message that has been communicated by the aliens themselves on various occasions, a message often cloaked in New Age terminology. A common motif is that Earth is on the verge of a dire catastrophe from which the aliens, as representatives of a more highly evolved race, can save us.
Christian researchers John Ankerberg and John Weldon have studied the UFO phenomenon for many years and have come to this conclusion: In light of the messages given by the UFO entities, how credible is it to think that literally thousands of genuine extraterrestrials would fly millions or billions of light years simply to teach New Age philosophy, deny Christianity, and support the occult?
Why would they do this with the preponderance of such activity already occurring on this planet? And why would the entities actually possess and inhabit people (as in Walk-ins and channeling) just like demons do if they were really advanced extraterrestrials? Why would they consistently lie about things which we know are true, and why would they purposely deceive their contacts? But the UFO phenomenon simply does not behave like extraterrestrial visitors.
It actually molds itself in order to fit a given culture. UFOs - Demonic Deception?
Why has UFO activity been increasing since the mid-20th century? Because, the world is moving farther away from God, and has become ignorant of His laws and commandments. As such, a world that doesn't know God nor His laws, certainly can't distinguish between spiritual good and evil.
An organization called has conducted extensive research concerning the areas where UFO activity is the greatest. Here's a summary of their research: In the United States, the frequency of UFO sightings is strongly correlated with the percentage of unbelievers within a state, and negatively correlated with the percentage of believers.
In addition, the tremendous rise in UFO sightings in recent years parallels the rapid secularization of the U.S. population. No other demographic factor is as strongly correlated with UFO sightings as religiosity. These data, coupled with biblical insights, leads us to conclude that supernatural demonic forces are responsible for at least some of those UFO sightings.
The model makes testable predictions about the future UFO sightings frequencies. The implications of the study suggest that demonic supernatural beings exist, providing further evidence that God exists and that Christianity properly describes the spiritual nature of the universe in which we live. UFOs and the Existence of Supernatural Demonic Forces
What about the increase of Marian apparitions? Though they're religious in nature, they're also demonic. But how can we be sure of that? Because the apparitions draw attention away from Jesus Christ to Mary who has become a mediatrix and co-redemptrix in the Roman Catholic liturgy. Like UFOs, the Marian apparitions manifest in areas where there's tremendous ignorance of God and His word in the Bible that condemns idolatry and the worship of created beings, including Mary.
For example, here's a message spoken by a Marian apparition in Kibeho, Rwanda on September 15, 1982: One must meditate on the Passion of Jesus, and on the deep sorrows of His Mother. One must recite the Rosary every day, and also the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Mary, to obtain the favor of repentance. Messages of Our Lady of Sorrows in Kibeho, Rwanda
And here's a message spoken by a Marian apparition that appeared to Sister Agnes Katsuko in Akita, Japan on July 6, 1973: My daughter, my novice, you have obeyed Me well in abandoning all to follow Me. Is the infirmity of your ears painful? Your deafness will be healed, be sure. Be patient. It is the last trial. Does the wound of your hand cause you to suffer? Pray in reparation for the sins of men. Each person in this community is my irreplaceable daughter. Do you say well the prayer of the Handmaids of the Eucharist? Then, let us pray it together. Our Lady of Akita
Why are these apparitions and their messages demonic? Because they redirect faith away from Christ toward either Mary or Roman Catholic liturgical traditions. Since many of these messages sound authentic, many unsuspecting and biblically ignorant people embrace them. Thus, as the world grows further away from God, the spiritual deception will continue to increase.
The apostle Paul revealed that as the world draws closer to the advent of a world government and the eventual appearance of the dreaded Antichrist, spiritual deception will intensify. In his second epistle to the church at Thessalonica, he wrote this: "The coming of the lawless one (Antichrist) will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing." (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10)
But why are these people being deceived into eternal damnation? Paul continues: "They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12)
Thus, spiritual deception is predicated upon the willful ignorance of people who have rejected the Bible as the inerrant word of God. And without the biblical knowldge to determine spiritual truth from demonic deception, people are susceptible to just about any spiritual phenomenon.
And UFO activity is one such phenomenon that has convinced multitudes that life exists elsewhere in the universe. If it does, the Bible never mentions it. In fact, if life exists elsewhere in the universe, then it's doomed because the apostle Peter revealed this concerning the return of Jesus Christ: "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare." (2 Peter 3:10)
Could that be the reason why UFOs are being seen with more regularity these days because extraterrestrials know what's coming? Not likely. However, the real reason for the increase in UFO activity is because the world has become ripe for spiritual deception.
Are UFO sightings increasing? Indeed, they are. According to NUFORC (National UFO Recording Center) statistics, UFO sightings have more than doubled since the dawn of the current century. For example, in 2000, NUFORC reported 3060 sightings across the world while the center recorded 7,986 sightings in 2012 and 7,682 in 2013. Certainly, some of those sightings were hoaxes or natural phenomena that was mistaken for UFOs. But no one can deny that UFO sightings are increasing, and that fulfills Christ's prophecy concerning the end times.
A website called claims that the increase in UFO activity is often tied to natural or manmade catastrophes. How can we explain that? When terrible things occur, many people become spiritual and they pray. However, if they're following a false religion or the occult, they're praying to demons. In the ancient times, these demonic spirits often appeared as gods and goddesses.
Today, they're more likely to appear as space aliens or extraterrestrials. Why? Because many folks believe that life exists elsewhere in the universe. And the demons will often manifest that way to perpetuate the extraterrestrial fraud.
There's an undeniable link between UFO activity and the occult. And those who seem to be most susceptible to seeing UFOs or experiencing an encounter with space aliens are those who've been involved with the occult.
Jefferson Scott of writes: Victims of satanic ritual abuse, child abuse, and split personalities are all prime candidates for UFO contact-as are the children of those who practice the occult. One distressed parent was told by an alien that "The children belong to us." This is an especially disturbing fact. Innocent children of adults who engage in occult practices are essentially handed over to the demonic as playthings. Their right of choosing was taken from them by their parents.
Not surprisingly, the religious messages spoken by these space aliens is nearly identical to the messages that demons promote to those who are involved in the occult. Scott writes: The aliens seem especially hostile to Christianity, except when it's seen as just another path to the divine. When it's held out as the only true way, it is bitterly opposed. Sounds more like our world's philosophy than another world's.
The aliens are especially careful to trivialize Jesus Christ. He was just an alien, they say. Or he was a hybrid offspring between a human woman and an alien. Or he was one of their agents, right alongside Buddha, Muhammad, and Confucius. "And why do you need him anyway," they wonder, "when we can do everything he could?"
Indeed, Christ's prophecy concerning signs in the heavens is being fulfilled in our time with the increase in UFO sightings and Marian apparitions. And they will continue to increase until the dreaded Antichrist appears and assumes control over a one-world government.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Cultural Islam and Fundamental Islam
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Islam: Where fundamentalism and culturalism collide |
What is radical Islam? Where does that term come from? And why do so many politicians and media members in the western world use it today?
The term "radical Islam" is a politically correct phrase that was invented by the western world to distinguish violence, or "extremism" committed in the name of Islam from "moderate" or mainstream Islam. Islamic radicals, we're told, are people who either pervert the Quran to justify their violence, or practice a "9th century" version of Islam, whatever that means.
However, a close inspection of the Quran and the Hadith (Sayings of Muhammad) reveals that those who commit violence in the name of Allah, do so in obedience to what those texts teach, rather than in opposition to what they teach. For example, the Quran encourages jihad as an essential method of propagating Islam and doing away with unbelievers:
Fight in the way of Allah with those who fight with you. And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers. (Sura 2:190-191)
Here's another example:
The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His apostle and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned. This shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement. (Sura 5:33)Concerning the Jews, the Hadith commands this of all Muslims:
The last hour (Judgement Day) will not come until the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims will kill them until the Jews will hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree will say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him. (Sahih Muslim 41:6985)And so, who are the real radicals? Are they the ones who kill, destroy and maim in the name of Islam? Or, are they those who attempt to make peace with "infidels?" Those who make peace with non Muslims, or recognize any other religion besides Islam are considered apostates. By whom? By the Hadith that declares: "When a person who has reached puberty and is sane and voluntarily apostatizes from Islam, he deserves to be killed." (Reliance of the Traveler 8:1)
Thus, there's no such thing as "radical Islam." There's either cultural Islam, or fundamental Islam. Cultural Islam is a way of life that's observed according to the customs and traditions of Islam. That includes observing such things as religious holidays, pilgrimages and the dietary laws according to that religion. However, a cultural Muslim generally doesn't take the Quran literally in most situations.
A fundamentalist lives strictly according to the teachings of the Quran. As such, a Muslim who kills in the name of Allah is merely being obedient to his religion. For example:
Those who disbelieve follow falsehood, while those who believe follow the truth from their Lord... So, when you meet (in fight Jihad in Allah's Cause), those who disbelieve smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives)... If it had been Allah's will, He Himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (He lets you fight), in order to test you, some with others. But those who are killed in the Way of Allah, He will never let their deeds be lost. (Sura 47:3-4)Certainly, there's cultural and fundamental Christianity. However, cultural Islam is a lot closer to fundamental Islam than cultural Christianity is to fundamental Christianity. Why? Because the Quran and the Hadith are an integral part of cultural Islam, while the Bible--at least in such major sects as Roman Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity--isn't integral to cultural Christianity.
What does that mean? That means that cultural Muslims are much closer to the Quran and the Hadith than cultural Christians are to the Bible. Why? Because for nearly 16 centuries, the Catholic Church discouraged her members from reading the Bible.
It wasn't until Vatican II (1962-1965) that the Catholic Church finally relented and permitted her members to read the Bible. However, the church issued a caveat that warned Catholics not to deviate from historic church teachings. Why? Because the Bible is often at odds with Roman Catholic teaching, especially concerning sanctification, salvation and eternal life.
Thus, cultural Islam is much closer to fundamental Islam than cultural Christianity is to fundamental Christianity. And that's why so many Muslims today are switching sides from culturalism to fundamentalism. They've been taught that they must conquer the world for Allah--by force if necessary--in order to establish a global caliphate and eradicate sin and moral depravity, of which the western world has become the leading exporter of.
Many young jihadists have come from cultural Islamic families that didn't take the Quran literally. But they do because they've been indoctrinated by fundamentalist clerics who are teaching that Allah has commanded them to murder all the Jews and eradicate apostasy from the planet. And the clerics have promised them heaven if they die fighting Allah's cause. In their minds, they have everything to gain by dying and nothing to lose.
What's the solution for this? Is it destroying ISIS, Islam's latest incarnation of global terrorism? Rather, the solution is twofold: (1) to preach the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world; "the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile," (Romans 1:16) and (2) to outlaw Islam and close down all mosques throughout the world.
Are those radical ideas? Is the second solution cruel and heartless? Then think of the multitudes of victims of the "Religion of Peace" who can no longer speak because they're buried in the ground. If they could come back and talk, I think I know what they'd tell us.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Belgium Wallflowers
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The Religion of Peace meets a Brussels train station |
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) believes that the only way to solve the scourge of Islamic terrorism that's plaguing the world is to simply destroy ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
Two months ago, he introduced legislation that would give President Obama unlimited power to destroy the jihadist group. From the
McConnell introduced a sweeping authorization for the use of military force, or AUMF (Authorized Unlimited Military Force), that would give the president new authority to take action against the militant group also known as ISIS or ISIL. It wouldn’t put any limits on the duration, geography or use of U.S. ground combat troops in the war, or on the means by which the U.S. military could act. It also would keep in place a broad AUMF from 2001 that never expired and that allows the president to take military action against anyone, anywhere, connected to the terrorists behind the 9/11 attacks.Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who's running for the presidency, echoes McConnell concerning ISIS and terrorism:
It starts with a commander in chief that sets the objective. And the objective has to be utterly and completely destroying ISIS. (President) Obama hasn’t started with that objective, and everything else flows from there...America has always been reluctant to use military force. It’s the last step we take. But if and when we use it, and when it comes to defeating ISIS, we should use it. We should use overwhelming force, kill the enemy, and then get the heck out. Don’t engage in nation building, but instead allow their soldiers to do their jobs instead of risking their lives with politicians making it impossible to accomplish the objective.To the average person, McConnell and Cruz's suggestions sound like winning strategies. But they aren't. Rather, they're just political band-aids that will do little to halt the global spread of Islamic terrorism.
Why won't defeating ISIS work? Because ISIS is Islam's latest malignant tumor that's infected the world. You can cut it out, just like the U.S. did with al Qaeda soon after 9/11/2001 when the U.S. and its military coalition invaded Afghanistan, defeating the Taliban, and then later in Iraq, deposing Saddam Hussein.
But the tumor will just materialize somewhere else under a different name. Such as it did with ISIS. Why does the tumor keep metastasizing? Because violence is an essential proselytizing tool of Islam. And the Quran commands Muslims to spread Allah's religion by the sword in order to conquer the world.
For example: Fight in the way of Allah with those who fight with you. And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers. (Sura 2:190-191)
Here's another example: The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His apostle and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned. This shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement. (Sura 5:33)
Islam teaches that Allah's religion can be propagated four ways: by the heart, tongue, hand and sword. It's the fourth way that's become the most popular way to spread the religion:
The fourth way to fulfill one’s duty is to wage war physically against unbelievers and enemies of the Islamic faith. Those who professed belief in a divine revelation—Christians and Jews in particular—were given special consideration. They could either embrace Islam or at least submit themselves to Islamic rule and pay a poll and land tax. If both options were rejected, jihad was declared.
Columnist Pat Buchanan says what too few people in the west are willing to say about Islam because it's the painful truth:
When we call Islam a “religion of peace,” are we projecting our own hopes? Are we deceiving ourselves? Are the Muslims we respect, admire and like, as friends and patriots, assimilated and “Americanized” Muslims who have drifted away from, set aside, or rejected many core beliefs of the Quran and root teachings of their own faith? Are they simply secularized Muslims?
The term "secular Muslim" is an oxymoron. The term "radical Muslim" is a politically correct phrase invented by the modern west to deny the reality that Islam promotes violence via the Quran. Anyone who claims that Islam is a religion of peace is either lying, or they're delusional.
Islam isn't a peaceful religion. Nor can it be unless it's reformed. And that will never happen because the Quran contains over 100 verses that encourage jihad. Muslims believe that the Quran is God's divine revelation to mankind via Muhammad, Islam's major prophet. Thus, Muslims consider any attempt to change or alter even a single verse in the Quran the worst sort of blasphemy.
What's the solution for the increasing Islamic terror attacks that are plaguing the world? Is it halting immigration? That might slow down the problem. But it won't stop it. Is it appeasement in the form of adopting Islamic customs and Sharia Law? That's tantamount to surrender.
Rather, it's eliminating Islam completely by closing mosques and outlawing the religion. That won't happen in the west, and particularly in America where freedom of religion is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.
However, it will happen in the emerging eastern world that's realized that Islam is anathema to freedom and peace. Here's what Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a speech before the Russian Duma in 2013:
We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture. We had better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Muslims are taking over those countries and they will not take over Russia. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims. When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest first, observing that the Muslim minorities are not Russians.From a prophetic point of view, Islam has no future in the world. However, until the "Religion of Peace" finally goes away, it's going to cause a lot more carnage across the world. And that's the radical truth.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Hallucinogens and Demons
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Hallucinogenic drugs: Doorways to the devil |
Since the 1960s, the popularity of powerful hallucinogenic drugs along with occult and eastern mystical practices has grown dramatically across the world, and particularly in the west.
And there's also been a significant increase in crime, moral decadence and insanity during that time. That's not a coincidence because there's a common denominator between crime, depravity and insanity, and eastern mysticism, occultism and hallucinogenic drugs.
These spirits will promote a very anti-Christian message that encourages, selfish, nihilistic behavior. And the spirits will also persuade people to get involved in occult activity so they can further gain a foothold in their lives.
What sort of messages are spoken by these evil spirits? Here's one: Sin does not exist...sin is a grand illusion. No one is punished for sins, and you are not guilty. Here's another: God has never judged you or anyone. No, there is no Hell, and there is no devil. And here's one more: There's no such thing as evil. For 2,000 years, we have been called sinful creatures, but we are equal with God and Christ. (The Facts on Spirit Guides, Ankerberg and Weldon)
Perhaps there was no greater authority on the identity of these evil spirits than Emanuel Swedenborg, a famous medium who trafficked in demons for most of his life until he finally realized who they were toward the end of his life. Swedenborg said this:
And what is that message? It's this:
The obvious reason for the rise in crime and depravity is the world's increasing rejection of God and his transcendent moral laws. But it goes much deeper than that. Over the past 50 years, drug usage has skyrocketed among the population, particularly with the use of hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD, PCP, Peyote, Crystal Meth and "Magic Mushrooms."
What's the relationship between hallucinogens and depravity? It's this: hallucinogens open up a window to the soul to spiritual influence. That spiritual influence comes directly from demonic spirits that attempt to influence a person's worldview. In what way? To persuade a person away from the Judeo-Christian worldview toward a values-free, pantheistic, eastern worldview or into rebellion and self-destructive behavior.
In the Bible, hallucinogenic drugs are referred to as sorcery or "pharmakeia" which is where the word pharmacy comes from. The Bible condemns sorcery in no uncertain terms, and it condemns those who practice it. For example:
There shall not be found among you . . . anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD. And because of these abominations the LORD your God is driving them out before you. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)Concerning sorcery, the apostle Paul expressively warned the early Christians to stay away from it or risk losing their salvation:
The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and sorcery; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Galatians 5:19-21)Hallucinogens compromise a person's consciousness and make it difficult--if not impossible--for them to distinguish between reality and fantasy. That's where demonic spirits can come in and appear in all sorts of disguises from space aliens to religious figures to deceased relatives, parents, siblings and friends.
These spirits will promote a very anti-Christian message that encourages, selfish, nihilistic behavior. And the spirits will also persuade people to get involved in occult activity so they can further gain a foothold in their lives.
What sort of messages are spoken by these evil spirits? Here's one: Sin does not exist...sin is a grand illusion. No one is punished for sins, and you are not guilty. Here's another: God has never judged you or anyone. No, there is no Hell, and there is no devil. And here's one more: There's no such thing as evil. For 2,000 years, we have been called sinful creatures, but we are equal with God and Christ. (The Facts on Spirit Guides, Ankerberg and Weldon)
Perhaps there was no greater authority on the identity of these evil spirits than Emanuel Swedenborg, a famous medium who trafficked in demons for most of his life until he finally realized who they were toward the end of his life. Swedenborg said this:
When spirits begin to speak with a man, he ought to beware that he believes nothing whatever from them; for they say almost anything. Things are fabricated by them, and they lie. They would tell so many lies, and indeed with solemn affirmation that a man would be astonished. If a man listens and believes, they press on, and deceive, and seduce in many ways. Let men beware and therefore not believe them. (Samuel M. Warren, A Compendium of the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, 1977)Every false religion and spiritual deception comes from demonic spirits, and from Satan who's there authority. False religions and spiritual deception serve one specific purpose; to prevent a person's salvation by either perverting or denying the gospel message of Jesus Christ.
And what is that message? It's this:
If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, "Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:9-13)That's a message that the demonic spirits don't want folks to hear. And when people take hallucinogens, or get involved in occult or eastern mystical practices, they hear a very different message. It's a message that will ultimately condemn them to eternal damnation unless they reject it and come to Jesus Christ.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Hillary, Donald and the World
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Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump |
Barring an indictment or an unforeseen circumstance such as a catastrophic illness, Hillary Clinton will become the 45th president of the United States in November.
I hope I'm wrong. I don't like Hillary Clinton. And I never did. She was a terrible secretary of state, and she'll make an even worse president. Maybe not as bad as Barack Obama who may arguably go down as the worst president in the history of the United States. But Hillary will be bad for America.
However, she'll be good for the world and for her wealthy benefactors that include the big Wall Street money men who hate accountability, and powerful globalists who are seeking a world government. Those folks want Hillary Clinton in the White House. And they aim to accomplish that.
How will Clinton be good for the world? She'll continue to steer America down a path toward economic destitution and military impotence, and she'll try to push the U.S. away from constitutional law and into international law. Certainly, Barack Obama made those issues a key part of his agenda. That was part of his "fundamental transformation of America."
But don't blame Obama because he's a political puppet who only did what he was chosen (not elected) to do. And before that, George W. Bush was doing the same thing.
Remember LOST? That's an acronym for Law of the Sea Treaty that proposed limiting America's sovereignty over her coastal waters to 12 nautical miles. The United Nations would gain control of the waters beyond that limit. That was the treaty that Bush wanted the U.S. to sign that would've hurt America's economy. How? By forcing the U.S. to obtain permits and pay heavy taxes to the UN for fishing and offshore drilling. Thankfully, the Senate rejected that terrible proposal.
If Hillary Clinton wins the upcoming presidential election, expect more of the same that's been going on in America for the past 30 years. That will include more unfettered illegal immigration, more "free trade" agreements that will make it even easier for U.S. manufacturers to relocate to Mexico and Asia, more crime and violence in America's streets, more poverty, and more persecution of conservatives and Christians.
That sounds insane. Why would anyone with a functional brain want to live in a nation like that? Why? Because poverty and chaos lead to anarchy that eventually leads to totalitarian regimes that wield absolute power over their citizens. That's where the elites want the U.S. to go, and that's where Hillary Clinton will continue to take America if she's elected.
And that's why the elites in both of America's corrupt political parties hate Donald Trump and are desperately trying to stop him from winning the Republican Party's nomination for president. Trump's not a globalist. He's a nationalist. He's extremely wealthy, and unlike Hillary Clinton, he can't be bought.
And that's why the elites fear and loathe Trump. The Republican Party elites claim that Trump is unelectable. That's why they say they need someone else. But in reality, they fear that Trump may indeed win the election if he wins his party's nomination. And that terrifies them. That's why they're trying to stop him. Because they want Hillary in the White House. And to ensure that, they need to nominate another loser just like John McCain or Mitt Romney who has absolutely no chance of winning. Think Paul Ryan or John Kasich.
America no longer has two political parties. It hasn't for many years. America has one political party with two heads. Both heads pretend to oppose each other. Both heads pretend to have different worldviews. But that's a mirage. Both heads belong to the same monster that has one distinctive goal. And that goal is to transform the United States from the wealthiest, most powerful nation into just another member of the world's 196 nations.
If we can learn anything from this year's election process, it's this: the game is rigged and it has been for a long time. For all of his character flaws, Donald Trump has managed to expose the seedy, corrupt side of American politics where the big money people pull the levers and control the action. They also live in the shadows and prefer to remain there.
They control the media that churns out the propaganda for and against candidates, and they control the activist groups such as Black Lives Matter, La Raza and that send their useful idiots out into the streets to create disturbances and silence the voices of the opposition through intimidation and violence.
Am I endorsing Donald Trump? No. I'm not endorsing anyone. I'll vote in November because that's my constitutional right. But my hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the eternal king who has all the power and authority to raise up and depose political leaders.
Then why would He allow such people as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to gain power? Because wicked people choose wicked leaders after their own hearts. And America has become an exceedingly cruel and wicked nation that glorifies death (abortion) and sexual immorality, and celebrates perversion. As such, America's leaders are a direct reflection of the people who elected them. They're vile and evil.
If Americans truly want to see their nation rescued from the forces of spiritual darkness, then they need to heed the words of the Lord: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Nothing else will do.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
The Case for Capital Punishment
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Brian Dugan (Top), L-R, Jeanine Nicarico, Donna Schnorr, Melissa Ackerman |
What does the Bible say concerning the death penalty? It says this: "Whoever sheds man's blood, By man his blood shall be shed, For in the image of God He made man." (Genesis 9:6)
It says this: "He who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death." (Exodus 21:17) And it says this: "He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death." (Exodus 21:16)
And it also says this: "Now a man or a woman who is a medium or a spiritist shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones, their blood-guiltiness is upon them." (Leviticus 20:27)
Certainly, the biblical laws concerning capital punishment were applied to the ancient nation of Israel through the Mosaic Covenant. God so hated evil that he wanted it completely purged from the Jews who were chosen by the Lord to be His priesthood to the world.
Can you imagine if the biblical laws concerning capital punishment were applied to our modern world? There would be a lot of death. And conversely, we wouldn't be witnessing the prophetic explosion of evil that's sweeping across the world today like a flood of sewage. (2 Timothy 3:1-5)
Is the death penalty a good thing? Of course it isn't. However, it's necessary. Why? Because the human race is tainted with evil, and there are those who are so desperately wicked that they can only be restrained by the threat of capital punishment.
Of course, many folks will argue that capital punishment doesn't work. It's cruel and barbaric. And when we execute someone for committing a heinous crime, we are no better than than perpetrators who committed murder. We're told that the death penalty is nothing but revenge.
But that's a fallacious argument. It's not about revenge. It's about punishing those who take innocent lives; especially the lives of those who can't defend themselves. And it's about instilling the fear of God in those who reject good and embrace evil. The Bible says this: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline." (Proverbs 1:7)
One such fool was a man named Brian Dugan who murdered three people many years ago before he was finally caught. Those three people were a 27 year-old nurse named Donna Schnorr (1984) and two young girls; seven-year old Melissa Ackerman (1985) and 10-year old Jeanine Nicarico (1983).
Dugan abducted and raped all three of his victims before he murdered them. He was finally caught when one of his potential victims--a young girl named Opal Horton--managed to escape Dugan's car and give the police a detailed description of the vehicle.
When Dugan committed his crimes, capital punishment was legal in the state of Illinois. However, former Gov. George Ryan placed a moratorium on the death penalty in 2003 while Dugan was on death row, and Gov. Pat Quinn abolished capital punishment in 2011. And so, Dugan is now serving life terms for the three murders.
Dugan's been labeled a psychopath. Psychopaths, we're told, are people who have no empathy for anyone but themselves. Psychopaths, we're told, ignore their consciences and live for self-gratification. Psychopaths, we're told, have no respect for human life. If those are the definitions of a psychopath, then we have a huge population of them.
Concerning his attitude toward others and authority, Dugan said this:
Dugan deserves the death penalty. He should've been executed for his crimes. And he would've been had the police and DuPage County, Illinois prosecutors not botched the Nicarico case by charging the wrong men with murder.
Two of those three men--Rolando Cruz and Alejandro Hernandez--were wrongly convicted of the murder and received the death penalty. They came within days of being executed before their sentences were finally overturned.
I realize that Christians are supposed to be about life and not death. We rail against abortion, and rightly so. Abortion is murder. Shouldn't we also be against the death penalty? Isn't it always wrong to take someone else's life?
Not if it's merited. Certainly, Dugan needs to get right with God by confessing his sins and accepting Jesus Christ into his life as his Lord and Savior. And maybe he has. That would spare him the ultimate death penalty of eternal damnation in hell. That's the destiny of all sinners who reject God's ultimate grace and pardon for their sins. You don't have to be a murderer to receive that death penalty.
But God's grace doesn't mean that people should be allowed to walk away from their vile deeds. David, who was perhaps the greatest human king who ever lived, and highly favored by God, was severely punished by the Lord for committing adultery with another man's wife, and then having the man killed to keep him from finding out. (2 Samuel 11-12)
In a perfect world, there would be no need for a death penalty because there wouldn't be any evil. However, we don't live in a perfect world. And as long as there are those such as Brian Dugan who reject good and choose evil, then we must have capital punishment.
But that's a fallacious argument. It's not about revenge. It's about punishing those who take innocent lives; especially the lives of those who can't defend themselves. And it's about instilling the fear of God in those who reject good and embrace evil. The Bible says this: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline." (Proverbs 1:7)
One such fool was a man named Brian Dugan who murdered three people many years ago before he was finally caught. Those three people were a 27 year-old nurse named Donna Schnorr (1984) and two young girls; seven-year old Melissa Ackerman (1985) and 10-year old Jeanine Nicarico (1983).
Dugan abducted and raped all three of his victims before he murdered them. He was finally caught when one of his potential victims--a young girl named Opal Horton--managed to escape Dugan's car and give the police a detailed description of the vehicle.
When Dugan committed his crimes, capital punishment was legal in the state of Illinois. However, former Gov. George Ryan placed a moratorium on the death penalty in 2003 while Dugan was on death row, and Gov. Pat Quinn abolished capital punishment in 2011. And so, Dugan is now serving life terms for the three murders.
Dugan's been labeled a psychopath. Psychopaths, we're told, are people who have no empathy for anyone but themselves. Psychopaths, we're told, ignore their consciences and live for self-gratification. Psychopaths, we're told, have no respect for human life. If those are the definitions of a psychopath, then we have a huge population of them.
Concerning his attitude toward others and authority, Dugan said this:
I've changed to a point, but I'm still dangerous. He (violence) still lives in me. ... Nothing's changed except what I've tried to do for myself. I'm a threat to other people to a certain extent, I realize that. I know I'm a psychopath.Is Dugan a psychopath? Rather, he's a sinner who rebelled against God and His established authority. If he was truly a psychopath, then he wouldn't recognize that he's done terrible things to other people. And he wouldn't care either.
Dugan deserves the death penalty. He should've been executed for his crimes. And he would've been had the police and DuPage County, Illinois prosecutors not botched the Nicarico case by charging the wrong men with murder.
Two of those three men--Rolando Cruz and Alejandro Hernandez--were wrongly convicted of the murder and received the death penalty. They came within days of being executed before their sentences were finally overturned.
I realize that Christians are supposed to be about life and not death. We rail against abortion, and rightly so. Abortion is murder. Shouldn't we also be against the death penalty? Isn't it always wrong to take someone else's life?
Not if it's merited. Certainly, Dugan needs to get right with God by confessing his sins and accepting Jesus Christ into his life as his Lord and Savior. And maybe he has. That would spare him the ultimate death penalty of eternal damnation in hell. That's the destiny of all sinners who reject God's ultimate grace and pardon for their sins. You don't have to be a murderer to receive that death penalty.
But God's grace doesn't mean that people should be allowed to walk away from their vile deeds. David, who was perhaps the greatest human king who ever lived, and highly favored by God, was severely punished by the Lord for committing adultery with another man's wife, and then having the man killed to keep him from finding out. (2 Samuel 11-12)
In a perfect world, there would be no need for a death penalty because there wouldn't be any evil. However, we don't live in a perfect world. And as long as there are those such as Brian Dugan who reject good and choose evil, then we must have capital punishment.
Monday, March 14, 2016
Myths and Realities
In his second epistle to the early church at Thessalonica, the apostle Paul revealed that those who willingly choose falsehood over truth are given "a powerful delusion (by God) so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12)
While most folks believe that Paul was merely referring to spiritual deception, that scripture's a general truth that can be applied to all situations. When people purposely reject the truth to embrace a lie, the lie then becomes their "truth."
For some Christians, the lie they'll embrace will be the dreaded Antichrist when he eventually appears and begins performing supernatural wonders. They'll mistake him for the genuine Jesus Christ because they'll not only fail to investigate him and where his power comes from, they'll refuse to investigate him.
Self delusion has been a human malady since the dawn of history. Many people choose to believe things based upon sensual feelings rather than upon evidential facts. They use their feelings to decide whether something's true or not rather than the evidence.
Remember Adolf Hitler? How can anyone forget him? He conned millions of Germans into electing him the chancellor of Germany in 1933, even though he was monstrously wicked.
In 1925, which was eight years before he became Germany's chancellor, Hitler published his autobiography, Mein Kampf that revealed his bizarre ideas and satanic hatred of the Jews. And yet many Germans chose to ignore that red flag because their aspiring fuhrer's hypnotic speeches made them feel good.
In other words, Hitler seduced them by telling them what they wanted to hear. Here's another prophecy Paul recorded concerning those who will embrace falsehood in the end times:
Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. (2 Timothy 4:2-4)What are some of the modern myths? Climate change is one. Despite spotty and inconclusive evidence, many people are convinced that the earth's atmosphere is getting hotter. But how does that make climate change a myth?
It makes it a myth because it's an unproven theory being promoted as factual science. We're constantly told that 97 percent of the world's climatologists believe that the world is getting warmer. And yet we never see any documentation that proves that nor the list of the names of all the climatologists who allegedly believe that.
Besides, how can anyone possibly know how many climatologists exist in the world? And who conducted a poll of their opinions concerning climate change? Thus, climate change is a myth.
Certainly, Barack Obama will go down as the most mythical president in American history. But how? Because his entire persona is based upon a myth. He was sold to the American public as one of the most brilliant men who ever lived; a problem solver and a genius who's intellect is so far beyond the average person that no one can compete with him intellectually.
Millions of people embraced that myth seven years ago, and millions of people continue to embrace that myth today. According to Gallup, Obama currently enjoys a 51 percent approval rating. That's astounding when you consider how corrupt and inept his administration is. The United States is in much worse shape now than it was when George W. Bush left office. And yet half of America believes that Obama's done an excellent job. That's a testimony to delusion.
Many folks embrace myths because they deny harsh realities. The truth isn't always good. It can be extremely unpleasant. Some people avoid doctors because they're afraid that they'll be told something they don't want to hear. Such as, they've got an incurable disease that will end in death.
And some people refuse to even consider the biblical gospel because they're afraid that they'll discover they're morally accountable to a Holy God for their behavior. That bothers their consciences. So instead, they embrace such myths as evolution that denies God's existence.
It was Christ who said this concerning those who seek the truth and abhor myths: "And you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32) It's always better to know the truth than to embrace a myth. Because when myths finally end, the grim realty of hell begins.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Trump and Hitler
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Is this America's future? |
Do you want to know what the definition of a moron is? It's someone who compares Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler.
It's become fashionable these days for folks to equate anyone they dislike with Nazi Germany's mass murdering dictator who instigated World War II that resulted in the deaths of over 60 million people. Those 60 million included six million Jews and four million others who perished in the fuhrer's death camps.
Donald Trump may be a polarizing figure to many, especially to those on the secular left who despise wealthy people, and to those on the extreme right who are looking for another Ronald Reagan to save America from the secular left. But he's not Adolf Hitler.
Hitler wasn't some con artist who fooled the German people by pretending to be someone he wasn't while he campaigned for the Reichstag in the early 1930s. He was a radical leftist and an atheist who feigned Christianity for political purposes in order to win the support of Germany's predominantly Lutheran and Roman Catholic population.
If the fuhrer faked his Christianity, then it sounds like I just contradicted myself. Indeed, I stated that Hitler didn't pretend to be someone he wasn't. And he didn't. All you have to do is read his infamous autobiography, Mein Kampf to discover who Hitler really was. He didn't hide anything about himself, nor his contempt for the Jews who he considered vermin.
Mein Kampf was published in 1925, eight years before Hitler became the chancellor of Germany. The German people had eight years to find out all they needed to know about him and his dangerous worldview. But they chose not to, and the rest as they say, is history.
Donald Trump has authored 16 books. They're largely about becoming successful and acquiring wealth. None of them foment anti-Semitism or call for the systematic annihilation of undesirable races. And none of them call for elderly, infirm, handicapped or mentally deficient people to be euthanized in order to conserve natural resources. Remember what Hitler called those folks? He called them "useless eaters."
Why do people compare Trump to Hitler? Because their ideas are bankrupt and they can't win honest debates in the public forum. And they know that. Thus, they resort to fascist techniques such as character assassination and violent demonstrations that prevent their opponents from speaking at private and public events.
That happened in Chicago recently (March 11) when the usual assortment of riffraff (Marxists, union goons, communists, street gang thugs, Black Panthers, college punks wearing keffiyehs and waving Palestinian flags, La Raza clowns etc.) showed up to force the shut down of a scheduled Trump speech at the UIC Pavilion.
The protest was as phony as a $3 bill. And if you watched it, you saw it before in venues such as Ferguson, Mo. and Baltimore. If you looked at the "protesters", you may have recognized some of the same faces that were on the streets of Ferguson and Baltimore. The Chicago protest largely consisted of professional agitators who were bused and flown into the city by radical leftist groups such as to stir up trouble.
One of those cretins was a La Raza agitator named Alicia Valeanzela who offered this brilliant pearl of wisdom: He's (Trump) a f***ing bigot. He's an a**hole. If Valeanzela represents the future of America, then America's destined to become a third world outhouse.
The growing extremism and violence that's being embraced by younger people underscores an ancient prophecy concerning the end times recorded by the apostle Paul who said this:
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. (2 Timothy 3:1-5)If you don't like Donald Trump, then don't vote for him. If you don't like his ideas, then don't listen to him or go to his rallies. But this is America. And we have something called the First Amendment that guarantees the right of free speech.
And that means that everyone has the right to voice their opinions whether you like them or not. If you don't like them, then you can either ignore them or move to a country that regulates speech. Try that and see how you like it.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Insanity or Demons?
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Kyle Odom and his "space alien" |
Because the news cycle has been so saturated with the nonstop presidential election campaign follies, many folks probably didn't hear about the recent shooting of a pastor as he stood outside his church.
The shooting took place last Sunday (March 6) in the town of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho when a man named Kyle Andrew Odom walked up to Pastor Tim Remington and shot him six times, including in the head, while Remington was standing in his church's parking lot. Fortunately for Remington, Odom wasn't a good shot and the pastor is expected to make a full recovery.
After the shooting, Odom took off for Washington, D.C. where he showed up at the White House and tossed some items over the fence before the police arrested him. Why did Odom go to the White House? He claims that he wanted to warn President Obama about "space aliens" that are taking over the world.
Why did Odom shoot Remington? Is Odom a radical leftist who hates Christians and believes that they're persecuting minorities, Muslims, gays and women? Or, is he a militant atheist who believes that Christians are an obstacle to world peace and the evolutionary advancement of the human race?
Neither. Rather, Odom claimed in a long rambling 21-page letter that Remington's part of a vast alien conspiracy to take over the planet: From
The letter names Remington, and many others, in wild claims of an alien conspiracy. The letter writer says Remington first texted him Bible messages but then started threatening him through Bible verses he sent. One part of the letter appears to be a message to President Barack Obama, and another page lists "noteworthy Martians." U.S. lawmakers and Israeli government officials are among those listed.Near the end of the letter, the writer refers to taking some actions of last resort as a way to bring the public's attention to "the Martians."
Who's Odom? He's an ex-marine with a history of drug problems and bizarre behavior. Odom claims that while he was meditating two years ago, he encountered "spiritual beings" that changed his worldview and revealed an alleged vast network of aliens that have infiltrated the world.
Odom's drug use includes crystal meth that's known to cause confusion, hallucinations, anxiety and paranoia. Those symptoms are directly related to demonic influence and possession. And those are maladies that have become quite prevalent in western civilization over the past 50 years with the exponential growth of hallucinogenic drugs such as meth, PCP and LSD.
Odom's been labeled a paranoid schizophrenic. He's now considered a nut who needs extensive, long term psychiatric care. But demons? That's the stuff of ignorant minds and primitive thinking. No one actually believes in that stuff anymore, do they?
No one except those who know how and why Odom came to be the person he is. Odom opened himself up to the demonic via hallucinogenic drugs. Through the drugs, he encountered demons posing as space aliens. And the evil spirits encouraged Odom to kill Remington. Fortunately, the evil spirits didn't teach Odom how to shoot.
Why are these fallen spirits appearing as space aliens to folks such as Odom? Because, having rejected the biblical Judeo-Christian worldview, belief in extraterrestrials has become an essential part of their worldview. And the demons they encounter are encouraging that deception. From
A large part of the available UFO literature is closely linked with mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing and invisible entities as well as phenomena like poltergeist [ghost] manifestation and ‘possession.’ Many of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demonic possession and psychic phenomena.Odom claims that he's perfectly sane. And he probably is, although few people are going to believe that after what he did.
Odom and millions of others who've encountered the demonic through hallucinogens or mind religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Transcendental Meditation etc. are fulfilling an ancient prophecy recorded by the apostle Paul who wrote this: "The (Holy Spirit) clearly says that in later times, some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons." (1 Timothy 4:1)
And Paul explained why people such as Odom succumb to demonic deception: "They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12)
Odom will eventually be forgotten. However, someone else will do something destructive and then blame it on space aliens or extraterrestrials. They'll be classified as lunatics. And the "space aliens?" They'll find someone else to do their bidding. In this day and age, they won't have to look very far.
Monday, March 7, 2016
The Soul Murderers
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Rick Warren and Pope Francis |
It was John Wesley who famously stated that false religious teachers are worse than cutthroats, because they murder the souls of which Jesus Christ died for.
Paul wrote this: "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:8-10)
Those who reject the gospel are under a curse. When they die, they'll go straight into hell to await God's final and everlasting judgment. When that day comes, they'll be condemned to eternal damnation in a lake of fiery, burning sulfur:
Who are the modern soul murderers that deny and distort the biblical gospel? They are those who either claim that salvation can be found in religions such as Islam, Judaism or Hinduism, or in pseudo-Christian religions such as Roman Catholicism and Mormonism that promote other Christs and different gospels.
One of the foremost soul murderers today is Rick Warren, the pastor of Saddleback, a megachurch located in Orange County, California. Warren has promoted "Chrislam", a modern movement that seeks to combine Islam with Christianity.
In 2009, Warren spoke before the Islamic Society of North America and said this: We (Christians) ask forgiveness of the All-Merciful One (Allah) and of the Muslim community around the world. Warren was also instrumental in drafting the infamous Yale Covenant Between Islam and Christianity (A Common Word Between Us and You) that claims Islam and Christianity worship the same God. They don't.
Warren was one of several Christian ministers who signed that deplorable document. By doing so, he and the others lent their credibility to Islam and its counterfeit path to eternal life. Sadly, instead of proselytizing Muslims with the genuine gospel of Jesus Christ, Warren and his fellow traitors are allowing their followers to be proselytized into Islam. Shame on them.
Nearly 2,800 years ago, the prophet Isaiah wrote these words concerning those who reject God's wisdom: "Consult God’s instruction and the testimony of warning. If anyone does not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn." (Isaiah 8:20)
Indeed. The modern soul murderers are the proverbial wolves in sheep's clothing. How can you identify them? By their words. Don't be fooled by their popularity.
Who was Wesley? He was one of the founders of the evangelical movement in the 18th century along with his brother Charles. Both he and Charles clearly understood the difference between the genuine biblical gospel and other gospels that sent souls into eternal damnation.
And long before the Wesley brothers appeared, the apostle Paul warned against those who perverted the gospel by either adding to it or subtracting from it:
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse! (Galatians 1:8-9)What's so critical about the biblical gospel? Let Paul explain it:
It is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith." (Romans 1:16-17)What's the essential gospel? Christ explained it: "For God so loved the world that He gave His One and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
Paul wrote this: "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:8-10)
Those who reject the gospel are under a curse. When they die, they'll go straight into hell to await God's final and everlasting judgment. When that day comes, they'll be condemned to eternal damnation in a lake of fiery, burning sulfur:
But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death. (Revelation 21:8)And tragically, many of the people who'll be condemned to the second (eternal) death will be those who were deceived into following a false gospel that denied God's grace by promoting unbiblical paths to eternal life. To that, Christ said this: "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the (Heavenly) Father except through Me." (John 14:6)
Who are the modern soul murderers that deny and distort the biblical gospel? They are those who either claim that salvation can be found in religions such as Islam, Judaism or Hinduism, or in pseudo-Christian religions such as Roman Catholicism and Mormonism that promote other Christs and different gospels.
One of the foremost soul murderers today is Rick Warren, the pastor of Saddleback, a megachurch located in Orange County, California. Warren has promoted "Chrislam", a modern movement that seeks to combine Islam with Christianity.
In 2009, Warren spoke before the Islamic Society of North America and said this: We (Christians) ask forgiveness of the All-Merciful One (Allah) and of the Muslim community around the world. Warren was also instrumental in drafting the infamous Yale Covenant Between Islam and Christianity (A Common Word Between Us and You) that claims Islam and Christianity worship the same God. They don't.
Warren was one of several Christian ministers who signed that deplorable document. By doing so, he and the others lent their credibility to Islam and its counterfeit path to eternal life. Sadly, instead of proselytizing Muslims with the genuine gospel of Jesus Christ, Warren and his fellow traitors are allowing their followers to be proselytized into Islam. Shame on them.
Nearly 2,800 years ago, the prophet Isaiah wrote these words concerning those who reject God's wisdom: "Consult God’s instruction and the testimony of warning. If anyone does not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn." (Isaiah 8:20)
Indeed. The modern soul murderers are the proverbial wolves in sheep's clothing. How can you identify them? By their words. Don't be fooled by their popularity.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
End Time Delusions Part II: Socialism
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Lenin, Engels and Marx |
The apostle Paul was well acquainted with lies and deception in his day. After all, he had embraced a counterfeit religious system for his entire life until he discovered the truth during an encounter one day with Jesus Christ while traveling to Damascus. (Acts 9)
Paul was certainly capable of understanding God's truth concerning the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ, because he was a biblical scholar. However, for Paul, the truth took a back seat to the cultural traditions and teachings of the ancient rabbis who Paul deeply admired.
And so, despite the prophetic biblical evidence that proved Christ as the Messiah, Paul cast his lot with the rabbis who had established their own religious system that perverted the laws and commandments that God gave to his ancestors through Moses.
That counterfeit system absolutely denied the Son of God Jesus Christ and directed the Jews to look for another messiah fashioned in the minds of the rabbis. Paul embraced that system until his encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus.
After Paul had his spiritual awakening, he continually stressed the need for people to investigate the facts before deciding whether to believe something or not. Concerning those in the early churches who were skeptical of all prophecies, Paul wrote this: "Do not quench the (Holy) Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil." (1 Thessalonians 5:19-22)
Testing, research and investigation are essential for distinguishing between truth and falsehood. Without that, there's simply no way to determine what's true and what isn't. Unfortunately, we live in a time where ideology often trumps hard evidence.
Many folks choose to believe something because it sounds good, even if it isn't true. Paul recognized that in his second letter to fellow apostle Timothy when he recorded this prophecy concerning the end times: "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths." (2 Timothy 4:3-4)
One such myth is socialism that's being increasingly embraced by the western world as the socioeconomic panacea for poverty, crime and moral depravity. What is socialism? Merriam-Webster defines it:
Any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. A system of society or group living in which there is no private property. A system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state: A stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done.
Socialism is the proverbial bridge between free enterprise capitalism and totalitarian communism. Once a society gets on that bridge, it's extremely difficult to turn around and get off. If you don't believe that, then ask anyone who lived under the iron fist of Soviet communism while it existed for 70 years in eastern Europe. Communism crushed hopes, ruined dreams, devastated souls and destroyed millions of lives.
Its failures were sensationally catastrophic. Not only did it lead to the near total destruction of the industrial infrastructure of eastern Europe, it murdered millions of souls through its godless, atheistic gospel that denied God and persecuted those who believed in Him.
And it ruined academic and economic incentive by punishing achievement and rewarding failure. But how? By confiscating the wealth from the productive class and giving it to those who had no desire to succeed in life. After all, if you can get something for free, then why work for it? And if the government is going to take away the fruit of your labor, then why bother earning it?
Who was the architect of socialism? He was a pseudo-intellectual named Karl Marx, a 19th century German philosopher and an atheist who didn't understand human nature. Marx believed that the world could be made a better place by doing away with economic classes and redistributing the wealth.
And he believed that in order for that to occur, the government would have to seize control of private property and own everything. One of Marx's famous sayings was this one: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. While that sounds innocent, it's deadly when governments acquire the power to force people to give up their property and wealth so they can give it to others.
The epic failure of socialism can't be underestimated. Despite it's spectacular failure in eastern Europe, many western nations have embraced it and are paying a steep price. Greece is bankrupt and other nations aren't far behind. The United States has rung up a colossal $19 trillion debt, and unless the U.S. gets its economic house in order, America's destined to become a third world sewer within 20 years.
Socialism has never worked anywhere it's been practiced. And it will never work because it can't work. It's antithetical to human nature; it breeds crime, poverty and depravity, and it bankrupts cities and nations. For a prime example, look at almost any big American city such as Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis or Philadelphia. They've been ravaged by socialism.
It was Margaret Thatcher who once said that the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. You also run out of hope and freedom. Unfortunately, most people fail to realize that until after that happens. And then it's too late.
Saturday, March 5, 2016
End Time Delusions Part I: Evolution
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Evolution: Fact or Fiction? |
In his second of two letters he wrote to the early church at Thessalonica, the apostle Paul reasoned that lies succeed and metastasize because people accept them without investigating them.
For example, Paul explained that heresy spreads rapidly in the absence of biblical accountability. But deception only prevails because people are willingly to accept it without testing it. Here's what Paul wrote:
"They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12)Paul wrote that in the context of an end time prophecy concerning the dreaded Antichrist who is going to appear and dazzle the world with supernatural powers. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10) Though this man will be extremely evil, he will be embraced by the world as a savior because the world will refuse to investigate him to find out who he really is and where his power comes from.
However, Paul's wisdom applies to much more than spiritual deception. It applies to many things, including science. Perhaps the biggest lie that's been perpetuated across the world for the past 150 years is Charles Darwin's atheistic theory of evolution.
That theory proposes that life wasn't created by God, but occurred naturally in a primordial mud-pond hundreds of millions of years ago when enzymes, chemicals and proteins came together to form the first living cell.
Though even Darwin admitted that evolution was merely a theory, it's been taught as proven, factual science in grade schools and universities across the world for a long time. Millions of people accept it as truth, even though it's never been observed to occur and paleontologists have never discovered a single example of a so-called transitional species.
Who was Darwin? He was a theologian and an amateur scientist who didn't understand the diversity that existed within animal species. And he was angry with God because he lost his young daughter Annie to death. And so, some believe that Darwin took out his revenge against God by conjuring up a theory that explained the existence of life in purely natural terms.
Obviously, the existence of DNA wasn't known during Darwin's time. DNA is the blueprint for life. Each living cell contains about 1.5 gigabytes of data, or digitally coded information (DNA). Each gigabyte contains about two billion bits of information. And the human body contains about 100 trillion cells and 150 trillion gigabytes of information.
World renowned microbiologist Michael Behe knows a thing or two about the complexity of human life. Concerning cells, he said this:
The typical cell contains about 2,000 mitochondrion components. Each of the little compartments contains machinery necessary to capture the energy of foodstuffs and store it in a chemically stable and yet readily available form. The system uses a flow of acid to power its machines, which shuttle electrons among a half-dozen carriers, requiring an exquisitely delicate interaction between components. The cell controls how much and what kinds of chemicals it makes; when it loses control it dies. (Darwin's Black Box, pp. 188-193)Needless to say, the human body contains a staggering amount of information that's arranged in a specific order that enables the human body to function. And yet proponents of evolution want us to believe that life resulted from a random, unintelligent source. Behe continues:
Life on earth at its most fundamental level, in its most critical components, is the product of intelligent activity. The conclusion of intelligent design flows naturally from the data itself--not from the sacred books of sectarian beliefs.Furthermore, science has no explanation for life itself. What makes an organism live? We know that an electrical appliance or a computer can't operate without electricity or battery power. What's the energy source of life? It's the spirit. As the apostle James wrote, the body is dead without the spirit. (James 2:26) And so, life is the ultimate mystery that science will never be able to solve.
Had Darwin known about DNA in his day, he undoubtedly wouldn't have written such a foolish and dangerous theory. Even the eminent scientist Albert Einstein dismissed Darwin's theory as impractical and unworkable. Einstein reasoned that if the physical universe originated from a "Big Bang," as evolution postulates, then all the organic matter necessary for life would've been destroyed by the intense heat from such an explosion.
What makes evolution so dangerous? It denies God. And if God doesn't exist, then His commandments and transcendent moral laws are merely human constructs that can be changed or eliminated without any divine repercussions. There's a direct correlation between the increasing acceptance of Darwin's theory and the metastasizing crime and depravity that's plagued the western world for the past 60 years.
Even worse, if God doesn't exist, then no one's morally accountable for their behavior and there's no judgment awaiting anyone after they die. In other words, if evolution is true, then mass murderers such as Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong and Josef Stalin fare no worse in death than Pope John Paul II or Mother Teresa.
Atheism isn't a modern phenomenon. It existed in the ancient time of King David who wrote this 3,000 years ago: "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no god.'" (Psalm 14:1) Why is evolution so popular? Because it offers rebellious people an escape from God's judgment. That's a terrible delusion.
When he was asked to critique his own theory, Darwin gave an honest answer: If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. (Origin of the Species p. 154)
Indeed it has broken down. Unfortunately, those who prefer delusions over hard evidence continue to embrace it. And unless they come to their senses and repent, they're in for a terrible surprise after they take their final breath.
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