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Robert Lewis Dear |
Christmas came early this year for leftists when Robert Lewis Dear, an oddball loner from North Carolina, shot up a Planned Parenthood Clinic located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Dear killed three people including a police officer before he finally surrendered.
Why was Dear's shooting rampage a gift to leftists? Because it provided them with valuable ammunition in their ideological war against conservative Christians. Leftists hate Christians, especially the conservative type, and they consider them more dangerous than Islamic terrorists who are committing murder and mayhem all over the planet.
Whether Dear claims to be a Christian or not is irrelevant. For leftists, he fits their stereotype of the typical conservative Christian; brutish, crude, stupid, violent, backwards and uneducated. Dear's the type of guy that Barack Obama had in mind during the 2008 presidential campaign when Obama maligned conservative Christians as ignorant bible-believers who cling to their guns and religion during difficult times.
That wasn't a slip of the tongue. That's how Obama feels about conservatives and he's done nothing to dispel that position since he's been in the White House. Conservative Christians have been the frequent targets of his wrath. If you doubt that, then you've already forgotten about the IRS scandal.
Why did Dear shoot up the Colorado Springs abortion clinic? He told the police that he was incensed about Planned Parenthood's trafficking of the body parts of aborted babies. He had a right to be incensed about that because that's repugnant. In fact, that's even worse than repugnant--it's evil.
However, Dear had absolutely no right to do what he did. Maybe he's a nut. But more likely, he's probably someone who knows nothing about Christianity and merely uses it as an excuse to justify his hatred of godless secularists. And that's dead wrong. Because all he did was provide leftists with an excuse to find moral equivalence between conservative Christians and Islamic terrorists.
Since leftists control the popular culture in America, they'll use the media to portray Dear as your typical Christian. And while Islamic terrorists commit murder, rape and violence throughout the world, the media will paint conservative Christianity as just another "strain" of terrorism.
That's how Obama defines jihadists who commit murder in the name of Allah. He calls them a strain that perverts the true peaceful message of Islam. Anyone who truly knows Islam understands that it isn't a peaceful religion. Nor has it ever been. It's holy book the Quran contains over 100 war verses that encourage Muslims to conquer the world via the sword. And murder has historically been one of Islam's proselytizing tools.
There is no moral equivalence between Islam and Christianity. When Muslims commit violence in the name of their religion, they're being obedient to what Muhammad taught. When Christians commit violence in the name of their faith, they're being disobedient to what Jesus Christ taught.
Here's what Christ told Peter after Peter planned to fight off a crowd sent by the rabbis to arrest Jesus: "Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?" (Matthew 26:52-54)
And here's what Christ told His disciples concerning those who reject the Gospel: "If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town." (Matthew 10:14-15)
Christ never told His followers to murder those who refuse the Gospel. He never told them to cut off the hands, feet and heads of those who reject Christianity. He never told them to kidnap non-Christian women and rape them and sell them off as sex slaves to other Christians. And He never told them to go throughout the world and commit violence against those who resist the Gospel.
That's what Islam teaches. And it doesn't matter if 95 percent of the Quran contains peaceful scriptures. As long as the Quran contains scriptures that encourage murder and mayhem as a means to spread Islam, it stands alone as a violent religion that has no equal.