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Dr. Ben Carson |
Dr. Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon who possesses more intelligence in his ring finger than Barack Obama possesses in his entire cranium, has learned what he'll be up against if he decides to run for president.
Carson believes that homosexuality is a lifestyle of choice rather than genetic determination. During a recent interview with CNN, Carson stated that "a lot of people who go into prison, go into prison straight, and when they come out they're gay, so did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question." www.msn.com
Carson speaks from experience. He's familiar with a lot of men who were introduced to the homosexual lifestyle while incarcerated, and then chose to remain in that lifestyle once they got out of prison. Though he made an observation that's been known for decades, Carson was excoriated by the leftist media for daring to suggest that homosexuality is a lifestyle of choice.
Typical of the reaction to Carson's comments was an MSN article that insinuated Carson was an ignorant man because science has long since "proven" that homosexuality is predetermined genetically.
Here's what the article said: "Most scientists would disagree (with Carson). Years of research suggest that people can't change their sexual orientation because they want to, and that trying can cause mental anguish. What's more, some studies suggest that being gay may have a genetic or biological basis."
Now, consider that. The article claims that "most scientists" believe that homosexuality is biologically determined. Who are some of these scientists? We aren't given any names. Secondly, the article states that "years of research suggest that people can't change their sexual orientation." What body of research says that? Who conducted the studies? When were they done? How long did they last? How many people were involved in this research? Again, the article makes several claims without citing any evidence or documentation to back up those claims.
Homosexuality is a third-rail topic that most political candidates--especially those on the right--must tread carefully around lest they say something that could either destroy their political careers or ruin their ambitions as in the case of Carson.
You can tell that Carson isn't a politician because he gives straight answers to difficult questions. And that could damage his chances to be taken seriously as a presidential candidate, even by his own party.
I hope Carson doesn't run for president because I believe that he could do far greater good for the culture wars by staying out of politics. He's a smart man who'd find out quickly that many politicians--especially those at the national and international levels--are puppets who've been bought by powerful globalists and financial oligarchs that are seeking a one-world government.
Indeed, as Carson believes, homosexuality is a lifestyle of choice. Because if it's biologically determined as gay activists claim, then what about pedophilia, adultery and bestiality? Why can't the folks who practice those forms of sexuality claim that they were born that way?
Once you open the door for a group of people who practice an aberrant lifestyle, then you have to let everyone else in. You can't pick and choose whose lifestyle is acceptable and whose isn't. Because if you do, then everyone else will eventually force their way in. Without clear biblical parameters concerning sexuality, anarchy will prevail and the civilization will implode.
Certainly, the Bible condemns the homosexual lifestyle. But it doesn't condemn those who practice it. Rather, it encourages those in that lifestyle and in other aberrant lifestyles to repent and get out of them.
Here's what the apostle Paul wrote to the early church in Corinth that was plagued by sexual sin: "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)
If Ben Carson decides to run for president, he'll be allowed to criticize many things and even many folks. But if he criticizes the gay lifestyle, he'll be toast. And he knows it. The Big Gay Enforcers will shut him down and the leftist media will paint him as an Uncle Tom who wandered off the Liberal Plantation to do the bidding of angry, bigoted rednecks.
Ben Carson certainly isn't a sellout. He's his own man and he's very intelligent. Unlike Obama who's a complete phony with a mythical resume, Carson's a genuine success story who beat the odds to become a successful doctor. He's a true role model for African-Americans because he succeeded in life without the aid of the federal government.
And I'd hate to see him tarnished by the sewer of American politics. He can do the nation much better by staying out of politics. Because if he decides to run for the presidency, he'll find out who the real racists and bigots are. Because they'll be coming for him.
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